Flag: Chile
Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: August 26, 2023 at 7:28 PM
Posts: 18


posted about a year ago

ty for jinx

posted about 2 years ago

that rotate call was pretty weird ngl

posted about 2 years ago

everyone in chat asking for riot to fix this shit and now its in emotes only mode jesus christ lmao

posted about 2 years ago

wow the winner team is happy and celebrating, who would've thought

posted about 2 years ago

bro why are u not open to actual good criticism, most of the stuff he said it's true, the results of every match to this point just proves him right, there are changes that need to be made so every brazilian team can be better and more competitive, disregarding what passionate, educate and clearly well intentioned people say about the game is definitely not the way to go about anything.

posted about 2 years ago

it doesnt even matter, both regions are toxic on their own way and we should work to be better, that's all there is.

posted about 2 years ago

I just think its important to know that on both sides the people that talk the most shit is just a bunch of lil kids spewing the most vile, racist and overall stupid shit they can come up with, actual mature adults don't even interact with that toxic enviroment whatsoever, that's why i often just disregard all the drama.
Both brazil and latam scenes are mostly good people with a few extremely loud dumbasses that gives each region a bad image, thats all there is in my opinion.

posted about 2 years ago

It's just a loud ass minority composed of edgy 15 year olds that are always saying dumb racist shit, most people just comment ggs under their favorite team's twitter and move on.

posted about 2 years ago

wya lmao

posted about 2 years ago

no pesques a nadie en este foro si son todos aweonaos que vienen a puro hatear y despues si ven a algun team ganar algo chaquetean y se hacen los simpaticos xd

posted about 2 years ago

new day, same old retard, never change trembolona.

posted about 2 years ago

is this an out of season april fools joke?

posted about 2 years ago

jesus fucking christ this must be a joke

posted about 2 years ago

get rid of xyp for christ's sake

posted about 2 years ago

All forms of racism are condemnable, there's really no point at trying to argue about what is more racist, every form of racism is garbage period.

posted about 2 years ago