Flag: Cyprus
Registered: May 10, 2021
Last post: November 4, 2024 at 3:37 AM
Posts: 31

Thats what they all.say regardless...
Either way with no pure igl gonna be rough start imo. Would love proven wrong though this is a hot lineup!!

posted 4 months ago

Come on...honestly KC its one of the teams that i dont think they needed member changes really...Just more time the fundamentals are there just improvments in mid game rounds.
With ENGH bacling them these KC should be solid next year if they stick together

posted 6 months ago

Bruh why they tryin to reinvent the wheel with this formats...I would rather have 1 group/league top 8 seed go to double elim and thats that

posted about a year ago

Classic T1 getting more jetts in the roster (izu, xccurate, saya)....

posted about a year ago

I guess they dropped whatever nonsense they were smokin..So glad the kids from the Guard might actually make it now!!Cant wait to see who picks them!

posted about a year ago

WTF so gutted rn.....and not even considering the second team (M80) for the spot, i dont get it? Sad for Guard man they didnt make it last year and put so much work in this year to make it, this is some bs no matter what I was expecting RIOT to help those kids somehow Guard/M80 they deserve more than other franchise players in Americas to be there imo

posted about a year ago

Enzo to Vitality???

posted about a year ago

So happy for the Guard sad for M80 though feels like both teams deserved as much and that both teams could make a good run in vct even make playoffs at their current state...cough cough (gonna be a little toxic) drop KRU get m80...!

posted about a year ago

this could just been the Tier 2 scene (vct) really, with those who qualify will go to ascension playoffs...and have the VCL's be the tier 3, that makes the tier 2 easier for the someone to follow and imo more talent cause you have a tier 3 scene as well now.

posted about a year ago

so the -13 likes on top were not enough i suppose...!

posted about a year ago

what is this comment even!?

posted about a year ago

Probably the biggest L ever

posted about a year ago

how many duelists do they need?!?!?!

posted about 2 years ago

i mean if the tournament takes 3 weeks approx then why the single elim format....Come on make it two groups top 4 of each group to playoffs at least easy!!!

posted about 2 years ago

Just an all star roster! Ez top 3 emea and contender for the VCT excited to see em!

posted about 2 years ago

Sad man this roster seemed so promising!! Hate that they werent picked for franchise

posted about 2 years ago

Hmm why half the emea teams right now seem like bad combination of players to me, this Heretics lineup seems good individually but feels really bad as team...i know you wont know until they practise i guess. Other than FNC, NAVI, KARMINE, TL, KOI and maybe VIT the rest seem average imo...

posted about 2 years ago

Solid team...Dont wanna hate I just dont know how they fit together imo...Going for that mid to bot spot in the emea league.

posted about 2 years ago

would be sad to see brother buff go from TL, its gonna be weird not having TL SCREAM but feels like an igl (Redgar) and 5head nats is the better move ngl. So TL Soulcas, Redgar, nats, jampii, sayf! Not sure if I see sayf fitting in, would prefer a Leo or smth....Jampii can feel in sayf's role ez no?

posted about 2 years ago

THE GUARD man!! Sadge loved that team!

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA could have been much better imo....Although Spanish and Turkish peeps are a big Val community to be fair! Guess am just a bit salty cause lots of likable teams in EU didnt make the cut... BIG, FOCUS, GUILT, FPX, ACE, MAD LIONS, MOUZ could go on with much better orgs than KOI, KARMINE, FUT. Again this is my opion :)

posted about 2 years ago

I would definitely prefer more regions than just 3...Like have NA - SA instead of Americas, and SEA+PACIFIC with ASIA by itself (KR, JP, CH) imo...But having 3 regions only probably a test drive for RIOT as well, see how things will go i guess!

posted about 2 years ago

Well hope am proved wrong but this doesnt seem like a good move (no offense to dreamas) he just doesnt bring something that TL dont have atm since he is not even an IGL and the timing of it wtf (half way in group stages)

posted about 2 years ago

Well why even replace Link if dreamas is just temporary....imo this move positionaly(based on Dreamas agent pool) and the timing makes no sense.....Bringing in someone half way the group stage just confuses teamplay no? Especially if his agent pool doesnt bring something they needed tbh..Dont know -_-

posted about 2 years ago

Overall good format but i am not sure how i feel about the top 4 waiting for 4 other teams to qualify...I might prefer have them all in the mix no? Like the ideal would be 16 teams 4 groups i guess but....Either way seems like the games are gonna be bangers on this one

posted about 2 years ago

Its not that I dont agree with you...I def do agree, but I would say that more teams means more LAN days for Masters/Champions and more players + staff traveling to another country which is mean more money spend by the organizer, and if you take into consideration the whole covid situation which is still unknown as to what the regulations would be by then, I would say am glad we have such LAN events?!?!?!. But I definitely see your point 16 slots should be the minimum at Masters and Champions, the scene though its still one year old so we have to believe!!!.

posted about 3 years ago

So EMEA gets 3/4 (or 4/8 if you like) finalists in champions and still gets only 3 slots I mean come on....If you take into consideration the teams and regions who are in EMEA (EU/TU/CIS) then EMEA should get 2or3 slots for EU, 1 for TU and 2 for CIS imo....So to be fair to others I would say 4 should have been the minimum for EMEA in champions at least no?

posted about 3 years ago

well dont want to sound like the bad guy here cause i like mixwell but they ve build a team around him almost 3 times? It just wasnt working tbh...I know they have the early days of valorant and the run to Masters 3 but they were not that stable as a team....G2 didnt not drop him though just benched him for now so he might be back better, sometimes you just need a step back to get some perspective!

posted about 3 years ago

The only "excuse" I can think of Doma leaving is not cause he is not performing or not star player for Fnatic but his role...I feel like he fits more to an entry fragger role than skye/sage, i dont know thats my opinion :) OR maybe he has a better offer?

posted about 3 years ago

I actually prefer this much more!!

posted about 3 years ago