Flag: United States
Registered: March 22, 2021
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 12:03 AM
Posts: 22

KangKang is the best player of all time in terms of impact, aim, youth, ability to AWP, hype up team and himself, and has ultimate aura and vibes. Also plays the most influential role. Just won Champions and will dominate for the next 6+ years.

posted 6 months ago


This is the correct answer, said this team months ago, but everyone hated on KangKang and said Aspas. Can't hate now.

posted 6 months ago

This might be the correct team. Damn.

posted 7 months ago

I dont think Asuna is the problem. He's one of my favorite players to watch. I just think Boostio needs to build the team, and if Asuna and Cryo aren't a part of that, then so be it. The core of Asuna, Bang, and Cryo have been there so long with pretty mediocre results. So something has got to change. Give Boostio the reigns is my advice. And yeah, a period in the title is cringe, my bad. Was an accident. Haha.

posted 7 months ago

I love Asuna and his shake-y aim and he is the last part of that old 100t squad that I loved so much but if I were Nadeshot, I'd go to Boostio and say "do you wanna keep anybody, if not, tell me who u want, build your own team." You got Demon1 sitting on the bench and him and Boostio obviously got that connection. Tier 2 is pretty sick. How would u fix 100t?

posted 7 months ago

It's really only GenG and Herotics. Sentinals and PRX are in the next tier. And LEV and Fnatic after that.

posted 7 months ago

Pretty sick squad, love Meteor and Mako. JAWG is such a beast, he would have been my next pick for duelist. Biank the weak link for sure but I get him as the IGL pick, not too shabby of a squad.

posted 8 months ago

I should have added Demon1 as bench warmer/content creator. Haha. Hope he makes a comeback. Love Boostie, vibes guy.

posted 8 months ago

Sick, I went Less over Aspas. Aspas really the top player overall though so i dont blame u, though his timeout naps really rub me the wrong way.

posted 8 months ago

Anybody got a better 5? I would like to hear some other player combos, so many good players that I left out. No NA players, I feel like I betraying my region.

posted 8 months ago

Yeah, it's just for fun. Less is so fucking good, dude cooks even when Loud plays poorly.

posted 8 months ago

Yeah, that's why he's on the team, he's sick as f*ck.

posted 8 months ago

Life good too, feel like Kang Kang is the most talented OPer, though he hadn't been doing it as much lately. Not sure why. His team has been sucking, but he has still been savvin off, putting up crazy numbers

posted 8 months ago

1 from each region, plus 1 extra since there are only 4 regions. Current meta, role, coach

1) CHINA - Kang Kang - OPer, Duelist (Jett, Raze, Neon)
2) EMEA - Wo0t - Off Duelist, Flex (Iso, Kayo, etc)
3) AMERICAS - Less - Sentinal (Cypher, KJ, Viper)
4) PACIFIC - Karon - Controller (Omen, Astra, etc)
5) EMEA - Leo - Initiator, IGL (Sova, Fade)
COACH - Potter (get some NA in there)
The aim and young talent is insane, Leo was sort of a secondary caller for Fnatic, not sure why he's not playing now.

posted 8 months ago

1 from each region, plus 1 extra since there are only 4 regions. Current meta, role, coach

1) CHINA - Kang Kang - OPer, Duelist (Jett, Raze, Neon)
2) EMEA - Wo0t - Off Duelist, Flex (Iso, Kayo, etc)
3) AMERICAS - Less - Sentinal (Cypher, KJ, Viper)
4) PACIFIC - Karon - Controller (Omen, Astra, etc)
5) EMEA - Leo - Initiator, IGL (Sova, Fade)
COACH - Potter (get some NA in there)
The aim and young talent is insane, Leo was sort of a secondary caller for Fnatic, not sure why he's not playing now.

posted 8 months ago

Kang Kang
Demon1 (smokes)


posted about a year ago

I would have Nats over Boostio but then who would igl? Also Boostio on defense could run double awp with ZmjjKK. Pretty sick.

posted about a year ago

Boostio has been savvin. They almost beat Fnatic. Plus he's IGLing. I love Chronicle as a flex but I can only have 1 from their team.

posted about a year ago

Raze - Jinggg
Jett - ZmjjKK
Controller - Mako
Sentinal - Boostio (igl)
Initiator - Leo

posted about a year ago

Thats why he is on the team, Hiko is on the duelist team since he doesnt have to frag, can just clutch.

posted about 3 years ago

I almost went Koosta or Aproto for Cypher, but Dapr was huge in the grand finals. Impressed me.

posted about 3 years ago

Agro/Duelist team
Babybay (Jett)
Asuna (Raze)
Food (Pheonix)
Nitro (Omen) IGL
Hiko (Sova)
Hiko doesn't have to frag with all that fire power, just clutch

Defensive/sentinal team
Steel (Killjoy) IGL
Sick (Sage)
Dapr (Cypher)
Crashies (Sova)
Mummay (Omen) can awp

posted about 3 years ago