Flag: India
Registered: May 5, 2024
Last post: March 8, 2025 at 12:22 PM
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Bro why hasn't the account been deleted yet , I thought you were a man of your words huh, looks like you a pussy... And just another sen puppy blabbering shit z sometimes I feel bad about the org cause they have retarded people as you as their fans , get a job bro or get a life bro , the level of retardedness in you all just amazes me Every damn day , you got nothing better in ur entire life than to support a team that doesn't care for you or know who you are, sucks to be a loser like you

posted 7 months ago

Bro casually dropped asuna from 100T and thought we won't notice

posted 7 months ago

Bro I genuinely sen is such a good team and then it's fans are like literal retards

posted 7 months ago

I think these are the teams that have the most potential at picking up the champs trophy (not in order):

Sentinels: they have been looking solid in split 2 , their masterful coordination is back as well their set plays, they are a heavy competitor for trophy

GenG - GenG are still looking solid with no fall off even after winning masters 2 and their international record is best this year and champs is going to be in their own homeground thus a mental boost as well,

Fnatic: I ain't a Fnatic stan but I am just telling u what I see , their form and consistency have been looking so much better since hiro came in, especially as now chronicle can play his comfort sova role and everyone is currently firing on this team pretty well , if they keep this up , then they have a definite chance of lifting the trophy

G2- Their consistency is maintained even in split 2 after champs masterclass , and they are looking solid as well .

Below are teams with potential to lift the trophy but are less likely to:

PRX: potential exists but their map pool looks bad along with their agent comps on some maps.
Lev- evn in stage 1 they looked very promising but then eventually fell off after regular season and played bad in playoffs and on lan , they are highly inconsistent.
TH : To be honest I am a heretics stan , but I can't easily bring myself to say that they can easily lift the trophy because things are different than in Shanghai , in Shanghai woot delivered a masterclass along with patitek rising to the occasion as well , nobody expected that, it was a miracle run and I don't think it would be that easy to replicate that again.

posted 7 months ago

They do mate , like in stage 1 , you could see they weren't their best , lost to prx really bad on bind in a 2-0 and lost to a mid level team like RRQ as well and as well as drx , even in playoffs they played bad against T1 and let them qualify to masters and were playing so bad against drx as well like they were one map down and also 7-0 against drx on the second map which was their own pick but they then ran it back

posted 7 months ago

Yep derke is also better but then your explanation means leo will be out and it maybe be a permanent thing

posted 7 months ago

Is it just me or does it look like Fnatic are actually playing a lot better than how they played in their stage 1 and masters 2, like genuinely , also they are looking far more consistent and disciplined (though I know they played not that strong teams this split , but still cause in split 1 sometimes they even struggled with weak teams) is it because of hiro or Edgar (sports psychologist) and if they are looking this good because of hiro like some kind of vibe guy then will leo actually be back in champs or not??.....

posted 7 months ago

Bro the koreans are like conditioned to work like that, like even in normal jobs you should see their dedication and commitment and work hours

posted 7 months ago

Protocol , ion and blastx are kinda goated in phantom skins and there also exists spectrum phantom but I don't think u can get that anymore in shop and then there's also the radiant crisis

posted 7 months ago

U saw pacific trophy it's insane as well bro

posted 7 months ago

Yess sir πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 7 months ago

I men , they obviously lost to Gen G , but on ascent they used their last years comp but fact is they are already qualified for champs so does that mean either they are dumb to use the same comp thinking it may work again or they just don't want to reveal their cards this early out

posted 7 months ago

1 Their mental is still somehow weak , this has to be addressed, imo they should hire a good sports psychologist like Fnatic has done.

  1. Jinggs inability to flex ( as he thought he was finally gonna retire) and play only raze or sage or pheonix ( which is currently barely playable on the current map pool) but this wasn't their own fault considering that initially monyet was gonna be the player and his agent pool was wider, thus they had already dedicated the entire off season to playing with monyet agent pool where the team has much better flex ability.

