Flag: Singapore
Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: February 21, 2025 at 2:33 PM
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EDG vs 100T
PRX vs C9
TLN vs mibr


posted about 2 years ago

Can't find it anymore , it was more of plan of announcement and read Valorant 电竞生态沟通会 / Intro conference

posted about 2 years ago

saw this coming with 30 teams and 15 days

posted about 2 years ago

Expected . On weibo there was a post of announcement or some shit for vct china

posted about 2 years ago

banned because ange1 instalock yoru on his stream

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah and also Angel Beats , Nagi No asu Kara , Bakemonogatari which i can remember at currently have rly good Ed's

posted about 2 years ago

86 ed song by SawanoHiroyuki is also rly good

posted about 2 years ago

if Malaysia have it easy to get visa , idt Indonesia will have it any different

posted about 2 years ago

nice !

posted about 2 years ago

They want you to buy their skins but also want you to wait for it so you dont have any 2nd thoughts about buying it
Also many people just put money in to wait and buy a skin they want but end up buying something else if that isn't appearing in the store for a long time which boosts their sale

posted about 2 years ago

bunny isn't a pro anymore so cant rly be said he had a downfall

posted about 2 years ago

He's far from the top duelist in sea anymore
Isn't even top in Thai anymore
LCQ has been his peak so far

posted about 2 years ago

The typical "you are ugly" rebuttal . Its so incredible & consistent that in most of the threads related to KR you are among the one talking the most amount of shit . I feel sad for your friends and wont feel surprised if you don't have any . Its also impressive how you and some of these other LCK frogs talk literally the same way

posted about 2 years ago

It peaks at 22-25 and starts getting worse slowly both auditory and visual stimuli

posted about 2 years ago

idk about ardiis or yay but if you are Filipino your aim only starts to decline after you 50+yo

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah and im not blaming you for all the things RIOT is doing . From the start im actually only blaming RIOT .
But saying things like " 1 slot " is just straight up delusional . Like bro obviously APAC will have more than 1 team or you want it to be like LCK ? There are like 10+ countries competing in val on sea alone
Korea esports powerhouse sure , but we talking about val here and a direct slot with high prize pools literally does mean good chances .
Yeah teams other than PRX dont rly got impressive results and we alr know about this but this not in anyway corelates to how much slots they should get . X10 also did quite well in Champions 2021
Also top teams performing well is hardly the thing which determines how strong a region is . There is T2 and active team participation at each levels and also new good F/A's coming up which rly determines how strong a region is
Also no trophies and taking flame from other regions is a diff topic and not what i was arguing about

posted about 2 years ago

naww you really think hes North Korean ?? LMAOO
who knows man you might be right . Kim Jong might actually be a hardcore valorant enthusiast

posted about 2 years ago

you didnt answer my question tho

posted about 2 years ago

proceeds to call me a "delusional apac fans" when bro dont have any arguments against .
You think DRX is only disrespected by APAC fans ? Everyone makes fun of them and why would they not ?
PRX played so bad at champs and everyone made fun of them but who cares ? They played shit
Like PRX with shiba literally went out with 0 kills and it was so funny and everyone made fun of them
You suddenly get the victim mentality whenever theres anything Korean related . just shut up bro

Also who are these apac users who hate me man ? I didnt come here in vlr to make friends lmao . You needa go out bro if you care about those things . I only say what i see for the time im following esports

posted about 2 years ago

2 sgpeans enough alr for a small region like ours
guy is a LCK frog who would've thought lmao
bringing up other game stories in Valorant .
Also China owns your region in valo tho and funny enough even Indians owned your team

posted about 2 years ago

"there was a moment" like what moment you talking about
sea fans literally make fun of each other all the time

posted about 2 years ago

Singaporeans and their team have actually achieved the most in APAC internationally
why you feel bad for sgpeans ? also trying to steer away the convo
just post the whole message , let others see you cringe meatrider

posted about 2 years ago

lmao guy took me seriously on a fantasy world cup thread 🤣
Also post the whole message bro why did you edit it out ?
who you scared from sia

posted about 2 years ago

They did quite bad but it's not as bad either since they are a new team currently
but yeah i expected this

posted about 2 years ago

you think PRX didn't get disrespected before ? 🤣🤣
Copenhagen is still a recent event , do you know how much APAC teams got shit talked alr

posted about 2 years ago

you are most braindead person in this site tho
Not even soulstalker or sabbatical can beat you in that competition

posted about 2 years ago

lmao twitch chat was funny to look at after his dashes

posted about 2 years ago

or well-established esports organizations owning slots in the Challenger's League?

posted about 2 years ago

when does this challengers start ? isn't it quite late alr ?
Also who tf are these well - established esports orgs ? I'm guessing they are mobile orgs ? Didnt see them do jackshit for the Indian scene to grow tho so far
Like Indo mobile orgs like EVOS , BTR , RRQ had rosters for the longest time and also helped grow their valorant a lot

posted about 2 years ago

yeah you right its kinda unfair but nothing can be done really . Maybe they think it'll take too much time ig
Also idk about others but my/sg had BO3's for quarters & above

Here are the BO1's -

posted about 2 years ago

open quals are BO1's tho except semis/ finals maybe even quarters
Looks ok

posted about 2 years ago

India is in APAC and MENA is in EU ( i mean even different riot accounts )
Ping would probably be rly high
whereas India gets decent ping to Singapore

posted about 2 years ago

because many of these kr users and others overrate them .
I don't think T1 losing to TSM is even that bad because TSM had much better practice but the expectations around T1 got built so high alr
This is p much the story of every KR team ever .
These LCK fanboys & frogs hop into a different game and expect the same thing and when it doesn't go the way they expected will go on to belittle others

posted about 2 years ago

For last 2.5 years they got every help they possibly could , from the highest prize pools to playing their challengers on LAN and getting a direct slot to the highest stage in Valorant and still barely got any decent players in T2.
This is what happens when all of your players regardless they shit or not all go into franchising teams .
Like it tells you all when players like carpe get a direct spot in a partner team
LCQ was the funniest part of the whole 2.5year timeline when their teams got shit on by EDG and KONE lmao

None of that matters but what makes me angry is all these kr users have alw tried to belittle sea fans and acting superior like they did something

posted about 2 years ago

zoomers are cringe . You also were
Valo playerbase is young . After 10 years they will also be at your age

posted about 2 years ago

who would've imagined KR has one slot because they are just one country just like Japan
APAC however was not and consisted of many countries
Also KR challengers prize pool is literally the highest in all the Challengers in the whole Pacific , not even APAC challengers got even close to it and still it saw the highest participation of teams across every single country
Like bro it should give you the idea how popularity was so low in KR that it had less team participation than Challengers Singapore ( literally the smallest region in apac) and you saying we had 1 slot lmao . Also these sub-regions got a prize pool of just 1.5k-4k compared to 90k for KR
Like viewership for Taiwan challengers ( another small sub-region) reached like 4-5k + those times but Kr was stuck at 2-3K
Like apac was so cutthroat that even if you make it out these small sub-regions like HK/TW , SG , VN then you have to fight against other countries . Atleast you always had a direct spot to the highest event there was since start and saying top 3 is achievement ? Sure bro
Can think of me a hater of whatever . Feel free

posted about 2 years ago

I'm putting the blame here on RIOT here mostly
If the Indian league is big and different from other sub - regions then they should've been separate
Also smaller sub-regions can get combined like they did here with my/sg

posted about 2 years ago

aside from you who else then ?
Also comparing it to being "racist" is js not the same thing .
Shitting on a region which gets all the chance and is still weak is not wrong for me

posted about 2 years ago

I'm talking about the weird naming of the ascension league there which gets the false idea that everyone's included
If there are so many problems as you mention then they should've named it Indian vcl

posted about 2 years ago
only pakistan cant play the league

so for the last 2.5 years the only country beside India who even had a slight representation and put up a decent fight in so many of the Indian 3rd party tourneys and official vct's which took place will not be able to compete . Good to know !
Im not saying its your fault but the 2nd best sub-region there wont compete and its called SA . The representation is obviously wrong here

posted about 2 years ago

ok its a W but why would they call it SA when its only one country playing
so much for "representation"
this is almost like if SEA was only Indonesia + Cambodia

posted about 2 years ago

whos "we" here
literally all the "kr" users blindly hate on sea and for some reason think their one team region is superior or some shit
also even in sea literally everyone shits on each other , its not even related to one specific region

posted about 2 years ago

letters and numbers sound different in other languages
For example 8 - 八 ( pronounced ' Bā ' ) in Chinese

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yeah they qualified for Challengers
They will have the win that and then qualify for ascension
Then theres ascension tournament after that

posted about 2 years ago

return of the King

posted about 2 years ago

cry now

posted about 2 years ago

ahh i see
Yeah their team did not get any success after their international appearance so ig many forgot about him in other regions
But for now he's still playing and is in Thailand's best team for ascension - MiTH
They are in among the favorites to win ascension APAC

posted about 2 years ago
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