Flag: Singapore
Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: February 21, 2025 at 2:33 PM
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+4.5k Val Thai Youtube
+1.5k Val Thai Twitch

posted about 2 years ago

yeah he good on op but also dumb player lol even crws talk about it he needed more exp

posted about 2 years ago

surf better on op but overall garnetS plays jett better

posted about 2 years ago

hes good and been playing for a while
& thai & cambodia rivalry keeps going with jett

posted about 2 years ago

DRX 2-0 C9
if im wrong i'll edit my comment ez
W prediction

posted about 2 years ago

RRQ's number 1 fan is Clayy

posted about 2 years ago

apac is nerfed now so even more shit . Earlier atleast 2-3 times sub-region tournaments now 0

posted about 2 years ago

its literally 5 indo vs 5 Indian fighting all day long

posted about 2 years ago

First map going OT big enough

posted about 2 years ago

walao Styron played this well

posted about 2 years ago

I was saying it shouldn't have been named SA bcuz only India is investing + representing but it does not make SA = India league does it ? That's a different thing India deserves it's own league even tho i personally alw calling SA as India VCL
Also what's Jungli!!! LMAOO

posted about 2 years ago

cheers! brushed up my essay writing skills

posted about 2 years ago

Actually to be more accurate, there were talks about holding the LCQ in a LAN but it did not end up happening. Doing it online would have ping issues on both sides and RIOT probably wanted to see atleast one of either Korean , Japanese or Chinese team at Champions. If it was combined with the then APAC , then competition would be too stiff and no guarantees of a team qualifying from those 3 countries .
Then you have to remember at that time Valorant wasn't released in China so it was possible to do something like that .

I'm not sure if Brazil is a 1-team region or not but have to remember this country has a good fps history and dedicated gamers . They also pull numbers and seeing it succeed like csgo is likely what they want . For the current moment , i'd say they are alr doing good and RIOT would hardly be concerned about their pro teams bcuz remember Loud also had bad performance but then just straight won Champions.
I have same fear for Japan tho lol . It would be quite bad to not see any Japanese team at Masters on their own country but atleast can say RIOT is doing a lot for their so the fans won't just neglect . They have 2 teams to look forward to in the Pacific league which will start soon.

Also i do agree some orgs are missing. I'm not sure what's going with other regions but they gave every successful sub-region in Asia a Team . For example Singapore got PRX , Thailand got Talon , India got GE . BOOM deserved it kind of as Indonesia rep but RRQ had ties with RIOT so they gave it to them even tho BOOM deserved more just like CR deserved more in Japan instead of DFM . According to Bleed CEO tho they did not apply for partner but even if they did i think either of PRX or Bleed would've got it bcuz both orgs from same country only even tho both are good orgs and pay their players well compared to their SEA counterparts . SEA got a bad rep overall when it comes to org so no X10 lmao .

posted about 2 years ago

Well they separate it because China is too big on its own and even if they do make it a separate league 'East Asia' then they will have to follow a lot of rules to fit Chinese government rules/agenda so they are not looking to combine it there. Korea have it's own set of strict rules .
Then there's Japan also which is huge on its own , they have their own rules for Valorant there .
Japan and Korea are not just gna follow them

Speaking of who is far ahead or not i will only say you are judging way too early , DRX is just far ahead of everyone in Korea or even in APAC . Not all matches even happened yet so how do you know the whole region is far ahead ? According to me , how strong an entire region is , is dependent on its T2 league so we have to wait for Ascension to start . Valorant is RIOT's only game which is as close we get to a Pan-Asian game
Also one more reason , they are probably not looking to separate Asian league because that will create a power dynamic in terms of investment because SEA + India will fall behind a lot when compared to Korea , Japan & China .
This is actually what happened in LoL and they do not want to repeat the same because countries like India and Indonesia can prove out to be v profitable for them and things have changed a lot from 2011 (remember these countries are huge alr and have potential to pull numbers which is RIOT's wet dream)

Then about the slot distribution, it's probably not good to have only 2 teams atleast in America's let's say . NA is competitive on its own but then it will overshadow BR and LATAM where you have to note the game is v famous as well so the SA regions will get neglected and it'll be weak . I really liked how they distributed slots up until last year , had 2 masters event and LCQ so everyone was getting represented properly

posted about 2 years ago

Aussies get a c word pass dw

posted about 2 years ago

my relatives visit there once

posted about 2 years ago

Masters Bangalore
go go go W place

posted about 2 years ago

if host then Bangalore
W place + W ping

posted about 2 years ago

what is bro waffling about 💀

posted about 2 years ago

Im not saying anything about Nodwin . They probably are the best in APAC and you compared it to dogshit Mineski . I said their country's own challengers circuit and own channels

posted about 2 years ago

1 month ? ok nvr heard about this so GE gna be fine ig

posted about 2 years ago

It was ESL Thailand before , now they have their own
Also barely any representation doesn't mean it's an Indian circuit. Players from other countries in SA are not counted as imports but part of their own
And thats a "partnership" , elsewhere it's hosted by RIOT themselves

posted about 2 years ago

ahh this what happens when you give Uneducated people easy access to the Internet
so yeah today i learned South Asia = India

posted about 2 years ago

t3xture probably is but wronski is part of the team , who had to drop out last min

posted about 2 years ago

ok Adi and ?

posted about 2 years ago

Thats "South Asia" circuit not India and the live stream you talking about isnt official riot hosted

posted about 2 years ago

and that's what I said? Without wronski (their duelist) GE can't

posted about 2 years ago

Thats a weak comeback. Indo has its own challengers circuit and it's own official vct stream
India doesn't even have it's own official circuit yet what u waffling about

posted about 2 years ago

mongolia is not sea ahh 😅 , Thai was best or among the best in SEA + India. Also csgo died js after Val release so after Mongolia & China dominates

posted about 2 years ago

they alw been best , even in csgo aka the fps country in sea
but csgo all unregulated

posted about 2 years ago

yeah Jing kinda famous also among thai so good for PRX pr

posted about 2 years ago

He js alright . Nvr played in Thai challengers as well but hes famous thats why PRX pick him to get support of Thai fans . idt they got any intention of putting him in main roster

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

it was ejay's fault for asking . They both from PH so probably they do talk about that...

posted about 2 years ago

without the OCE goat GE cant....

posted about 2 years ago

beomjun 💀

posted about 2 years ago

did invy even knew ejay was streaming ?
your first reaction is to hate on sea lmao

posted about 2 years ago

i need!

posted about 2 years ago

off to sleep! great match 😴

posted about 2 years ago

best day for apac

posted about 2 years ago

just when all hope is lost after PRX loss , Thai come to rescue again as always 😭😭😭

posted about 2 years ago

A lot lot . I said alr talent was good when they reveal roster
lets see map 2

posted about 2 years ago

Pati is

posted about 2 years ago

sushi struggle lot last last year he admit as well . Hes looking more comfortable now . Pati is gone for so long idk he gna play

posted about 2 years ago

trust those 2

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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