  2. Their map pool is also poor because of the same above reason where they prolly had better comps for maps which they currently suck on in the office season with monyet agent pool.

posted 7 months ago

Obviously primmie played super good but bro ts didn't play even close to their best , like majority of the times it seemed as if talon was in charge of the game tho ts rounds

posted 7 months ago

With the changes they made during office season and their performance coming into playoffs , everyone thought they are gonna make champs considering how good they were all looking until once again they choked in playoffs and couldn't bring out their best , for these guys it seems to be a classic, the classic playoffs choke and thus let talon through

Ain't a secret hater but it hurts and seems bad whenever such good teams choke at important points and don't make it through

posted 7 months ago

Thank you so much broo

posted 7 months ago

Hey guys where can I watch valorant challengers league Thailand live, pls give name of channel , I tried finding it on YouTube but couldn't

posted 7 months ago

Someone pls explain why is this guy is being so overhyped bro , i don't see anything extra special in his stats on vlr but the coach frost literally went to the extent of calling him and X Factor , pls someone genuinely explain

posted 7 months ago

Will see

posted 7 months ago

Not taking sen in top 4 is a crime bro ( not a sen fan but their performance is outstanding currently)

posted 7 months ago

Whom do u all predict to come in the top 4 at Champions 2023, here are mine:

Gen G
Team Heretics

posted 7 months ago

Bro it's boo from team heretics, like that guys is good at igling and frags heavy when team needs it and also frags normally in other situations, he doesn't get the respect or rating he deserves

posted 7 months ago

Bro is talking about aura and that Zeta and dfm has aura and respect in community bro u could say that Zeta has respect and I would agree but dfm ,oh ur delulsion bro , also atleast I am mature enough to not troll players or coaches or team by giving them nicknames while sitting on my couch at home

posted 7 months ago

Yo bro where's ur team then , huh dfm or Zeta both trash as well

posted 7 months ago

Shut up bro ,let's not fight we pacific fans should be happy with the trophy and not argue such bullshit, if u want argue such bullshit let's do it with americas

posted 7 months ago

Bro sincerely I don't care , I am just hinged at prx winning this champs but if they don't , i don't care even if ts wins as long a pacific team wins it

posted 7 months ago

Will drx give him up that easily

posted 7 months ago

Give out some names for the good duelists that are currently free agents or their contract is due this year, remember the duelists should be flexible with atleast raze and Jett and if possible neon and yoru,
Can belong to Any region and can be in T2 or T1

Edit: Also knows English well

posted 7 months ago

Coach - Doombros

Russ (Initiator)
Venka (sentinel)
Lightning fast (Controller)
Import Duelist (idk)
Good igl(idk)

posted 7 months ago

Johnqt (igl)
Aspas (duelist)
Pancada/Som (controller)

posted 7 months ago

I don't think that way broz that he's idolizing tenz but i do think this guy's a fraud cause he's heavily hyped upon and still so inconsistent when he finally showed up in split 1 and masters in a good way i thought he's inconsistency days were over but he's back at it now

posted 8 months ago

Global definitely has the worst fan base bro, like only some real fans support them others are just shit heads who support when they win and then shit on team and abuse them when they lose , also next might be definitely sentinels cause they are hella toxic on others

posted 8 months ago

Hmm , seems that way but then atleast play each team once during every split , rather than playing half teams in split 1 and other half in split 2

posted 8 months ago

Yo bro i think u got it wrong , when I mentioned 44 matches it basically means even stretching the weeks for each week to be atleast like 4-5 days long thus allowing a team to play more matches in a single week

posted 8 months ago

Bro when they first announced this kind of format that even though 2 splits are there matches will still be only 12 , then the pros themselves weren't very happy abt it and they did mention it out on Twitter , if you would see

posted 8 months ago

Suggest something then , aren't u frustrated that already u see less matches? Cause i definitely am bro

posted 8 months ago

This is how format should be in my opinion:

The season is stretched and thus will smaller off season break but will contain in itself mid season break, the amount of internationals should be kept to three like this year with two masters and one champs, but the regional leagues should be consisting of two splits with each split allowing each team to play a team twice, thus a team will play a total of 44 matches in the entire season even if they don't make playoffs, the season starts in Jan end and starts with split 1 followed by masters 1 and then a small mid season break followed by split 2 and masters 2 and then another break before some playoff matches for champs qualification followed by champs , drop your suggestions on this

posted 8 months ago

Bro let me suggest a better team:

Russ (Initiator)
Deathmaker (Duelist)
Venka (Sentinel)
Lightning fast ( Controller)
And an igl mostly import will be good ,
And a good foreign coach

posted 8 months ago

Bro this pickem is like 3-4 , its bad how do u suggest , EDG loses to TH, GENG loses to 100T AND G2 wins against 100T as well as FNC

posted 9 months ago

Hey guys, i don't know whether its just me or have you all noticed that the current level of play and hype around masters Shanghai has been meh, like except for a few matchups rest have been very boring, especially when you compare it to the hype and play at Madrid, like Madrid was just so OP man in terms of hype and it also lived up to it by providing us with constant banger games, i hope that with the matchups currently set up in playoffs , the level of play and hype may go up.

Thoughts on this?

posted 9 months ago
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