Until now, never ever pick split or let it be a remaining map againts zeta, they forgot that split base location is from tokyo, japan. They know how to play in their hometown
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | August 14, 2021 |
Last post: | February 2, 2025 at 5:40 AM |
Posts: | 310 |
Until now, never ever pick split or let it be a remaining map againts zeta, they forgot that split base location is from tokyo, japan. They know how to play in their hometown
Boaster botfragging in LAN
This is valorant, not a 5v5 tact shooter game european team only
ZETAWIN, the japanese pride, no need korean player
Lol theres no way tourney stream are not having delay, afaik vct stream had like 2-3 rounds delay
Basi komen lu si paling ngerti si paling ngerti, famouz kalo pake skye yakin gua bisa menang persija
Tim lain udh pada jarang main double duelist ini masih aja pake comp tua, nt dah
M3C first seed no cap
SEN them home. GG V1
Theyre dodging xerxia and onic lmao, sus moves from that team and riot, riot easily making bleed qualified without even playing any games, what a frickin FAIR rules. If bleed had big balls they can try to ask/beg riot for doing a postpone/reschedule the match for a fair decision, not taking the win by default and go away with it
If they had a big balls they can try to ask/beg riot to talk about postpone/reschedule the match for more fair decision, not take the win by default so easily
Why they blaming indos instead of blaming bleed who take the win by default by riot? So funny eh
Also L bleed
Dude i swear my comment got deleted two times if we talk about bleed our comment got deleted wtf mod in here are bleed fans
Hahaha my reply got deleted by mod, VERY SUS MOD IN HERE ARE BLEED FANS
Qualified without playing the game, BIG L RIOT
GG PSJ, NT BONKERS. Ngl bonkers step up so much from before, hoping them get signed by orgs and continue fighting in VCT stage 2
Rushing strat with a neon in the team are actually works tho
Lul tenz who, jett one trick NA streamer dont compare to a pro like f0rsaken
Woi stop bahas dxn blog udah basi, si kevin jg udh bilang pas streaming jgn dibahas lagi masalah itu, jgn karena masalah gtuan malah bikin jelek nama Xccurate gara2 lu pada blog
Roseaufy flick in the last round are insaneeeee
Shut up and eat ur panipuri
Im waiting for someone whos crying cause of downvoted
still wondering how a player like skrossi featured in a media like upcomer, the dude playing so bad like really really bad in the team as a duelist, all he want to do is force buy OP, ego peek with it, re peeking, baiting, must be in his brain are full of “i wanna kill” thoughts
Because full sense is more noobs than these noobs lol
Omg #polishpride ftw!
I just want to say im one of the 7 peoples in top pickem. Youre welcome
Incoming 500+ post
and dont forget to tweet something like most of singaporean do, ok? KEKW
keep crying sir
wheres fs fans and onic doubters? downvoting me yall snowflakes, i dont even care lulw
Youre the one that being soft just because of getting downvoted in vlr and cry about it
Zowie xl2411k
Endgame xm1r
Endgame mpc450
Logitech g333
Ducky one 2 sf
Immo 2 peak
Boomer movement and aim cannot works well
Yeah this year that got boosted is PH, SGMY, OCE And KR all of them got aired in valorant esport channel. ID, TH, JP, VN, HKTW, And SA are still airing on their own channel with their own language (except SA cause they had english caster but still aired on their own channel)
Im waiting for an announcement
The proud of japanese player only team, no need korean player
Ez for kang marah2
Gara2 di announce nih coachnya jadi curse pdhl coachnya udh 3 minggu sebelum di announce udh bareng onic wkwkwk nt dah mudah2an bisa lolos play in
Ez for meiy japanese zoomer rank demon
Ez for double J
Wow onic flair is not black and white anymore, okay im gonna use it
Bubar aku weruh sampeyan tweeted copypasta babagan C9 trolling ing scrims, lan ngerti yen sampeyan nyolong saka kuil copypastas vlr.gg. Kepiye sampeyan bisa ngirim copypasta tanpa menehi kredit marang pangguna vlr. Kita nglampahi jam dina nggawe siji copypasta lan saka 100, siji bisa metu. Lan sampeyan blatantly nyolong sing tanpa malah kredit kita. Banget ora ngormati. Ora maneh ndhukung copypasta maling iki. Bakal pindhah menyang wong sing ngajeni kerja keras lan menehi penghargaan marang kita!
ZETA all the way
Nah bro, i know xcc gf was doing a wrong move at that time but still shes not even try to throw just a little bit a mistake and joking a little bit when DxN asking, but then this DxN guy got triggered about it and then he start throwig next round and worst of all hes trashtalking until he said “ok im on playoff, where u at?” What a cocky🤡
Yuk onic tibek iyor biar dapet ceramah dari boomer lagi kekw
BO1 in a playoff match? What a joke