Flag: South Korea
Registered: July 24, 2024
Last post: July 24, 2024 at 8:20 PM
Posts: 2

Oh I didn't see this one.
So there can be multiple victims..... things getting into really complex situation I guess.
I hope DRX just rapidly give any announcement about this.

posted 6 months ago

I wrote this in Reddit comment but the post was deleted so I write it here again.

She didn't mention his name, but as every other her tweet is foreshadowing that it's flashback, I will just call him flashback.

  1. Age - if her saying is true, when they had a relationship then Flashback was also a minor. You guys should also mind that Flashback is 18 now. In Korea, it's legal for teens to have sexual relationship if both are over age of 12 and under legal age.

  2. This one is the point where the thing getting really weird.
    The timeline is - Flashback broke up with her girlfriend - Flashback and accuser had short relationship - flashback reunited with her former girlfriend. In accusers' claim, she told 'even though I also brounght another man to my house after sex -'

And also if it was weird that she chose Twitter as a method of accuse. If she had unconsented sex(accuser is keep changing her word from consented sex to unconsented sex)
then she could just accuse him to police. Korean police is much more strict about sexual harrassment than people think. If she told one word - unconsented sex - to police then no one would be able to prevent Flashback from getting arrested.

  1. Contradictionary apology - Flashback hasn't said anything about this officially, and so do the team owner.
    Just wait for their official statement.

And multiple victims? I couldn't find anything about multiple victims here. Accuser did not mention anything about multiple victims. I wonder where did you find that info?

Sorry for this I didn't check her recent tweets.

Well actually all we can do is waiting for now... no one exactly knows what happened and DRX isn't giving any official statement.

posted 6 months ago