Flag: Singapore
Registered: August 10, 2023
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 2:59 AM
Posts: 148
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miNt or curumi

posted 10 months ago

You're probably right I must've been watching GE vs DFM

I blame the 6am games scheduled by Rito for me and my Pacific Brethren

posted about a year ago

Well if this is true then - MF + Mako although it won't be happening since DRX renewed his contract

posted about a year ago

Yes sirrr

He played really well during the first PRX vs EG game but that's about it

posted about a year ago

isn't Jawgemo Cambodian tho...

posted about a year ago

He's one of the more inconsistent players on PRX and Monyet could probably play smokes with better aim.

posted about a year ago

-Jinggg (Military) + Monyet
-Mindfreak + Jawgemo

posted about a year ago

That’s quite a bold prediction to make. Against FUT he did well with the transition from Reyna to Jett. Besides, we never know if Jett to Reyna may mess up his gameplay as well.

I personally think he succumbs to pressure when people start expecting and comparing him with another star duelist playing the same agent.

Something vs Kang Kang
Something vs Demon1

posted about a year ago

Both Something and Boostio didn’t show up last game and it was close, so I’d say 50-50 still

posted about a year ago

Both PRX and EG are good on Pearl. 50-50 to be honest

posted about a year ago

Haven has been perma ban on both teams and PRX has not played Haven on the current roster so we never know what they may cook.

Worst case just switch Haven with Ascent, I think PRX had a good chance against EG if not for C0M the goat

posted about a year ago

If I were PRX, I would have used that 1 extra day to prep Haven.

PRX ban Fracture/Ascent

PRX pick Bind (PRX 70-30 EG)
EG pick Lotus (PRX 40-60 EG)
PRX pick Split (PRX 60-40 EG)
EG pick Pearl (PRX 50-50 EG)
Haven remains (PRX 60-40 EG)

posted about a year ago

PRX Jinggg : "Hopefully all my teammates are happy, and we just have a happy last one."

"I'm focused on trying to win. I mean it will be good if my last tournament is a win, but even if we lose, I think it's okay because I think we've done great."

posted about a year ago

Demon1 has better aim than Something, but Something is more flexible with movement and utils

posted about a year ago

If EG wins, I think PRX would have prep for Haven and ban Fracture and Ascent / Lotus

posted about a year ago

I'm already an Aspas fan but damnnn Im 100% rooting for LOUD today after hearing this.

posted about a year ago

He's obviously baiting let him be

posted about a year ago

Demon1 has played better in Champs. But tbf this is Something's first international event.

He did mention in the interviews that he needed to make some adjustments because he was playing too fast

posted about a year ago

Give Vici Singaporean citizenship and we're good. Ill pay for his rent

posted about a year ago

LOUD just for Aspas. But if we're talking about the easier matchup in GF, it would be EG to win today.

posted about a year ago

SA > Pacific > NA as where it stands now

posted about a year ago

Ray4c is god of judge but his rifle is mid. It won’t be easy for him to use the same style of playing in t1 scene.

ZETA DEP or Foxy9 I hope… or sscary

posted about a year ago

D4v4i and F0rsaken were sleeping map 1 as well and something sleeping on map 2 and 3. But all good its a win and Im expecting their rematch against LOUD in GF

posted about a year ago

Loud case maybe but EG would’ve been EZ 2-0 win from PRX if C0m didnt have hero plays in map 1. Also EG won 5/6 pistols so they were really lucky.

Doesn’t matter if Loud win in GF since Aspas is the goat and Latam has to carry for NA

posted about a year ago

Classic stats from W gaming. You get more FD for rushing but win the trades overall

posted about a year ago

Didn't ChokeRx beat Choked Loud in Lotus

posted about a year ago

Considering all the hype people have for him, you can't say he's not overrated until he starts having less bad days.

He got diffed by semen1 today, just accept it. But kudos to him for closing map 3. Its the same as how he got diffed individually by Zmjjkk during PRX vs EDG but overall still helped PRX to win the game with some plays.

posted about a year ago

He is good, but you all defend him like he's a god when someone criticizes him. Just accept that he didn't do well today instead of coming up with excuses. Who knows his reason for underperforming might be due to the overwhelming expectations fans like you have for him

posted about a year ago

Cmon I'm PRX fan but when people like you refuse to accept any criticism on Something you're making him even more overrated

posted about a year ago

Gotta save you from some cope, EG got lucky

  • Won all pistol rounds except Ascent on Defense
  • C0M hero plays in Ascent saved them from 0-2
posted about a year ago

Aged well lil bro

posted about a year ago

Benefits of having a 5 decent players instead of 2

posted about a year ago

As a PRX fan, diffed by Demon1 but he stepped up to end map 3 so all good

posted about a year ago

Going by your logic

Something played really bad and EG won all pistol rounds except Ascent on defense but they still lost. Oh and C0m saved them on Ascent

posted about a year ago

Perfect counter for 1 duelist Gekko PRX but we shall see for their double duelist roster

posted about a year ago

o7 he saved his team from a clean 0-2

posted about a year ago

Definitely underperformed in in Bind and Pearl, but glad he got cracked teammates to back him up. Still, his 3K was what helped to end map 3

posted about a year ago

why you so bothered with us thrash talking him tho u letting our cocks in your mouth

posted about a year ago

Mindfreak really stepped up today.. I still think he is extremely inconsistent but he is a god when he shows up

posted about a year ago

Its ok he will get diffed by Aspas or Derke in lowers

posted about a year ago

Lmao map 1 C0m hero rounds or not ez 0-2 PRX

posted about a year ago

First 15 seconds for the context

Summary for those who are still unaware of Jinggg's situation:
He is leaving PRX in 2024 to serve Singapore's mandatory military obligations for 2 Years

posted about a year ago

Improvement from when? Wouldn't EG be the top of this list?

posted about a year ago

I'm surprised no one mentioned Alecks the table beater

posted about a year ago

Yes, as with other threads, I do agree it is a coinflip for all matches in the top 4.

posted about a year ago

PRX were not contenders in Tokyo only because they had to play with an immortal 3 sub, and had to cast aside their double duelist comps to accommodate CGRS 1-trick Geko (Still baffles me how they narrowly lost 2-3 to EG with such a roster).

Idk what you're on about. PRX were rated 2nd in power rankings coming into VCT Champions. Even EG put PRX up with LOUD and FNC

posted about a year ago

I support them because the org is based in where I live, but most people rate them highly because they revolutionized a style of playing that no one would expect to work in tactical FPS shooters like Valorant. Of course they tend to troll at times as well but they are cracked nevertheless.

As for their matchups, both EG and FNC had an easier run than PRX, only LOUD had an extremely difficult bracket

posted about a year ago

Get Vici to change his citizenship and we'll have the goated duo back

posted about a year ago

I start getting girls in mumbai ads after I clicked how can I fix my pc

posted about a year ago
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