Flag: India
Registered: August 2, 2022
Last post: February 6, 2025 at 2:38 PM
Posts: 340
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He's not playing this week because they just landed in korea yesterday and don't have any practice with the team. Whether he should be in the playing 5 is a diff debate but surely you guys should do your research before jumping to conclusions lmaooo

posted about a year ago

iirc the problem was that RRQ was not utilizing the money the receive from riot by basically continuing with 4 players from their old roster GE on the other hand did build a competitive roster

posted about a year ago

13-8 drx

posted about a year ago

I think my interest went away during the pandemic era and i've never watched it consistently since then, I didn't even miss the old wrestlers that much. I think the lack of quality highlights on yt were a big factor because i used to watch only highlights.

posted about a year ago

still not as fake as ur flag kek

posted about a year ago

Roman has been one of my fav wrestlers for like almost a decade now and i never rlly developed a liking for cody but i respect what he's done over the years I don't even watch pro wrestling much these days so im just a casual it makes sense for me to support reigns

posted about a year ago

I'm actually supporting roman for a reason i dont know lmaooo

posted about a year ago

i thought he would too but he still overheats a lot

posted about a year ago

he is pretty inconsistent tho

posted about a year ago

they just got a new gaming chair

posted about a year ago

btw vit weren't as good against ge as they have been after that

posted about a year ago

nah bro, navi too mid to be better than navi

posted about a year ago

one of the best individual performances i've seen in a long time what a demon

posted about a year ago

it was 51:49 for pro play lol
it used to be defender sided in the past but became more balanced over time

posted about a year ago

split was literally 51:49 right before it rotated out

posted about a year ago

You clearly weren't able to comprehend the cricket point which is fair if ur not familiar with cricket and it's not just about watching them play it's about training with them also skrossi is in the playing 5 and all the other talent in APAC is way better than indian talent which was evident last year when our best teams would get 2-0'd by the worst teams in APAC

posted about a year ago

makes sense

posted about a year ago

That probably didn't happen because of money constraints

posted about a year ago

Indian sports culture is influenced too much by cricket. Well, cricket's system is an anomaly these days and is changing pretty fast too. The thing is, a 5 indian GE roster would get slaughtered and embarrassed at the franchise level. Knowledge sharing takes place when players with less experience learn from the more experience and established players on a team. This is part of the reason why SA orgs have imported talent and why GE has imported talent. The reason why this is better than a 5 indian roster is because (and skrossi has once said this on stream himself) most of those indian players just dont work hard enough and keep finding excuses for failure. That culture needs to change. GE is a pretty good org who have trusted their players in the past it is likely they will this time as well and give this roster a lot of time to improve.

posted about a year ago

Not sure but it is harder for indians to get visa in general as the process is too rigorous because there are a lot of applicants

posted about a year ago

L list, clearly Avova is way better

posted about a year ago

looks like new coach?

posted about a year ago

it's all debatable, hard to say who is better objectively. My point was there's not enough data to suggest how good top indian players would be compared to other APAC players

posted about a year ago

i think deathmaker is probably the best in SA but we have to see him play against teams from other countries before we can say where he stands in APAC

posted about a year ago

oh okay i thought saya would be considered an import too since he was playing in NA

posted about a year ago

then how does t1 have so many NA players wont they be counted as imports even if they had them before franchising?

posted about a year ago

how many imports are allowed in a roster?

posted about a year ago

hes not overrated tho but yes not underrated either

posted about a year ago

not copium but hopium and theres nothing wrong with it dont let vlr make u think otherwise

posted about a year ago

lil bro couldn't even wait a half before jumping to conclusions

posted about a year ago

there is no buyout that's what free agent means

posted about a year ago

I believe 100T bounces back and wins this one (although, they may win even if they continue to play like they did at lock in lol)

posted about a year ago

This sounds about right

posted about a year ago

I meaaaan there's rlly no argument against india here lol we may not have won a trophy in years but the team is pretty consistent and has consistently the highest win rate outside of knockout games

posted about a year ago

not even 2 series are completed yet wdym we have given them chances LMAOOO

posted about a year ago

I think you should also take into consideration that we don't know as much as the teams do themselves. Maybe they have been good on those maps in scrims. But I do agree, on most days and by most teams, this would be called trolling the map veto.

posted about a year ago

If im not wrong he's not old enough to be in franchising

posted about a year ago

it depends on the individual just like saadhak decided to stick to loud out of loyalty

posted about a year ago

this is the definition of copium right here

posted about a year ago

out of all the players not mentioned already, Heliff and Deathmaker from VLT pretty good

posted about a year ago

This map from LE was just total shit I hope other teams aren't like this

posted about a year ago

Man is too good for SA
Level of play sooo bad from LE Indian teams should have been better than this by now

posted about a year ago

That's like saying I got more kills than an ascendant that one game so i should be ascendant

posted about 2 years ago

I bet he got a better gaming chair now

posted about 2 years ago

GE pretty good org
Just need to win more :')

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

tbf they missed out on LANs by the barest of margins

posted about 2 years ago

I think instead of automatic relegation of the team that places last, riot reviews every orgs progress over the years and how they are contributing to the scene. If an org is out of line in any aspect they receive a warning to fix their system if they continue to lack, they're terminated from franchising. Franchising is a long term vision of riot and i dont think they should take harsh decisions after just one event.

posted about 2 years ago

You're being overly critical, do you want GE to play with their old roster that couldn't beat any SEA team and embarrass themselves at the global stage? The truth is Indian talent just isn't there yet. The GE management has always taken decisions best for the Indian ecosystem in the long run I trust them to find a way. The current roster looks potent and after dealing with the language barriers and the role stuff they could be a really good team.

posted about 2 years ago

VLT roster looks good enough to compete honestly. If the imports work and they develop synergy they can surely challenge for a franchising spot if not this year then next year. Other than VLT it's very unlikely. Personally, I think this won't work well and they'll keep changing rosters.

posted about 2 years ago
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