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Registered: May 31, 2021
Last post: July 30, 2021 at 12:22 AM
Posts: 3

As much as I want Rise to win, 2-1 LG

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe not Reyna, but you will see Phoenix. Phoenix is an amazing entry, and if he farms orbs, the team has a free round on attack every 2-3 rounds.

posted about 3 years ago

So, I was thinking about the state of the agents and decided to write my thoughts here.

Astra: VERY op. In non pro play, she is not op due to a lack of communication; however, in pro play, she is very op. Her suck is way too strong, as stated by everyone in the community, and you probably think so too. I think the rest of her util is balanced, if not weak, however her grasp makes her way too good. I think riot should decrease the strength and duration on her suck, and while doing this, buff her ult. I would like a complete reword on her ult, but this would be too hard for riot to design. I think they should increase the duration, and not allow certain util through the wall, such as mollies. This will make her ult op, but she will have a weak kit.

Breach: Underpowered. Breach is very annoying to play against, since you will know he is there. Breach will continuously flash and stun you, but the majority of the time it will not be capitalized off of. I like riots future steps of nerfing the flashes and donating power to the rest of his kit. I would definitely like a buff to his blast.

Brim: Slightly underpowered. I think brim will never be as good as the other controllers. Yes, he has better smokes, however his deploying method is the worst out of the other main smokers (not including viper.) His kit will never be as good as Omen’s flashes or Astra’s entire kit. I think he was a bad decision from riot and is way to basic. Other agents will become better than him while accomplishing the same role.

Cypher: Decent. I think cypher is not overpowered or underpowered. He may lean slightly underpowered, but a large buff would not make him more balanced. I think his cages should be nerfed, while giving his wires a buff, such as marking Jett’s when they dash, or make them harder to break once someone has hit them. This will punish people for playing carelessly and un-responsibly by not checking for trips.

Jett: Balanced. Jett has an awful kit. No team util, nothing to impact the round. Only her dash, which contains most of the power in her kit. Her ult is a bit overpowered. I think a good rework would be to remove the right click, reduce the number her knives to 3, while increasing their body and leg shot dmg to 75 and the fire rate by 25%. This would make them more skill based and remove their shotgun potential.

Killjoy: Definitely op. Her turret is op in many ways, and her mollies should be more detectable. Her turret should not slow players by nearly as much (maybe 75% less) when the turret hits, and it’s health should be reduced to make it breakable on pistol rounds. It should also have a max distance, so you can peak out of b on icebox or c of haven without being detected across the entire map... Her alarm or is fine, but when mixed with her mollies, for example on the catwalk on b site ascent, it is a guaranteed kill. This can be solved by making them audible like cypher’s trips, through the walls, into the range of when you could see them not through a wall.

Omen: Balanced, seems bad due to astra outweighing him. He has a great flash since it is not counter-able and great long range smokes. Astra is just so
much better and more op, which makes omen practically useless.

Raze: Balanced, a bit good. She can clear and hold angles with her nade, as intended. Her satchels are only good for movement (maybe sage walls), and her ult can be ran away from. If you can’t run away from her ult, either it was good use, or you made a mistake somewhere.

Phoenix: Underpowered. He has one of (of not the) best ults in the game, however his flashes are easily dodge able, and his molly is awful. His molly should either heal him more and then his wall shouldn’t heal him, or should last longer and do more damage. I think a good buff for him would to make his molly last longer, deal more damage, and heal more.

Reyna: Balanced. She is a duelist with great fragging potential, however has a bad flash but great survival and fragging abilities. I think she should be left alone, as she is not a type of agent to be played professionally.

Sage: Balanced. Her only issue is vertical walls, which I think should be removed.

Skye: A bit overpowered. Her flashes are awful from range, however great for info. Her flashes only use other than for info is to flash directly around a corner or bait them, since they are so easy to dodge. I think her flashes’ info should be removed, as well and the flash duration falloff from range. Then, I think her flashes’ max duration should be dramatically reduced, and they should not make sound when travelling in the air, until you are within a tiny radius of them. I think her heal and dog are fine, and her ult is good after the patches.

Sova: Op. Sova will always be used in pro play, and is very skill oriented. I think his ult should not mark players, then get a fourth shot. This will force him to use util with his ult. I think his recon’s replenish duration should be reduced to a max of two arrows a round, and then I think that should be it.

Viper: op. I think she should be more of a controller. She should be reworked, to have her smoke easily deployed, and her mollies should have their damage increased and their fragile taken out, since the fragile effect made her more or a sentinel, preventing players from pushing. This will also dramatically decide her post plant potential, since her smoke will not do as much damage. After, her util should not have any initial impact damage, and should only damage when players remain in it. Her wall is fine, the duration is fine, and her ult may be a little good, so I think they should make the minimum health from decay 50.

Yoru: Well, awful. His tp isn’t bad anymore, and his flashes are good, but hard to use. As riot said, he needs to have his decoy ability buffer, which they are supposedly working on. I also think his ult should only be detectable by sound, and should be audible from a closer range. This would allow him to gain more info without being spotted, and possibly use it to position to unexpected locations.

This is my take. What do you think?

posted about 3 years ago