Flag: Germany
Registered: January 11, 2022
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 7:30 PM
Posts: 57
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posted about a year ago

shut up, you'll see I trust in this guy

posted about 2 years ago

it's actually insane how keloqz has only been to one LAN before, the kid's probably one of the best raw talent jetts

posted about 2 years ago

i really want heretics to win, but I don't know how heretics can win against 10 people.

posted about 2 years ago

it's sick having someone on the broadcast able to interview the chinese teams

posted about 2 years ago

watch out with "race" lmao, the word you're looking for is ethnicity

posted about 2 years ago

average valorant 0iq 15 year olds

posted about 2 years ago

chinese SUIIIII

posted about 2 years ago

this team is pathetic jesus christ if they got an easy bracket this tournament would go an extra week because of how much they delay

posted about 2 years ago

Looks like Fokus wasn't very focused today

posted about 2 years ago

I think koi making it is very possible. I rate koldamenta and barbarr very high and think they can definitely cook something spicy. And I think if they can beat NRG, they can definitely beat the new loud (especially because I'm unsure about their new coach)

posted about 2 years ago

take a look at google firebase hosting or https://www.bplaced.net if you want something for free.

posted about 2 years ago

I think there's enough teams that want to pick him up, it's rather just his decision if he wants a trophy or make money.

posted about 2 years ago

but those are probably the best $500 he's ever spent

posted about 2 years ago

he'll probably get fined $500 like boaster

posted about 2 years ago

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Wouldn't say only, but yeah, mostly

posted about 2 years ago

Valorantle #74 4/8

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🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩


gg ez

posted about 2 years ago

yeah, he literally said something along the lines of "I want to go to Ukraine and kill every Ukrainian" before, but he still has to whip out his little peanut in front of 5 girls, and he still hasn't really been punished.

posted about 2 years ago

what the fuck is going on in that tiny head of yours

posted about 2 years ago

what the fuck is wrong with you

posted about 2 years ago

not an excuse

posted about 2 years ago

Either way, it's a guy showing his cock to his players, from his org, and he gets to stay in the org, the team has to leave.

posted about 2 years ago

only think I wonder is where he gets all of these roster leaks

posted about 2 years ago

I can completely understand why yinsu got angry. I'd get angry too if everyone was discrediting my partner, even though I know how hard they work and people saying it have no idea and no right hating either. Like being the only one left since SUMN FC and now signed to a tier 1 org for quite some time isn't enough to prove yourself is crazy.
And all these "just don't listen to them" comments don't make it much better. You acknowledge every comment and no one can just ignore hate as it's just human nature to listen to others and give a fuck what others think.

posted about 2 years ago

mate valorants ur girl, don't get distracted

jk, chase her big man

posted about 2 years ago

Because when buying the tickets you didn't know who was playing

posted about 2 years ago

brave is too much of a brand risk for any org. Enzo also takes a lot off boasters shoulders, as he's an ex-igl. You could really tell how boasters performance went up after he joined.

posted about 2 years ago

People really don't get that boaster is a player every team would want to pick up. Really smart IGL and good IGLs even have the tendency to perform worse statistically. "If you're not a good shot today, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful." The impact he has outside of kills is crazy.

posted about 2 years ago

the balls on that guy

posted about 2 years ago

dont know why the valorant pr team hasn't thought of this yet, riot should give you a marketing job!

posted about 2 years ago

uh yeah he really is winning fnatic a lot of rounds

posted about 2 years ago

okay this has to be sarcasm right?

posted about 2 years ago

well i don't think BIG have to switch up too much, especially not their roster. Experience and Skill comes over time, they have to put the hours in.

posted about 2 years ago

ok, I know fea has been braves' sub for the last tournament, and he's left Alliance now without a direct lft tweet (also brave isn't back yet and will he ever be?)

I hate speculating, but this is a valid question, right?


posted about 2 years ago

pretty sure derke is back and its only one sub right?

posted about 2 years ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/b7f5ba9d no way this isn't right

posted about 2 years ago

acend should have lost then and there against vivo keyd if they hadn't used that fucking cam.

posted about 2 years ago

I could copy paste the same thing again. He didn't say anything publicly, and now he's posted a statement explaining his opinion and is waiting for fnatics internal investigation now. Propaganda is nothing like these little you've got a virus popups. It comes from (in your opinion) trusted sources and I don't see a problem with him discussing that with someone in a private chat.

(not gonna reply any more https://www.vlr.gg/24252/no-politics)

posted about 2 years ago
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