Flag: Russia
Registered: July 2, 2021
Last post: February 23, 2025 at 9:59 AM
Posts: 117
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It's impossible to build up when you shuffle the players as much as Sen do. They literally have a new roster and still managed to qualify, that's a good result, not a bad one

posted 1 week ago

I don't know about XXiF, but Jamppi never cheated in a pro game, and claims that his account was stolen. Even if it's not true and he actually cheated, he was like 13 yo at a time, so nobody really cares. Now his ban is lifted

posted 3 months ago

Is dropping outta high school common in your country? In Russia it's practically impossible, though many people choose not to attend it and go to the community college instead (if I got the terms right, in Russia we just call all the places where you can get higher education universities and all institutions of secondary-professional education colleges, so that's kinda confusing)

posted 5 months ago


posted 6 months ago

"have you ever watched tier 3 na"
why would I lol
Of course sometimes casters spice things up, but I hate when I have to turnoff some actually good gameplay that was made unwatchable by them
It's not like having an additional stream with casters voice channel silenced is a really hard thing to do

posted 9 months ago

I pray that someday there will be a stream without casters, just game sound. Most of the time they're either clueless or turn the game into their local talkshow

posted 9 months ago

imo tarik is unwatchable, I've no idea why he has so many viewers

posted about a year ago

Imo franchising is cancer. Most teams are just stagnating and have no reason to grow. Invite system could give some stability, let's just invite top teams to event and give quater/half the places to open quals - teams like DFM/Sen/Talon/etc would have to evolve to be able to attend events and therefore they'll get better.

posted about a year ago

There's no invited teams at Major at all. Tournamets with invites like EPL Pro League or Blast Circuits aren't Majors.
There's invites to quals to Major (only half teams tho, other places goes to open quals) based on results on past Major and I think we can agree that's reasonable

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Holy shit, I thought they were seperate exams at least. That's really fucked up, but, you know, you don't have to solve everything, just get in top 0.1% and there's always a small number of individuals who are actually studying. You got it mate

posted about a year ago

Damn, and I thought that our EGE was kinda hard compared to other countries exams (I've seen some American one). Am I correct that you have to pass math AND physics AND chemistry?
I've seen a lot of people really stressing before exams and exhausting themselves with 10h study everyday like you. Imo it's not very productive, I personally wouldn't be able to solve easiest thing after 5-6h of studying. So maybe you should chill a bit to not burn out, you've enough time to prepare

posted about a year ago

What exam are you preparing for?

posted about a year ago

During summer it's 8-10 hours
During school it used to be 4-6, now I'm going to uni and hope it'll be a bit better cause I had my school started at 9 am with 2h travel and uni is going to start at 12 am with 30m travel

posted about a year ago

He obv doesn't, he was playing with some random friends all the time back at CS as well

posted about a year ago

grandpa squad

posted about a year ago

That metric is made-up bullshit. If a players is still on the team, that means that all other players and coaches are satisfyed with their performance. Also show me a pro player (better several) who'd say that asc aim, good util, good coms and good mood isn't enough.
Poor team results have almost nothing to do with quality of players. Strats or compositions can be bad against some tactics and good against others.
Hope this helps

posted about a year ago

< community suggestions
more like retards suggestions. You've no way to tell how impactful a player actually is. They can go 0/20 on a duelist and still be good for the team, but I don't think you realize that, do you?
< shouldn’t be on the list
List shouldn't exist at all, I'll list players that imo play rather very good than bad

posted about a year ago

who tf made this list up
this is so disrespectful and several of these players are carrying rather than playing bad

posted about a year ago

Woah he's still alive?

posted about a year ago

Whatever, dude. Age doesn't really matter since everybody had his own path (s1mple was banned for ex). Titles doesn't matter as well because it's always a team winning and s1mple so happened to play in Navi for most of his live. In my opinion s1mple > ZyWoo as a player any time. His style is unique, while ZyWoo... I can't tell if he's standing out smh, just a very good player, that's it.

posted about a year ago

In CS2 - maybe
In CS:GO - nah, no way, he's just appeared way too late (and way less impressive imo)

posted about a year ago

Not determined yet
No one is standing out as much as s1mple in he's prime right now

posted about a year ago

No one would give up their citezenship just to play in some esports team lol. They don't have any other citezenship afaik, so that would leave them stateless

posted about a year ago

Why would they give up their citizenship?

posted about a year ago

You better mald about Chinese given 3 slots while they have only one team whose actually capable of winning on international level

posted about a year ago

I haven't really seen any European studies, but American ones are definetly way easier. Just nobody really gives a fuck about studying til 3 days before an exam, some kind of mentality thing maybe

posted about a year ago

< How can they be this good?
Half of Russian schoolboys are playing some videogame 8 hours a day for years. No wonder a lot of them actually get good at it

posted about a year ago

They won't sign Russian players, so not gonna happen
Would be a banger roster though

posted about a year ago

Kangkang seems like most mechanically insane player to me

posted about a year ago

Navi is fucked role-wise and comp-wise. Why one of the best initiators Shao playing Astra and Angel playing Sova? Wtf is Cned Yoru? Cned isn't playing as good as he used to do as well. Angel needs to get his shit together

posted about a year ago

I hope someday we will have streams without any casters, just pure gameplay (with a camera-man of course)

posted about a year ago

Probably they're from Far East

posted about a year ago

HLTV is way more developed than VLR

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I wonder why I have to root for my country's teams

posted about a year ago

There's no point in learning that way before the exam, you won't memorize anything
Just take a nap, it'll help ten times more than preparing those modules

posted about a year ago

Wtf is this edit
That's like the worst I've seen in a while

posted about a year ago

-Mixwell +Enzo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Uhm, for whatever reason? You can't prove non-existence, you know. Maybe they think that it's easier and more reliable to get APAC players instead of Indian once, since there's almost no such thing as proven-good on international level Indian player. Or whatever, they shouldn't have Indians players just because they're Indians

posted about a year ago

Why they should have some in the first place? Just because GE is Indian org? If so, it sounds like nonsence

posted about a year ago

I don't quite get it, they have 3 APAC players so they're following the rules, what's the problem?

posted about a year ago

Maybe they got signed by some EU/NA org that wanted them to move and Nats don't want to relocate (he's in uni rn)? However, that's awful news, hope he finds a new team soon

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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