Flag: Japan
Registered: July 18, 2021
Last post: May 22, 2022 at 10:53 PM
Posts: 30

Twistzz was on a massive decline towards the end of his time with Liquid and it was definitely possible for him to transition while taking a higher salary (a name like him would've certainly guaranteed a spot in ANY big team).

Instead he uprooted his life moving to europe and chose his passion over any paycheck. His future wasn't secured at all, and it was fortunate timing that faze was in rebuilding process. lets also not forget that faze at the time were a below average team, so him taking that chance with faze was a risk in itself.

He was definitely in a better position than most people in the NA scene but it doesn't mean what he says is bullshit, because it isnt. oSee stuck around and now he's in Liquid. FaNg JT & junior stuck around and now they're playing for Complexity. These are big orgs and your proof that his point is completely valid.

posted about 2 years ago

Its better when you dont know what theyre saying tbh

posted about 2 years ago

hes true, i think iwnl originally came from swag (or brax now)

posted about 2 years ago

Why did you omit Stockholm? lol

posted about 2 years ago

LLL = 0-3

posted about 2 years ago

This is my job

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Arent the drx core MVP PK in cs?

posted about 2 years ago

The year is 2042, m0NESY is 36, he has a wife and kids. He pulls out his AWP and peeks mid to get his 1543rd kill of the game. The score is tied 732-732. Maybe Mirage will finally end

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

dont know who you are or where your from, maybe a cheater, but if not, you are the best player ive ever seen. The epitome of human gameplay, the definition of perfect. I can guarantee u everyone here will know him by 2024. #1 2024. clear of s1mple zywoo nats cned or whoever ur favourite pro is. so good

posted about 3 years ago

The Major is an international tournament - the NA region had 5 slots: FURIA, Liquid, paiN, GODSENT, EG.

Out of these 5, 3 are brazilian and EG are half european. Liquid were the only real hope for NA (even with 1 brazilian), but disappointed and couldnt reach playoffs

posted about 3 years ago

People watch Valorant for their favourite players and content creators. No pure love for the game itself, just the people playing. For CS, it's the opposite.

posted about 3 years ago

C9 colossus was a genius project

posted about 3 years ago

gambit and navi are just more like-able teams. Navi has s1mple, and gambit is a major winning org with hobbit + 4 young players with very like-able personalities and are better. VP are a team with players that have barely any social media presence and their best player is an awper who gets constantly memed for saving by everyone else putting a bad rep, but my guess is that they'll still support them if gambit and navi aren't there

posted about 3 years ago

theyre japan but much better, but that doesn't mean much in the grand aspect of things. Sure, dominate the lesser regions but get shit on when you play against the best.

posted about 3 years ago

Astralis 0-2. In Challengers. 6-16 against Copenhagen Flames and Entropiq. Just tells you all you need to know

posted about 3 years ago

EU Valorant is such a disappointment for the region in all other games. They've built up so much dominance over NA in all other games and even deleted the region off of CS, sad (not serious)

posted about 3 years ago

Liquid would've had an era if it wasn't for Astralis. The only thing that they needed to win was a major, but astralis took them all

posted about 3 years ago

1v3 choke n1

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

One thing I love about Valorant is the true international mix of teams, even though most of the players from lesser regions are from CS it brings more exposure to both games.

There's people around the world reading threads made by little kids like these that keep comparing this game to cs, don't realise that they're actually bringing awareness to their competitor scene lmfao

posted about 3 years ago

because they got a lucky run in until the upper bracket final and lost to every other good team since? even Korea aren't that good, they're just Japan but flashier and a few more strats

posted about 3 years ago

is this really what people think? even I could get good looking highlights and im plat ??????

posted about 3 years ago

Idk what val fans expect, regions that arent EU or NA will get destroyed almost every single time. why are other regions so overrated here

posted about 3 years ago

used this website a lot but never made an account lol, until i saw like 8 threads with kids trashtalking cs for no good reason because they had an event lmfao

posted about 3 years ago

hltv, the better version of this website? looks like hltv from 2005 lmfaoooo

posted about 3 years ago


Valorant wont see a peak like they did in Reykjavik until their Champions event, because everyone wanted to see how Valorant was as an esport. It was essentially their first event, after all. Some people who tuned in to the finals will realise maybe Valorant isn't for them, or will lose interest in the time between Iceland and Berlin.

Like me, as an example, I was extremely hyped (even more than cologne tbh) to watch Iceland and I saw every single game. But I lost interest quickly the following month because there was like nothing to watch. And re-watching some of the matches now I never realised how bad the meta was. The combination of those two just made me lose interest for valorants pro scene and now i'm watching cs again, more than ever

posted about 3 years ago