Flag: Russia
Registered: November 18, 2021
Last post: August 25, 2024 at 2:13 AM
Posts: 19

what is blud talking about, isn't GC already mixed gender 💀

posted 6 months ago

coild be just furia being hot ass but tf do i know

posted 11 months ago

timer on her ULT

posted about a year ago

EDG 2-0 liquid, @ me after the match

posted about a year ago

because tariks ego is too big to play for a valorant team

posted about 2 years ago

'try harder' something you should ask your pros to do lmfaooo

posted about 2 years ago

there are no t1 players in india OMEGALUL

posted about 2 years ago

who other than the zombie himself xD

posted about 2 years ago

what a deranged fucking r3tard

posted about 2 years ago

theres a reason why almost every team made their star player switch to chamber and abused the shit out of it with two trips, and even now after the nerf but no SEN wants to push the matter and not do it like how they were playing phoenix on acent and haven even when teams were spamming 3 pop flashes with skye and then with kayo, then they did it with split and tenZ on raze, tenz already had said he wasn't comfortable on raze but they did it in berlin and in champions too, then with not scrimming as much, also with still playing sova on maps where fade is probably the better choice and on and on and on but the season is over and we're probably not gonna see this team play a match together so GGs ig

posted about 2 years ago

the round when he got an OP kill A main and still died from tree even with players holding the area was so sad to watch, anyway not like he played super good soo

posted about 2 years ago

don't worry, TSM will have better IGLs to choose from once they're in the the franchise because theres no way they go into it with this team

posted about 2 years ago

doesn't matter, SEN just needs to win the next 2 and they qualify, other teams winning doesn't matter as SEN will win in head to head

posted about 2 years ago

T1 TenZ T1 sicK

posted about 2 years ago

you need to be brain damaged if you think sinatraa is ever gonna be back on that roster, they have the biggest brand of valorant on the roster and they're also the most popular team in valorant, how do you think they're gonna have someone on the team whos been accused of r*pe and assaulting his ex?

posted about 2 years ago

shahzam on skye is bad from what we've seen on split, rather have him on breach on bind

posted about 2 years ago

mans been unlucky most of the time, played anchor on c9 cs when he was an awper, was tenz and friends on c9 and val didn't have much structure back then, and SEN still hasn't got an experienced coach who could talk to him about those minor mistakes he commits but hes got rawkus from OW, basically hes still the guy who was grinding cs on his streams before c9 but just with a bigger brand lul, sad actually

posted about 2 years ago