Flag: Turkey
Registered: February 15, 2022
Last post: February 22, 2022 at 12:20 AM
Posts: 48

You godfucking-shitheaded-pooeating-foureyed-bigheaded-pedofilic-godforesaken-pissdrinking-assfucking-homofilic-beerbellied-mophaired-cronical-heroinaddicted-tetanussuffering-monkeyassed-cocksucking-breastloving-hepatitis moron 100t fan go fuck yourself I don't have time to f w kids like you

posted about 3 years ago

what more can I say?

posted about 3 years ago There are. This is a simple example.

posted about 3 years ago

You cannot claim that they will not happen in the future and you are not the only person that plays this game. What if I'd told u that you can throw sova's arrows through the under the map by some tricks and objects don't block it? The main reason why I switched to valorant was cheater problems in my previous game. This is all about trust. I don't want to bother myself thinking was that a bug? Are hitboxes broken? Did my opponent use bug? This is all about trust, nothing else.

posted about 3 years ago

If you had seen sova arrow bugs you wouldn't say that. Plus, raze ult, shitty viper ult bug that lets you to see inside all of the ult clearly and many many others that I can't remember rn. You can search any other bugs just by searching it. I am a cs veteran from 1.5. At the time when valorant was in beat I stopped playing cs go and recommended (sometimes forced) my friends to play valorant. But right now... Idk.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

There are lots of bugs + sometimes I feel like hitboxes are also broken.

posted about 3 years ago

Yes, they are.

posted about 3 years ago

Every joke has some truth in it.

posted about 3 years ago

Lame. Money launderers donated bits while he was live on twitch. After that they wanted him to cooperate but he refused. Then they wanted him to give the money back but he said that he didn't ask them to donate and he didn't give. The only mistake he made is not taking them seriously and not reporting them. That's it.

posted about 3 years ago

Let's go Bonkers. EZ

posted about 3 years ago

One of the must-to-watch matches

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


1) Prime
2) Reaver
3) Rgx
4) Forsaken
5) Elderflame


1) Ion
2) Oni
3) Ruination
4) Prime 2
5) Singularity / Spectrum

posted about 3 years ago

Let's see

posted about 3 years ago

NA “Near Airport” is known as the fastest region to arrive at the Airport. Since they gave up on the VALORANT Champions, they are investing in Speedruns. In particular they are current world record holders in Airport Any % and Airport no wins.

posted about 3 years ago

It's a bit late but haven't seen anything on forum.

I did say its late, you should have missed that.

posted about 3 years ago

You are so mad loser. Keep losing :3

posted about 3 years ago

huh I fucking knew it, I searched it but should have missed :( thx

posted about 3 years ago
It's a bit late but haven't seen anything on forum.

Edited: I did see now sorry for this thread. Thx for letting me know

posted about 3 years ago

ratioed again :3

posted about 3 years ago
  1. Raw talent and dedication (I have written them at the same time as I think that raw talent means nothing If a player doesn't have dedication)
  2. Agent Pool as that makes your comps more flexible and u can create anti-comps against the enemies'
  3. Good Comms
  4. Game sens (most of the pro players have it but what I mean by that is game sens which makes difference in pro scene and being able make a good move in perfect time even when that is against the tactic without any hesitation)
  5. Professionalism
    Order is changeable.
posted about 3 years ago

Jett - cNed, TenZ, Derke and Russz
Reyna - Scream and Asuna
Cypher - Natz, aimdll
Skye - starxo and Russ
Sova - Shahzam, H1ko
Viper - Nats
Raze was my previous main and flights helped me a lot about how to use satchles, etc. but he is not an active player I guess.
These ones are my personal opinions from the players that I have seen so far. There are so many pro players that I don't know. So, that means any players who are not on the list are probably I didn't watch their match or stream. Nothing offensive. Thx. I hope it helps.

posted about 3 years ago

General Manager of bbl, rootthegamer, says that Turko is not an amateur who doesn't know what to do and how to play his role (support). He played at top level and still plays, he can adapt to team easily and quickly (paura is his old teammate and his close friend also he knows most of the players of bbl). "We don't start teaching him how to use sova and his darts. We started to talk which roles, positions and sides of the map he can play." Moreover, he said that the team was suffering from the connection problem between support, defence and attack triangle. "We were having problem while attacking with support and defending with support." To me bbl thinks that they were suffering from not having a proper support (so we may say that they were playing without support) that is why they signed with Turko. Except for the last sentence I translated the clip of general manager's talk in his twitch channel. I hope it may answer your questions.

posted about 3 years ago

I am not a big fan of anime. Only watched Death Note and Attack on Titan.

posted about 3 years ago

Firstly you gotta know that everyone can be denied. You are not the only person who is denied by a girl. My advice will not solve your problem but it will help in the long-term. Here it is, focus on yourself in every aspect. Discover yourself and try to be the guy that you wanna be in the future. That sounds like a cliché but really helps. I am not telling you that your crush will accept you but these advices help in some way and make you feel better. My ex who left me before came back to me but I wasn't the same guy and that time I denied her. One day you will overcome this and then you realize that these things make you improve yourself (the only good side of negative things. They teach). I hope that I doesn't sound like a weirdo. That was my experience and I hope it helps.

posted about 3 years ago

There was in 2016.

  1. Argentina
    3-4. France and Denmark
posted about 3 years ago

usa, turkey, spain and brazil matches would be insane.

posted about 3 years ago

He'll play in the next match bbl vs fnc according to one of the owners of the club wtcn

posted about 3 years ago

How tf u deducted that I am insecure. I was trying to give a good answer and It seems that u take it different. See ya!

posted about 3 years ago

Bc I opened my acc yesterday mb? Does it make sense?

posted about 3 years ago

Before blaming someone for sth u should check entirely. One guy or two makes no sense and I think that bbl doesn't need that fake boosts to make their team famous.

posted about 3 years ago

no they are not he posted oxg vs sup, ff vs one breath (his first post), etc.

posted about 3 years ago

keep it going. anymore?

posted about 3 years ago

so? should I wait a year to reply?

posted about 3 years ago

why do you think so?

posted about 3 years ago

That's a good deal

posted about 3 years ago

Dude that guy is gets ratioed in everywhere lol what a loser

posted about 3 years ago

Selling a luxury house on a game forum gl

posted about 3 years ago

so? I know that's a nice looking flag thanks for your compliments. Hold that big L

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

SHEEEEESH that's a good move but not sure if they needed.

posted about 3 years ago

LMAO dude that's so cruel

posted about 3 years ago

I don't even know who he is.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

cNed = uWu Bear

posted about 3 years ago