Flag: Greece
Registered: March 31, 2022
Last post: April 23, 2022 at 5:47 PM
Posts: 17

Braindead post.
FPX literally the best team in the region was not here.
M3C (Gambit) was not here.
G2 are a joke at this point...
Fnatic were in shambles playing with two subs.
Liquid was not supposed to be here, but they made a good run considering they were the 4th seed...

posted about 2 years ago

Just beacuse there are some dumbfucks (regardless of the region) who'll shittalk any team from any other region doesn't mean you can do the same. You're (I dont mean you specifically) both trash, literal cancer for the game and it's fanbase.
Praise should be given where it's due and teams should be criticized when underperforming but no team deserves to be shit-talked for one (even multiple) bad performances.
Remeber this guys are the top 0.1% percent, the best of the best.
They have gone through their entire region to be here and that speaks of their quality.
Yeah some regions will not be as strong as others but there simply cannot be that much of a gap between the top 20-30 teams in the wolrd...

posted about 2 years ago

I kinda agree with you man but I'm just sick and tired of Brazil fans just shit-talking EU and NA teams after a bad performance when they themselves can't put up a good performance themselves. They can criticize all they want but they're staraight up shit-talkinglike they didn't go through tough qualifiers to be here.
I too am really sad that V1 aren't here, out of all NA they displayed the most discipline and coordination in the Challengers. Really sad they didn't make it. Hope to see them on the next LAN tho.
Also this was a valuable experience for the Guard imo, just like the loss that Acend suffered last year against 100T on Breeze, they'll only grow stronger.
As for the Masters, for me the top dogs going in this LAN were Fnatic, FPX, DRX and Yay and friends. Kinda hard to gdeny it but when Yay is feeling it he hard carries the entire team (not that they are not individually talented, but yay brings the team to a whole new level). Sadly fnatic had very weird circumstances and was doomed to fail from day 1 and FPX couldn't make it. Now having seen the new roster of PRX they have a solid chance against DRX if they make it through and I'm really waiting for that match.
G2, Loud, Zeta and Optic still have a chance tho but I'm not really convinced by their performances thay they can bring the trophy home...

posted about 2 years ago

Best Bronzil did last year was Vikings at 11th place
That says a lot imo...

posted about 2 years ago

Lmao, imagine flaming a 4 month old team with 4 fresh new players with no experience cause they were not able to perform on their first two matches on LAN.
get outta here bro...

posted about 2 years ago

Bruuuuh, did you even watch the match? Zeta did great, SugarZ3ro has been feeling it throughtout, insane performance
Congratz to them really, i wanted Liquid to win but after seeing this kind of performance and perseverance from Zeta I cant be sad about this
tonight we witnessed some amazing valorant and that's facts!

posted about 2 years ago

fixed it bruv, didnt notice I mispelled
ty tho <3

posted about 2 years ago

fixed it bruv, didnt notice i mispelled, ty <3

posted about 2 years ago

Bruuh Liquid played well but props to Zeta for overperforming but as far as fnatic is concerned they were playing with 2 stand-ins, those matches were a shitshow...

posted about 2 years ago

Riot massive L
hiring shit casters and letting the good ones go (looking at you *sean and ddk)
they simply dont care about the quality of casters as long as they have someone that doesnt hold a prime position with the fanbase to cast the games...

posted about 2 years ago

damn there's too much pressure on him imo
sure the whole team is stacked but he's been under the spotlight for a while now + it's his first lan and this is their second match so he isnt doing good
hope he can perform, very talented and great game awareness (for a 17yo at least)

posted about 2 years ago

Imo every region should have 2 slots and then place 3 slots for the regions with more good teams (like EMEA, NA, SEA...)

posted about 2 years ago

All four teams from EMEA that made it to Champions finished top 8, with 3 of them finishing top 4.
Yeah shit region indeed...

posted about 2 years ago

That's some shit logic right there. They dont even know how the game will be in 6+ months. They cant possibly have strats for that tourney...

posted about 2 years ago

Both teams played very good tho and remember Zeta is the #1 slot from japan, Liquid were the 4th from EMEA + Fnatic was basically not in the tourney cause of very particular circumstances...
basically europe got fucked hard + no c9b from NA (they're really good)
And yes i know other regions have really good teams as well that are not here but that is riot problem. Instead of fighting with each other maybe we should pressure riot to give 2+ slots for every region...

posted about 2 years ago