Flag: United States
Registered: April 10, 2022
Last post: August 23, 2024 at 1:29 AM
Posts: 11

Kinda cold response ngl

posted 6 months ago

Im wondering what the benefit of winning is for Kru or C9 since they will still play each other in the first round of playoffs no matter what.

posted 7 months ago

Yo that's so smart. Even better than dying to bomb

posted 7 months ago

Eh it will be awesome to watch, just horrible to play against. Contact metas are often really fun to watch even though it invites a ton of randomness. Imagine seeing keznit or demon1 drop 30+ playing him

posted 8 months ago

Does leaf use mouse accel? I noticed his ingame sens is .08 1600 which is absurdly low even compared to players like karon and demon1. wondering if he uses something to speed it up, or if hes just different

posted 8 months ago

shes literally the one who decided to play demon1 from t2 instead of bcj who was a proven player back then. People thought the eg roster was literally one of the worst in franchising and they ended up placing high in masters and winning champs.

posted 8 months ago

If they can't get a really good young point guard, bring in chris paul for some veteran leadership. Cp3 has really helped develop other young rosters like the thunder and the suns into actual playoff teams.

posted 9 months ago

The problem is that it doesn't matter if they don't improve since even if they go 4-1 they probably won't make playoffs. They could turn into the greatest team of all time and they still wouldn't get a chance since they screwed up their split 1.

They really should just give up since it doesn't matter what they do at this point

posted 9 months ago

NT bro but nrg >>>

posted 10 months ago

Yep, people already don't use guardian that much even though it's insane against light armor

posted about a year ago

Is there English stream?

posted about a year ago