i'm explode
Flag: | Argentina |
Registered: | January 21, 2023 |
Last post: | July 21, 2024 at 11:49 PM |
Posts: | 217 |
helo im 28 year old. my name is kim. i am play a lot vlaorant. #vamos kruu
No need to make a post, i'm here already, the debate is over, i am the goat.
i'm gonna tell cNed about this
Teacher: Class, spell hot, goat, sexy, and pookie
Everyone except me: H-O-T, G-O-A-T, S-E-X-Y, P-O-O-K-I-E
Me asf: That's wrong! It's J-A-C-C-O-B W-H-I-T-E-A-K-E-R
Jaccob "The goat, The hottest, The best, The hall of famer, My pookie bear, My pumpkin pie, My Delicious Snack, My idol, My Cutie Patootie, My Honeybunch, yay" Whiteaker: I swear to god these incels be trippin' dawg.
Fav Team: 9z Team
Your least liked team: 100 Thieves
Fav food: Cannelloni
Fav player: kiNgg
Your least liked player: cNed
Fav country: Argentina
It's a top 5 team for sure, also pretty sure Shyy is gonna stay
se van a quedar con todo el Roster + aspas
Do it softly, push your hand towards the thing with no fear, it might look sharp but if treated nicely it moves and you can actually feel like a soft pillow
Most houses have a main door, find it in order to go outside, then you can find little thin things colored green
Ask your questions related to Grass and touching it, ill answer them.
It can be anything as long as its not over the top.
More like ur cleaning ur mousepad
I started a week before Pearl released
They will perish.
My strength is unimaginable.
Maybe he just wanna get to Franchise by his own to prove it, just like TGRD
too ez for fennel
I put part 2 since the main core of LOUD, Less, Aspas and Saadhak is gone, hence meaning it's a completely new LOUD.
Give us time...
We're preparing...
VLR Will not be ready for the Rise of:
I will be here... to see you guys cry...
after writing the title you mean
You got the wrong manual on how to use your brain bro
It stopped happening when i got to Immortal but the higher i've gone the more these Low immos throw and they decide to vote no on the Remake
No, you still lost pistol, you're already on a disadvantage. It should never require a vote.
Why does REMAKE need a vote?? like hellooo???? Riot in WHAT CASE would i ever fucking want to play a 4v5??? Why can a thrower just vote no???
Nah he'd charge Triple and per minute
He's playable in pretty much all maps & he's still a better op Agent than Jett
You misunderstood.
This post was about the Tier 2 scene, NOT about TGRD losing the spot after leaving.
What he means is that nobody here likes watching Tier 2 despite them saying that they care about it.
i agree but since everyone is downvoting i gotta join them