Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: July 13, 2022
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 4:03 PM
Posts: 14

Sen changed strats

posted 11 months ago

As someone who has a legit degree in the sporting field I can tell you this is just false,
To not offend anyone when reading this I will be talking about SEX not Gender, If i say Women or Female i mean AFAB, If i say Man or Male i mean AMAB.

Due to different levels of hormones when going through puberty (hormone replacement therapy (HRT) will happen after this) men have distinct biological advantages over women.

1) Reaction time - I think we can all agree that in valorant having a better reaction time will make you a better player and studies have shown that Males have and average of 23ms quicker reaction time Souce -,ms%20and%20121%20ms%2C%20respectively.

2) Muscle Memory - Muscle memory in my field is called Proprioception, this is a summary of information from: muscle spinels, golgi tendon organs and joint receptors. These are all found in Muscles Tendons and ligaments, Due to an increased level of testosterone Males will have an increased amount of these Specialized cells in their bodies. This allows for a quicker learning of "muscle memory" due to more information going to the brain meaning a better proprioceptive output

I have more reasons but I don't want to spend 3 hours writing a paper any more info i will do a quick reply in the replies

posted about a year ago

i fully believe C9 and 100T were only using strats that they haven't put into their strat book yet.

Any strat which they think would work they arent going to use before a big event for other teams to see

For tier 2 is different as money is quite bad ATM for T2 and getting people to watch them in T2 is better for their scene Also T2 doesn't matter hugely till end of season making ascension and winning it

posted about a year ago

This group is just a wildcard.

I wouldn't be surprised if any of these teams won Champs:

If loud Win no one is surprised
If Navi Win would be unexpected but theres a chance if they have finally figured out how to use zyppan and Cned
If DRX Win it would be unexpected but people have been saying they have an outside chance for ages
If Liquid Win no one would really think it but they are the only team to beat FNATIC this year so in all honestly could happen if they can do this

Also i wouldn't be surprised if any of these teams flopped as they have all done it in the past

Loud - Copenhagen 2022 - Tokyo 2023
Navi - Tokyo 2023
DRX - Champions 2022 - Tokyo 2023 to an extent
Liquid - Lock in

Honestly i think anyones Pick em for this group has a chance of happening due to past results but i personally think it will be
1st - Loud
2nd - DRX
3rd - Liquid
4th - Navi

posted about a year ago

Imports count as other regions (americas / Europe), Gemkin and Krystal have pacific regioning cuz they lived on the far east of russia (they may have moved to japan not too sure). So the import rule wont matter for them as they are from pacific

posted about a year ago

Bro is getting mad when NA has 25 Franchise spots and there players are so bad that they still have to sign 2 brazillians and 1 EMEA player to there "Better" teams NA wouldn't be half as good without the imports they have

posted about 2 years ago

G2 vs C9W started at 8:15pm berlin time

It is currently 9:50PM ish berlin time

posted about 2 years ago

Not even gone for the best french speaking players. Kcorp have to money (They paid a LOL player 2mil for 1 year of playing) to go out and buy the best players. They should've got Enzo as an IGL/2nd IGL. Keloqz is good enough and is probably better than Xms and has shown to be a manic on LAN.

Better Roster would be

Entry - Scream
Oper - Keloqz
Recon/IGL - Enzo
Flex - Nivera
Smokes - SHIN

Much better on Paper and actually have a chance (still unlikely) for players to pop off and beat Fnatic, Liquid and NAVI

posted about 2 years ago

its based on NOW not when the league actually starts, the chemistry the core of 100T built RIGHT NOW make them better

posted about 2 years ago

Just thought it would be fun to talk about where teams would rank (now) if a round robin was to be played in the VCT partnership regions

Americas - 1)C9 2)100T 3)NRG 4)SEN 5)LEV 6)Loud 7)MIBR 8)EG 9)FURIA 10)KRU

EMEA - 1)Fnatic 2)NaVi 3)Liquid 4)Koi 5)Heratics 6)Giants 7)Kcorp 8)Vit 9)FUT 10)BBL

APAC - 1)DRX 2)PRX 3)T1 4)Zeta 5)GenG 6)Talon 7)GE 8)DNG 9)RRQ 10)Secret

posted about 2 years ago

mako/drx are in franchising

posted about 2 years ago

Crashies: C9 replace curry ez
Victor: Sentinels need more firepower than zellis
FNS: EG they need a better IGL
Yay: 100T remove will he isnt good enough for top top level play
Marved: Sentinels - roster is now - Sick, Dapr, Tenz, Victor, Marved If someone can igl there its pretty scary ngl

posted about 2 years ago

yeah its just crazy how many amazing teams can be made out of non franchised players

posted about 2 years ago


1) no more than 2 players per non franchised team
2) Must include a Current Igl
3) Has to be in these roles.


Mine would Probably be.

Flex: ardiis
Sentinel: Nats
Controller: Marved
Initiator: Dephh (IGL)
Duelist: YAY

posted about 2 years ago