Flag: China
Registered: August 1, 2023
Last post: August 25, 2024 at 4:43 PM
Posts: 21

A mouth breather
An American cosplayer
A twink
A br0t
And a girl

Anyone that thought EDG was losing needs a full psychiatric evaluation for mental retardation.

posted 6 months ago

Something about 2nd place being better than 1st because 2 is greater than 1

posted 6 months ago

Where are you, mongrel?

You were so active last night, and now you have gone quiet.

Will you hop on the China bandwagon like you did EMEA?

posted 6 months ago

EUtards and honorable EUtard Sentinelmain really thought we were going to lose to:

A mouth breather
An American cosplayer
A girl
A femboy
And a fortnite pro

TH truly goated, gave APAC first trophy and now China

posted 6 months ago

CN Stage 2 playoffs is what Masters Shanghai should have been.

posted 6 months ago

You are a minority in your own country, do not talk to me about countries being destroyed.

Your own valorant team does not have a Spanish player on it. You have been replaced on your teams as well

posted 6 months ago

Wo0t is my favorite mouth breathing walking ult orb!

posted 6 months ago

No one will be here to give him the attention that his parents don't for 6 months :(

posted 6 months ago

APAC is all gone, you're not making any sense. Unless you can show everyone where NEW ZEALAND is located in Europe

posted 6 months ago

Lightwork, thanks Benjyfish

posted 6 months ago

It's happening!!

posted 6 months ago

I love you TH, 1 more win please!

posted 6 months ago

We're really gonna have to watch TH (EMEA) give both APAC and CHINA their first trophies in the same year...after they beat SEN and LEV

Unbelievable. Truly the GOAT team

posted 6 months ago


He made me work really hard in school because I didn't want to end up a barista like him. Truly the GOAT

posted 6 months ago

What use is a Sova that can't throw a proper recon dart?

I want him to start by being good at the only role he plays.

you want him to run into site and give free ult orb?

They way he's playing he's already giving the enemy 4 free ult orbs

posted 7 months ago

He literally only gets kills because he ends up baiting the shit out of his teammates because theyre given bad info

myb forgot to add that after he gets his bait kills he goes and saves because its a 1v4

posted 7 months ago

What use is a Sova that can't throw a proper recon dart?

He literally only gets kills because he ends up baiting the shit out of his teammates because theyre given bad info

posted 7 months ago
  1. STOP playing deadlock. This agent has like a 5% WR across all regions, and you have only ever won 1 map with her (it was against the worst NRG roster since their inception).

    • Like, you actually have to be lobotomy patients atp to think she is even viable with ur ASS playstyle rn.
  2. PLEASE drop sacy and zellsis. They contribute heavily to your midrounding, and your midrounding is legitimately worse than IRONs. You are so LOST every round that you push sites that are held by 4 people when on attack, or you leave a site wide open with no util for info where 4 attackers literally walk in.

  3. Drop Kaplan. He has peaked already, and you will gain no further value from him. You have a near 0% round WR after timeouts, so idek wtf he is saying during those, but they are obviously not helping.

  4. Get Johnqt a sports psychologist and a fucking nutritionist, jesus...This guy's IGLing gets worse as the year progresses in every season he's played (Choked in Ghost Gaming, choked in Ascension, and now we're seeing it in Sentinels). On top of his IGLing getting worse, this guy is terminally ill. I've seen c*ncer patients with stronger immune systems.

  5. Zekken...buddy...lock tf in. You've been abysmal for the past month.

  6. TenZ, not ur fault lil bro. Your teammates are actually so ass that its hard to get 5Ks every round when ur getting shot in the back from areas that your teammates are supposed to be holding.

TLDR: FPX will own these losers

posted 7 months ago

Toronto, Mississauga, and Bramption...You went to India brother, not Canada lol.

posted 7 months ago

They had home field advantage

posted about a year ago