Flag: United States
Registered: February 17, 2023
Last post: June 26, 2024 at 6:13 PM
Posts: 9

I would change the ram to 6000 cl30 since that is the sweet spot for amd.

posted 8 months ago

I dont mind the bm but it's going to be awkward when rito wants to set up wholesome interactions like their jersey swaps

posted about a year ago

They need to get an actual sentinels player if they can't find a duelist with a lot more firepower. Every time, Blg site hit, they couldn't hold it.

posted about a year ago

tuyz has 21 assists on lotus...

posted about a year ago

Kru will win against Furia and Sen will win against the same 100T. Sen fans will start to say they are back only to lose against C9.
History will repeat itself and they will be knocked out by Kru on split once again.

posted about a year ago

Well it does work most of the time but when the site hits aren't working, people are too tilted to listen and start blaming each other. Of course, I will start ranking up if I continue to call for it but those games where no one listens really do piss me off

posted about a year ago

I would say stellar is a decent igl. He can't frag as much because he is worrying about his team but when he is in a duel without worrying about strats, he does decent. However, I do agree that the calling is not working.

posted about a year ago

The thing is most people never want to go mid because they are used to just rushing main

posted about a year ago

I understand that in low elo, people expect duelists to frag out and not make space or whatever. However, I'm in plat.

Some games I am trashed on for not getting kills instead of space. The few games that really do tick me off are people not being patient enough.

Take Ascent for example. If we are planning to hit B and a raze boombots main and a sova darts off rip with a odin, I'm not pushing into that. So why are you?

We have almost 2 minutes to get on to site. I've heard excuses like you can't do your job so I will do it for you. The reason I can't do my job is because you aren't doing yours. I get no smokes when I dash in, no recon util, no comms, and no trades. And I specifically comm for smokes and when I am ready to dash in. How the hell am I supposed to frag out and make space? Valorant is a team game, not aimlabs.

Anyways, rant over.

posted about a year ago