Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | August 14, 2021 |
Last post: | February 2, 2025 at 5:40 AM |
Posts: | 310 |
yall malayshit just only had 1 person this entire esport community to be proud of lmao. even singaporean is better
gak heran head of esportnya riot emg biased, ternyata cuma tertarik ke APAC north doang (KR JP)
in 2021 which is the first year VCT, im pretty sure indonesia had the most viewership in SEA with a peak 21K viewer before thailand surpass us in 2022. But for average viewers i think indonesia still had the better number than thailand for like 7-10K average. Back then when PRX playing grandfinal in copenhagen we had like 25K peak and thats not include a watch party for about 10K peak
ada kemungkinan rumor 5 tim korea bener, manager onic sampe bikin ig story begitu. bangke emg riot biased ke korea bgt mentang2 LoL gede disana
yeah that guy mimosa always playing a racist card eventho is not about a racist lol
yall just dont get the bait of this one of another braindead indian, prolly a mimosa followers or a die hard skrobot fans. hope you guys didnt generalize them, theres still so many sane and good indian
Shroud who? RRQ already had the best Brand Ambassador the almighty Windah Basudara, the father of all deadly indo brats. *insert safe and sound music. GG GAMING
kemungkinan emg begitu sih, gak mungkin jg keknya kalo btr bubarin valorant, koh ed utk game pc keknya skrg suka bgt sm valorant dan untungnya jg riot masih peduli sama turney tier 2nya alias VCT Challanger masih ada utk tahun depan jd ya gak gabut2 bgt gitu punya roster valorant
kaga RIP juga, itu emg si budinya yg gak mau perpanjang kontrak
RRQ and EVOS is huge, rich, and has the biggest fanbase in Indo or probably SEA
RRQ is indo based org, pretty sure if RRQ pass the partnership theyre going back to indo and build new roster
tenang2 masih ada harapan 1 org indo nyangkut kyk RRQ, ONIC atau bisa aja EVOS serius deh. yg ditulis seulgi itu belom tentu 100% bener walaupun kemugkinan besarnya bener sih wkwkwk
this is cringe, just change the league name from PACIFIC to VCK (Valorant Champions Korea)
still cannot surpass TH ID viewership with their local language stream. TH still the biggest especially superbuss watchparty. for ID back then when PRX playing grand final in copenhagen main indonesian youtube valorant stream had about 24K peak viewers, thats not include a watchparty indo streamer for about 9K+ viewers
pls M3C win these, kinda miss redgar posture and nats flat face
We? Lu ae sendiriπ
Onic, the 13-11 specialist
Fancy 2-0 order
vietnamese will clap these oce bot, lets go SEA brother
Gfn 2 - 0 order then dickstacy malding
in the end they lost to another asian team again and again KEKW
oh you replying to me, bait works then. dont forget to eat your panipuri
EMEA fluke counter : 2
sit down and eat panipuri
what a stupid bait and excuse if youre being serious LMAO
Dw ZETA will bounce back in champions
β//, β//, β//, β//, β//,
Haha iya istilahnya belom ada tim indo yg dpt racikan best player tiap rolenya
Iya gua jg suka peratiin tuh di minimap, jarang bgt tim indo bisa dapet map control mau jd attacker atau defender, itu dia sih yg td gua bilang keknya karena game sense playernya yg kureng jd gak bisa nge call yg bagus
Cara main tim indo terlalu textbook gak sih, game sense individunya kek kureng gitu callnya jadi gak bagus, makanya gak bisa selevel sama seed 1 ph th sg, cuma bisa ngalahin seed dibawahnya doang.
GG. Udh 2 tahun vct, ngimpor coach, ngarep ada kemajuan ternyata stuck disitu2 aja tim indo, bayangin gak pernah menang lawan x10/xerxia kwkwkwk
Cs frogs got scared cause of japanese crowds, cant do nothing besides making fun of it KEKW. Boomer game braindead fans
They got jebaited like when AE vs GE lmao softies
I remember this username he is braindead indian, just ignore him
Alah bikin lama aja AE, mau liat boom order maen jg, kek gak ada strat gitu jd attacker rusuh bener, after plant peek sana sini kocak 3v2 kalah kocakkk
I think we qual to masters dude, like boom the 3rd best asian team, we smashed them in scrims, not smashed them like we beat them and then their excuse is that they were lagging or some shit and they stopped the scrim.
Overhyped my fucking ass. Go ask some of top 8 teams in SEA and they'll definitely say we could be a contender for the masters slot. We are scrimming them on 120+ ping and making it close and even beating them. Every top SEA team we have scrimmed has high respect for us knowing the damage we can do on the ping we have yet alone what we would do on low ping. We are not like Bonkers or Soniqs and it takes one vod review to see that. I hope to change all your minds when the time comes but for now have some respect on our names.
winning againts oasis then become delusional
For alter ego, its just a part of the game lul
East asia got a slot?? Thats weird. Ive never seen any GC tournament coming from JP or KR region, rito so funny
2021 Master 1 NA 1st
2021 Master 2 Reykjavic 1st
2021 Master 3 Berlin 5-8th
2021 Champions 9-12th
2022 VCT Stage 1 NA Challengers 7-8th
2022 VCT Stage 2 NA Qualifiers 7-8th
From a master winner into a loser in qualifier.
Definitely a consistent down perform
Its not even βoverwatch 2β imo, just a little bit touch and updates from the old overwatch. Hype on the first release but later it will be dead again or only popular in specific region