Flag: International
Registered: July 2, 2024
Last post: September 10, 2024 at 12:09 PM
Posts: 186
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Wasn't that his brother lol

posted 6 months ago

Honestly whenever i watch any big streamer, turning off the chat makes it much better

posted 6 months ago

His addiction to OPing every round on OT could also be a problem since this mans plays the whole OT rounds as a glass cannon on both Attack/Defence

posted 6 months ago

Nah, honestly there are so many vtubers in SG/MY space and all of them really don't have any personality. The worst one is this Omen main who is "Asc" peak from SG that looked like her whole gameplay is just getting boosted by friends who are current immortal 1 or immortal 2-3 peeks. Just threw me off so badly

posted 6 months ago

Honestly if you are prioritizing trying to stay alive. You might be playing to not lose instead of playing to win to the point on what you are trying to do avoid which is dying in this case is essentially what is happening to you.
You will not improve or get better at the game if you play like this in the long run, you will essentially just go thru the same issue from the simple fact of you arent trying to win you are just trying to not lose

posted 6 months ago

Honestly, i just want a PH org not to choke when it matters so ill be praying for yall

posted 6 months ago

Literally just swing and play aggro, if you really cant do that then you will always be at a disadvantage. Teaches you how to play aggressively atleast and will prob make you a better player in the long run if u do that

posted 6 months ago

Just looks like they aren't going to waste time for groups and just straight up matches that matter/playoffs

posted 6 months ago

I think a lot of the Lamzu Atlantis mouses are good for small hands

posted 6 months ago

That's fine as you said you also play Sova, so maybe those Sova wallbangs with Ares/Odin are dragging it down or maybe your pistol rounds aren't your best rounds since pre-aim is more important there and you spam bodies? Overall it probably has to either do with Ares/Odin or your pistol rounds

posted 6 months ago

It does matter to some extent but being 15-20% HS as you said you are probably just means you arent much of a Vandal user? Unless you are then maybe your pre-aim needs work even for someone who is a 15x immortal player there are things to improve. Maybe with better preaim you can change that 15x immortal player to a 1x Radiant player this time. You are in the rank/elo that pre-aim matters a lot to getting free kills and just mainly aiming body for your kills probably isnt doing you justice in your climb. Overall i guess for you it can be something you can look to improve in the long run but don't fret too much over it you are literally immortal with having like an average HS%

posted 6 months ago

I'm not even joking he was nicknamed the Golden Child of Japanese FPS

posted 6 months ago

Just ego problems from Crazyguy and there are even talks about him not being the best Vietnam talent out there anyways and his IGLing aint even that good so idk why they are still going forward with him, maybe to lose their franchise spot after another failed year? Yknow usual BLEED financial decision making they are so infamous for

posted 6 months ago

From playing it a bit on the PBE, the work around is honestly just jump peeking the wall and it will activate the moment you are back onto the safe side

posted 6 months ago

Why feel bad for the guy that became a Coach and literally changed and shaped how EDG plays currently to a championship team?

posted 6 months ago

EDG is just a better version until PRX knows what teamwork means again

posted 6 months ago

For me I always stay positive no matter what and I play mainly on the Japanese or Hong Kong servers now so the toxicity part isn't really needed especially around Asc+ since if we actually do a mistake we just talk about it or if an instalock duelist is dying ever 5 seconds into a round. Instead of flaming and being a negative Nancy over everything we just suggest to do an aggressive set-play to help him out which in turns helps us out as a team. Maybe it has something to do with ur region or maybe ur toxicity mentality has to do with the previous games you play idk, but JP has always been strict with toxicity to the point you get your account suspended for it in the past so yeah all I do now is figuring out how to help each other and staying positive cause it;s just a game even in mid ranks like Ascendant, it's still just a game at the end of the day.

posted 6 months ago

Your best bet would be to watch the Korean or Japanese broadcast but you must remember this country does not like FPS so the fact they even packed the venue a few times was a surprise to many Koreans

posted 6 months ago

Just so you know, the English broadcast doesn't have crowd mics actually on as opposed to the other Broadcast like the KR or Jp one. So the no hype or passion and just "clapping" you hear is just from the English broadcast letting out 1% of the crowd mic on. And unless you have forgotten Koreans don't really care about FPS games and this events were to pull the Korean audiences who are addicted to League of Legends over. Comparing 20+ years of Passion to 4 years of Passion is moronic and shouldn't even have been in the comparisons.

