Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: August 14, 2023
Last post: November 4, 2024 at 2:02 AM
Posts: 13

yeh game started stuttering

posted 3 months ago

when & where. i dont see it on vlr.

posted 4 months ago

i don't see a team having enough money to buy aspas + being better than lev so aspas stays and -com +demon1.
mazino goes back to initi & demon1 smoke. increase firepower & if chamber and astra becomes meta after the buff ez for demon1.

posted 5 months ago

He is one of the few players that can actually have longevity in this game. Top duelist that can play every duelist & great flex player at such a young age. He show constant improvement and has no sign of slowing down. He is also in an org with one of the biggest fanbase which make it easier to become a streamer. If he want to get a degree he can always do it in his late 20s or smth. Right now tho would be a waste of his career
Also he said he would retire after winning champ which makes no sense. When a player win champs they usually can demand a higher salary & their stream usually grow. Retiring after winning just kill the momentum of your career.

posted 6 months ago

streamer probably. I would like to see him in 100t or cloud9 with a roster like runi, oxy, som, verno, net/sentinel player.

posted 6 months ago

Jawg - Entry
Yay - Sentinel
Demon1 - Smoke
Fns - Flex
Ethan - Initiator
this roster might beat cloud9 and would only cost 1 mil per month

posted 6 months ago

it is not fully excusable, but its not solely blameable on him either. she should've known the risk. she can't guarantee that he won't ejaculate inside of her. he could go from being fine to ejaculating in an instant. it is the fault of both party thinking that having sex with no condom is a good idea, especially if ejaculating inside of her is a really big problem for her. these are literally high schooler too dumb to think of their action & consequences.

posted 7 months ago

Lets say it is flashback. So an 18 year old had consensual sex with a 17 year old, and while they were having sex, he accidentally ejaculated inside of her?
Like unless he is forcing himself onto her to enjaculate into her, this just seem like 2 teenagers being stupid. like who cares? this should be between them, unless I am missing something?

posted 7 months ago

they should get zest & rb

posted 11 months ago

i think nismo just doesn't want to play in tier 1 if its not a perfect situation for him. maybe he just wanna spend time with his familly and run his business. if he is in tier 1 he would probably need to travel alot more.

posted about a year ago

oxygen should get flyuh and clear and they probably could win ascension next year
dueliest - clear
smoke - skuba
sentinel - reduxx
igl/flex - flyuh
initiator - verno

the only team that might beat them is m80

posted about a year ago

push up, sit ups, squats, planks, lunges. If you can't do these exercise, there are easier variation you can find online. you do the easier variation until you can do the normal variation of the movement. walking/jogging for like 30mins everyday also help.

posted about a year ago

actual Igl that also play sentinel so pancanda & sacy can play their comfort role and one of the best oper in the world (atleast in 2022) they would literally become a na superteam.
compare this team to nrg.
Som < Pancada
Ardiss < Yay
Crashies < Sacy
Victor <? Zekken
Fns > Johnqt
idk any other na team that can be as good as this
maybe leaf/oxy instead of yay for more duelist flexibility but i still think yay has potential

posted about a year ago