Flag: United States
Registered: February 22, 2023
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 4:24 PM
Posts: 20

idk I saw a lot of americans complaining about it

posted about a year ago

U buy eg roster

posted about a year ago

no need to worry loud gonna loose to eg today

posted about a year ago

nah most fraudulent one was champions 2021, the one that optic won was the second most fraudulent

posted about a year ago

I believe your mistaking having a harder path with being a better team, even if you dont win against a team you still played against them and that match makes part of the team's path

also the guy said that group D was harder than group B, the argument that you tried to use to disprove that was that both liquid and navi were grouped without any signficant wins in this tournament, which not necessarily means they are bad(even though i think they are) or worse than other teams that played in different groups

posted about a year ago

I am not saying your point is wrong, i am just pointing that your argumentation is bad

posted about a year ago

All groups had a team that didn't win a single map and all groups had a team that only won against that team

posted about a year ago

yup it was baiting lmao

posted about a year ago

low iq or baiting?

posted about a year ago

They never won anything by the lowers. The unique team that could achieve that was OPTIC. They will need to reach an another level of gameplay (1 less than 1 day of prep) to win against EDG, FNATIC/DRX and PRX/EG, sad that they "throw away" that Lotus, they don't deserve to win this tournament by the level of their gameplay. The whole team is so incosistent and with very weird comps

posted about a year ago

Lil bro doesn't know how to read 🤣

posted about a year ago

Bro that doesn't even make sense, i am not sure but i believe brazilians are the ppl that take the most showers itw

posted about a year ago

He has short guy energy but i remember him saying he was 185cm

posted about a year ago

That is actually a somewhat good advice

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago