Flag: Germany
Registered: March 7, 2021
Last post: April 14, 2023 at 4:33 PM
Posts: 14

Rip BIG :(

posted about a year ago

Really happy for fpx NAVI seems like a great fit hope they get the fullteam.

posted about 2 years ago

All good we only know things we see I probably would name food mexican food and you would say nah dude. The call itself is pretty solid Sauerkraut+ Beer + Sausage is 95% of the time german but the glass is normally not shaped like a normal glass, the sausage is normally served as whole not cut like that and the sauerkraut normally has another color more like this https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/kochen/rezepte/sauerkraut110_v-fullhd.jpg

posted about 2 years ago

It is sauerkraut but doesn’t look that good and the beer isn’t in a traditional glass, I would say it’s not germany.

posted about 2 years ago

Ngl the news today hit me hard, was pretty sure to see BIG in the League especially because Riot said something like they want to cover each region.
How do you guys hold up? Completely killed the hype for me…

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

They should have allowed 16 teams 4 EU, 1 CIS, 1 TR, 4 NA, 1 LATAM, 1 KR, 2 SEA, 2 Brazil, so you can develop each region while still having the top teams.

posted about 3 years ago

BIG I would like to push the German Scene if I‘m a really good player.

posted about 3 years ago

That viper ult in kitchen/spot was pure art

posted about 3 years ago

Man just watched that icebox match just weird they have to ban icebox against other regions just wild west only Aim duels not even playing that much with agents

posted about 3 years ago

+1 Astra is a great character hard to play in pugs bot in a team holy

posted about 3 years ago

Viper is not that bad, it seems like people are rediscover her after the introduction of Icebox. In Icebox she is almost a must pick and you see her more and more on Bind in Pro Matches. Especially the Killjoy Viper Combo is quite unfair it makes post plants almost impossible to win.
I think she will be good in Split and possibly Ascent too. I think it’s alright if we have agents which are great on some maps and not so good on others that pushes people to learn multiple Agents.
Imho you should be able to know at least 3 or 4 agents one of each group [Cypher, KJ, Sage], [Viper, Omen, Brimstone], [Skye, Breach] and [Jett, Raze, Reyna, Phoenix, Yoru]. Problem is most people are playing Jett and Raze and you can play them on all maps so they don’t want to learn anything.
I find it quite interesting to play or see various agents on maps every Viper buff could make her op because she’s not yet completely discovered. It took some time people knowing the frenzy is great too.
I would let her be the same the next two months and have a look if the meta changes, right now it seems like we see more Viper picks.

posted about 4 years ago

Good we had that open qualifier thing. It‘s great to see new fresh faces the great teams had enough chances and didn’t make it. Hope these guys can develop into even better players and will find good paying organizations. Many thought ex-csgo player will rule but there are so many players from other games making some noise it’s extremely exciting.

posted about 4 years ago

Playing Omen, Breach or Skye is pretty good for a new player. They are pretty straight forward and not that hard to play because you don’t have to know many fix points etc. . But I highly recommend to find some mates to play with Agents like Omen, Breach or Skye are normally used to set up other players the problem is most of the people are choosing duelist the entry fragger but are not pushing and just play for themselves so it’s hard to set up your mates. Can only speak for EU but we have some community’s here helping to find some mates on discord etc.

If you want to learn an Agent I can recommend the Blitz.gg App they have a relative new feature showing some tricks for all agents on all maps, like one way smokes good Walls, Nades or other things.

People just defuse to half because you get an ult point for defuse ( and plant, death, kill or ult orb) and sometimes people already have their ult so it’s smarter to let the teammate defuse or your mate has a way better Ult. The omen ult for example is not that good Sage or Raze for example have great ults so it’s better to let them defuse.

Vandal and Phantom is not that easy if you play Jett which is a quite hectic agent I would recommend the phantom. I like the approach of using Phantom in defense and Vandal in Offense but if you play a more long range position a bit more offensive on Defense like peeling b long on bin or showers the Vandal is great too. It‘s important to play with something that feels right in your hands the Vandal spray is not easy to handle.

I would recommend to have around 3 agents you can play
Omen/ Brim or Skye/Sova/Breach or Sage or Raze/Jett/Reyna/Phoenix or Killjoy/Cypher you only need to know one of these groups and you should be good. Viper made a comeback since icebox is out its almost a must pick on icebox and is great on Bind too. Most people will choose Duellists so I personally choose playing more support Agents like Omen, Sage or Sova but if only one is choosing a Duellist and the other 3 have Great Support picks I can play Rate too.

For warmup you could play deathmatch i personally don’t like it because there are to many people you have to fight but some people like it very much.

People like Aim Lab for Aim Training I like it too made some great progress in short time and it‘s for free. If you like to train your Spray you can even use the shooting range it‘s great too.

posted about 4 years ago