Flag: United States
Registered: August 24, 2022
Last post: January 27, 2025 at 5:03 PM
Posts: 1

The binders they carry around in sports like football are not hundred page long documents discussing the origins of football, they have the picture of the play and MAYBE the common signs to look for when running it. Whether it is sports or esports, players learn much better through the tape than through reading a thesis dissertation on the impact of snow in Buffalo.

In law school, you are given word limits as opposed to word minimums. The idea being that to actually explain the concepts in a clear and concise manner that judges, lawyers, and juries can understand you need to present the ideas without the fluff. One of the hardest skills is taking what may be a hundred pages of material and condensing it into ten really useful pages. There are places for papers that discuss the history and background of every aspect on a topic, those places are not when you have a limited time to get a crucial concept across for others to learn. Requiring over a hundred pages to get such a concept across is a failure of coaching, not a success of it.

posted 1 month ago