Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 13, 2023
Last post: April 3, 2023 at 9:37 PM
Posts: 828
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Tenz is actually gonna play on her account. Tenz, tenzin, same shit. They won’t know.

posted about a year ago

If Elon musks leave Tesla and twitter and shit and become unemployed, does it make him not rich?

posted about a year ago

Just make it when VCT has like a 6 months break and then you don’t have to

posted about a year ago

Good thing derke didn’t go to an American school

posted about a year ago

jake and runi suprised everyone
mCe scouting is god tier

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

how was ur bd king

posted about a year ago

death threats when you are in LA and they can't touch you is fine. shitty, but fine.
death threats when you stuck in brazil for VCT aren't, there is enough lunatics to sneak to your hotel/pass security/whatever. a lot of players(derke included) said they felt uncomfy in brazil and just wanted to get the fuck out.

posted about a year ago

the ardiis thing I totally get.
I just remember watching a watchparty for the NRG games and I remember someone (maybe tarik i think?? i hop between streams a lot) "damn they really dont like NRG" "Is it because of the LOUD rivalry?" so I just remembered that so thats why I thought you guys just straight up hated NRG.

posted about a year ago

just let him have the duelist energy on smokes, just like marved did last year. marved made a lot of plays.

posted about a year ago

oh yeah, he isn't yay. my point is meta was unknown when building the rosters and no idea if chamber will get nerf. ardiis had great stats, great champions run and won a masters. was probably the closest free agent to yay at the time.
if you go look at reactions for ardiis pickup when it was announced, it was a lot of "this is the closest to yay that you gonna get"

posted about a year ago

NRG erick goes hard im not even gonna lie

posted about a year ago

ETHOS is 6th because NRG already pay him for content creation, so fuck it. make him become 6th, its not like we actually gonna need him.
we picked ardiis because he is pretty similar to yay, tell me another free agent who's close to yay level.
W stripper on smoke duty and hes very happy

posted about a year ago

I now get that, hopefully you get why it looks like you "hate" them when you cheer for a eu team instead of a team you respect. but I also get the cheering vs them because if giants won that game, LOUD would get an easier match. maybe if the bracket was different you guys would actually cheer for them. hopefully the NRG players can see that too.

posted about a year ago

worse case u can just do SEN and take erick instead, im sure erick will go for the bag

posted about a year ago

S0M been calling "RUSH A" or "RUSH B" in pro 10 mans, i think you should just let him IGL and let FNS focus on taking duels(maybe try him out on raze? couldnt be worse than ardiis)

posted about a year ago

got all excited for nothing man dont do me like that

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

oh nevermind the thread isn't actually about fucking them

posted about a year ago

yay? i'd probably will cuz hes rich

posted about a year ago

my fav brazilian spitting facts

posted about a year ago

rent free LMAO

posted about a year ago

please never take this guy seriously ever, he has worse takes than G2Shahzam

posted about a year ago

v1 exist

posted about a year ago

I take it all back

posted about a year ago

Isnt kat used to be smokes?

posted about a year ago

Not as bad as KC eco management

posted about a year ago

thank you for fixing your sins

posted about a year ago

actually its Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker, THE 2022 MVP, THE VCT 2022 Masters - Reykjavík WINNER, BFC Smeag Cup #2 WINNER, Nerd Street Gamers - Monthly November WINNER, CheckMate Gaming Tournament - North America #15 WINNER.


yay https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/C9%20yay%23yey/overview
suygetsu https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/NAVI%20suygetsu%230105/overview
khalil https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/FURIA%20khalil%23bstrd/overview

yay - 60% win rate (MVP 33% of most recent matches)
suygetsu - 57% win rate (MVP 0% of most recent matches)
khalil - 48% win rate (MVP 17% of most recent matches)

can you take your time to appreciate how insane yay is? without a doubt the most talented player to ever touch the game

I'll try to explain briefly why I think he is the best player in the world
Despite his insane aim and movement
The best way to know if a player is a good duelist is JETT. There is a BIG difference between a good duelist and a raze abuser
If he is a good duelist, he needs to be good with jett.

