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Registered: April 29, 2024
Last post: April 30, 2024 at 11:37 AM
Posts: 6


posted 9 months ago

Preciate it! ('-')7

posted 9 months ago

Yezzirr! ('-')7

Yooo, that clip is gold lmaoo

posted 9 months ago

I was watching the stream live and went back to make sure I didn't misquote stuff. I think Nadeshot just got rubbed the wrong way for a simple question (nobody was taunting the man or nothin). Again, I think it got awkward cause the twitch chats took it a lot more seriously than the two people involved but who knows mane. Maybe they just settle any beef over DMs or smthn.

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Besides this being taken outta proportion, I feel like Nadeshot was a bit on edge for a simple question (jokingly referring to his "nicotine withdrawals and going back to his demons cause of FNS's question lol). I have been following 100T since day 1 of Val so I have no reason to be biased to FNS. Overall, I think Nadeshot just wants people in the call to sit there and listen to him yapping and moaning about his team the whole game (tarik always did that even when he was on 100T and S0M was tryna do that in this discord call and the last one they had).

Here is the full situation for y'all:

It all started Round 4 (100T) - 7 (KRU)

  • Nadeshot mentions if it's a coincidence that Boostio got a tattoo yesterday and now he's going 2/10 (KD). Should we fine him or something (trolling/joking). Som says something then nadeshot gets a lil mad saying boostio is fat fingering and shit (missing shots, etc.)

  • FNS tries to defend Boostio (a respected Champs winner and IGL he's competed with) by saying "this guy just took you to your first playoffs in 3 years, give him a break"

Small talk about Boostio having won them 2 games, FNS says he's trying to win you a 3rd, Nadeshot is like yeah cool he's doing the job he's getting paid to do. Proceeds to say something about Boostio winning a trophy and FNS says he can.

FNS asked Nadeshot - "You know why he is good, what do you think makes Boostio good" (This is the question that triggered Nadeshot apparently)

Nadeshot goes "you want a serious answer or joking answer?"
Fns says serious.

Nadeshot - "am I under interrogation or something".

Fns - "you not gonna answer then".

Nadeshot - "I plead the 5th, I don't wanna give away our secrets"

Tarik - "What were you gonna say Jan, why is Boostio good?"

FNS - "He's good cause he puts everyone at ease, that's his biggest strength on the team"

Nadeshot starts being sarcastic about not knowing what made Boostio good sayings stuff like "oh, I never would've guessed that" and "This guy must be a Psych major or something"
FNS takes the high road and just ignores it saying "nevermind"

Small talk where Nadeshot says "Stop flirting w me FNS, I'm taken" and FNS jokingly replies "I think this guy was born to beef with me". Sam and Tarik try to lighten the mood mentioning opposites attract, and they are like 2 peas in a pod.

The conversation simmers down a bit and S0m asks Nadeshot - "Wait Nadeshot, aren't you nicotine-free? How's that going"
Nadeshot - "I'm about to relapse brother, its not going well (joking and annoyed). This guy Jan (FNS) is tryna get me back to my addictions. Tarik awkward laughs. You know what I'm saying Tarik, this guy is at my throat asking me questions about our players - why did I hire people (annoyed tone)
FNS - I didn't ask why you hired him (laughing). I asked why you think he's good.
Nadeshot - "I'm not giving you my scouting report dude, you ain't paying me! (legit annoyed)"
FNS - "I don't think you have a clue and no answer that's why"

Nadeshot actually gets pissed now and starts saying he's being an on-air personality. But then justifies how he reads books and literature. FNS again ask do you have an answer to why Boostio is good. Now Nadeshot is mad and says "all jokes aside, MFer I lead major teams to 8 major championships in CoD. Now I know that's not apples to apples compared to CS but I am able to spot talent/pick players and put em in a spot to succeed.

FNS is just trolling at this point noticing that Nadeshot is getting mad so he presses him again - "What do you think makes Boostio good with this team". Nadeshot is just pissed at this point and basically tells him that's below his paygrade and he just yaps (doesn't have to put teams together). You tryna make me look stupid of something?

FNS goes - "No no no, I was just gonna say that Boostio puts the team at ease". Nadeshot then tells FNS to Shut up and watch the game.

Tarik and S0M try to lighten the mood and clear the air a bit.

FNS goes "this guy is just weird".
Tarik says "You might be pushing him too hard, asking him some weird questions".
Nadeshot chimes in with "I'm the fun weird, you're the making everyone uncomfortable weird".

FNS - "Nah you changed, I can't fk w you no more if you're gonna be weird"
Nadeshot - "We were all chillin on the call and all of a sudden you bring up --> do you know why boostio is picked for this team?" (clearly this guy didn't get the question)

Nadeshot proceeds to clown fns with a funny voice saying - "No I haven't been in e-sports since I was 14 years old, I'm sry"
FNS jokingly says - "Nah you're different brother, but you do you"

Nadeshot being cocky goes - "I know that brother, my mom's been telling me since I was young... The difference is, you had your teachers telling you the same"

FNS - "I feel like this guys is on some racist shit right now (smiling and joking around)"
Tarik and S0M trying their best to defuse the situation
Nadeshot - "AWwwwww Fakkkkkk! I'm out, I'm out, I'm out...."

S0M - "Wait he actually left"
Tarik - "Dude, this isn't even actual beef"
FNS legit concerned face - "Wait Nadeshot left? Bring him back, I'm not tryna hurt no feelings wtf"

Nadeshot chat gets upset and comes to complain in FNS's chat about him being a jerk and all. FNS says he was jus trolling and he jokes around with all his friends all the time like this. Its nothing serious and he's sure Nadeshot isn't offended.

Nadeshot comes back a couple minutes later and FNS agrees to be a beta and not bother him.

FNS just says in-game stuff a few times then second map just mutes on discord cause he doesn't want his chat and nadeshot's chat fighting or being weird. Rest of the game FNS streams solo.

posted 9 months ago