posted 6 months ago

Don't you just drop your weapon so your main weapon could be your secondary and it takes ur secondary instead?

posted 6 months ago

Nah, it's his own mouse so technically to everyone and even his teammates its sorta his fault that he forgot to actually charge the mouse before the 2nd map started

posted 6 months ago

G2 has their roots from EU from the very start of it being formed. The only time they went NA was after Carlos got some drama and had to step down and suddenly new management decided to have the Male Valorant team in NA while keeping their G2 Gozen in EMEA since they are dominant over there as well

posted 6 months ago

Looked like at the start of the year, they also had Kangkang trying something different and not OPing as much but they are slowly going back to the roots of what made them + the fact that Smoggy is said to have some insane reads on the enemy team while not being the main caller for him to focus on aiming +Chichoo is finally showing his potential plus the fact that the can have Haodong's mind as an asst coach while having nobody shotcalling means they still got their 3 great minds and s1mon who is an aimer compared to how Haodong was

posted 6 months ago

All goods, everyone can just test it in customs when its released with their friends

posted 6 months ago

Nvm we overreacted as usual

posted 6 months ago

I had to stop myself from just replying "Flag" to the post

posted 6 months ago

The replay system is already on the works isn't it. Don't they have a team on it to fix all the weird bugs that are happening with it?

posted 6 months ago

Just a sneak peak today and most likely being fully shown at Grands

posted 6 months ago

Not decent enough size to fill the venues. The country lives off League of Legends, heck Faker was even on the face of ice creams over there. FPS games were never the main point of the Korean audiences if ever. Sure they play the game but to watch the game? Nah in comparison its a low number and it gets worst if it isn't a Korean them they can root for cause they just aren't that interested in FPS. Been like this ever since the super OG CS days

posted 6 months ago

Do you have like a hate boner for Lakia or something? AHHAHAHA
I feel like that's all you been posting these days

posted 6 months ago

Okay if you actually looked at what LaeDlaer actually posted, you would see he did hit high immo instead of yapping AHAHHA

posted 6 months ago

Barely touches the game but he is in immo3+ when he actually did put in hours in the acts he had time to play. Granted all of them are wayyy below 100hours

posted 6 months ago

Honestly, I feel very free and don't have to read stupid shit on twitter anymore

posted 6 months ago

Are we really comparing 20+ years of fanbase to a fanbase that is just starting-
Gods this place is infuriatingly stupid

posted 6 months ago

I mean crazyguy is literally not even the best Viet player so idk why they are wasting time with him anymore. Dude was willing to resolves issues with Sscary but was too high and mighty to resolve issues with their only duelist like what

posted 6 months ago

We probably need to see some gameplay as well to help you further than just random tips that can only help for very niche situations

posted 6 months ago

He pretty much hated CS2 from the start and then with the war in Ukraine which complicated even more things for him, not sure if he will ever come back to CS honestly but maybe next year or something?

posted 6 months ago

That is also pretty likely since from what I remember the routing to the HK server is better for VN too

posted 6 months ago

Yeah I said one of the only games not the only game

posted 6 months ago

Most of them are also the kids that didn't know that we were so dogshit in literally every game we had pro players in. Disaster chokes by TL. Our up and coming prodigy being utterly useless and choking 24/7 from C9 which has became an amazing player in Valorant and so much damn embarassment in League

posted 6 months ago

I mean this is like one of the only games us Americas are good at and we have really loud minority of bad eggs

posted 6 months ago

Holy fuck that is omega bandwagoning in the largest sense AHHAHAHA

posted 6 months ago

Oh please get mental help wtaf is wrong with you

posted 6 months ago

So you went from DRX and straight to SEN? That's some true bandwagoning but I respect it

posted 6 months ago

None at all.

posted 6 months ago

He really just said "Aint no way am i letting that pistol round determine my whole tournament"

posted 6 months ago

They are so good at getting 5-6th i swear man

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

I am so sorry you had to embarrass yourself this way. I did not intend for this to happen

posted 6 months ago

Wait a minute, did that 1v4 actually turn the game around

posted 6 months ago
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