cryo? not good with jett
fit1nho? not good with jett
xand? not good with jett
qw1? not good with jett
scream? not good with jett
jinggg? not good with jett
suggest? not good with jett

Thats why I think he is undoubtely the best player in the world. If RIOT by any means decides to nerf raze and shift the meta we prolly not gonna even hear names like jinggg and fit1nho again :>
He is not killing 40+ per map because when he joined C9 he was forced to play a different role because of chamber nerf... and lets be honest, every single duelist nowadays gets 20+ kills per map because team and setups are basically built around you (even steel managed to get 20 kills with it https://www.vlr.gg/29398/sentinels-vs-100-thieves-champions-tour-north-america-stage-3-challengers-playoffs-gf/?game=46692&tab=overview)





saying his name without mentioning all of that is straight disrespect to the goat.

posted about a year ago

hot take OMG

posted about a year ago

that's jacob, only close friends can call him jake. put some respect on the goat's name.

posted about a year ago

jake is already on c9 bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

In lock-in they cheered for koi and then giants when they faced NRG. I don’t think Brazil likes NRG at all. Some of you respect them and that’s dope.

posted about a year ago

Damn he’s such a 1 trick you had to find a match from a year ago vs a t2 team to find a solid non-Jett match
He’s a great Jett, but that’s about it. His raze is very mid.

posted about a year ago

Probably because the loud rivalry

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Enemy of the enemy is your friend and they hate NRG

posted about a year ago

The same dude replied like 5 times
Rent free

posted about a year ago

N4rrate moment

posted about a year ago

Let me co[pe]ok.

The year is 2022 rostermania has begun.

NRG has offered the optic core contracts since they wanted to keep SOM and couldnt afford YAY. Chet is in shambles as he watches his masterpiece crumble before him. So he develops a master plan. After recently learning that NAVI plans to pick up the previous FPX roster (minus ardiis due to his high asking price) Chet knows that this EU fraud will be a perfect scapegoat. So NRG pick him up for a lower price now that his original plans have fallen though. Chet tells YAY to accept the bag from C9 and purposefully underperform at LOCK/IN. They will be reunited soon.

Slowly the Optic core brainwash ardiis, knowing he will make a bad image for himself.

"its okay to say the n word while singing a song"- FNS to ardiis after scrims.

"LOUD definitely had scrim leaks dont worry that loss was not your fault keith"- crashies to ardiis after LOCK//IN loss.

Slowly ardiis makes more and more slip ups on stream and Chet knows its time for him to shine. After CNED's lack luster performance week one and Ardiis's complete failure against LEV, his mental is in shambles.

"I cant believe your spot on your old team was taken by that fraud. Now you are stuck in this mid region getting flamed by all Optic and NRG fans. I honestly feel bad for you"- Chet to ardiis right after getting murdered by LEV.

Ardiis has had enough. That night on stream he curses out all south americans and CNED for ruining his career, throwing a tantrum on how all his teammates said that his performance wasnt his fault, how can he be expected to perform under all this pressure???

Chet springs the trap, taking to twitter how all of his claims are false and how no NRG members have ever endorsed his behavior. NRG corporate is forced to let Ardiis go and they pick up YAY for thrift store prices since his manager knows he is desperate to play on a team.

NRG do not lose another map that season.

posted about a year ago

He looks like Erick on the raze lmao

posted about a year ago

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but may be next time be a little less smug? All your preds this week has been wrong and that's the case for most plachatters except Bren. I remember when derke called these frauds out for not putting in a top 20 list but these guys never learn I swear and people on reddit and this forum keep taking these frauds(except Bren) seriously time and time again. Me, babysasuke and that other guy would host a better valorant podcast ong

posted about a year ago

SEN 2-0

posted about a year ago

Who gonna tell him

posted about a year ago

Ardiis need to fix his raze

posted about a year ago

Quick! Say something bad about Brazil!

posted about a year ago

Bro they play different roles what are you on about? Sacy is a controller

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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