Flag: China
Registered: February 24, 2023
Last post: August 18, 2023 at 8:28 PM
Posts: 8

CN teams did well this tournament. Game just launched, region just formed. And two teams make it to playoffs. Not too shabby.

posted about a year ago

I don’t know why you not counting Fnatic as part of EU. And I don’t know why you trashing EU under a CN fan’s post LMAO. Oh by the way how’s TSM doing?

posted about a year ago

I freaking love some toxic fans and players said Nrg starts slow on tournaments. Cuz it is totally BS, when they gonna start? At the Nearest Airport?
Got racked twice by the same team and making same mistakes (meaningless peeking, etc).
But I got excuses for you my CN heaters, which I saw the same thing on twitter(X) all the time: “ Riot own by Tencent, and Tencent is a Chinese Company. Is fake match and it’s CCP political propaganda…bla…bla…bla...”

posted about a year ago

EDG Never in doubt. Tbh There are more heaters for EDG in CN internet than here. EDG losing one map the heaters can’t wait to take over social media lmao.

posted about a year ago

Watch the post game. No Brazilian fans clap hands for them. Most fans left. I still remember I went to League of Legends S10 Championship in China. Suning lose to DWG but Chinese fans still clapping hands and cheering for their opponent. I have saw these scenes in many countries. But sorry, never in Brazil.

posted about 2 years ago

Fnatic is way better than Loud. Brazilians not going to kill Boaster right?

posted about 2 years ago

EZ for FNC, you knew 100T gonna be bulldoze when they have such a close match with EDG, a team doesn’t even have a region (and the game ain’t even launch in China yet)

posted about 2 years ago

Sen is an overrated and clout chasing team don’t even deserve the stage. EDG yesterday gonna beat them too.

posted about 2 years ago