lev is basically aspas and friends. WIth some good moments of tex and king. But agree with sen and g2. Good performance whole year
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Registered: | June 26, 2024 |
Last post: | March 8, 2025 at 4:02 PM |
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lev is basically aspas and friends. WIth some good moments of tex and king. But agree with sen and g2. Good performance whole year
agree but they kinda playing differently now. you can see it in their recent games.
zoomers > boomers
deal with it
Valyn and jonahP's backs must made of steel if they get close to playing finals again
No they throw the game. #WGAMING
GENG or PRX (stable teams with experience)
Sentinels (low chance but looking good so far/ has good team synergy)
FNATIC (looking good even with a sub)
Heretics (chokers prolly will choke again)
TS will choke and geng will dominate cause masters form and no pressure. TS gonna get aim diffed.
Only team sayf can fit in is fnatic. Even sayf knows the absolute disastrous state of emea so he wants to retire.
the sad thing is as much as I like fns if this happens he gonna get humiliated again given the current state of nrg.
Only way GE to make international events is throwing money and getting top tier pros like aspas, leo, etc etc and a good igl like boostio who can shoot. Apac/china kinda low skill ceiling region to begin with. I mean look at T1. They got really good players but no results. I do agree with you though sack players if they cant perform and get new set of players. Cause you're losing either way. Better to give indian players a chance to improve unless ge as a org happy with one two win against team like bleed in that case keep benkai.
Garnets on duelist was really good too.
Same, any chance of old xerxia core being back together next year?
they can get rrq spot but rrq if start playing good its over for them and if lucky can beat ts. Then again even luck cant save them from geng and prx, It will be like zeta going to champs last year. Waste of a slot.
Jitboys from old roster still savin their ass by clutching rounds. Crws is alright ig for being igl but he was also better last year. Governor is mid (I thought he would be like narrate) and ban doesnt fit in TLN.
Idk apac last year didnt have any free teams except dfm. GE was fairly good with texture and ayrin. Zeta was also better and made champs. T1 was top 3 in apac 2023. Now you have geng winning masters and got tunnel vision saying apac got better. DRX havent made one international event.this year. TLN got a map against prime drx (the one that got 3rd place in champs 2022).
This years TLN was mid from the beginning. They lucky and got carried by jitboys.
2023 lock in TLN was the strongest. They beat eg and almost beat drx for their spot in the semi. They fell of when patiphan came back and garnets went back to being a sub and they tried six man roster. basically patiphan was reason behind last years downfall.
Now, we have a mid af TLN which farms teams like GE, BLD, DFM. Competition in apac last year was definitely better.
jingg has a very aggressive confident on ur face playstyle which goes well with neon
Map ranking:
If they were really confident they would've pulled it out in lotus by now which is a neon map. Its too much of a risk and gamble. Imagine zekken dying first 10 sec in the round pushing with neon. Sen are also chokers when they are rounds behind the opponent and zekken kinda carries the team. We still havent seen their haven comp but I doubt it will be neon since they havent played her in sunset or lotus.
yes gekko really good utility wise. but idk bout neon, she has one stun now and iso is nerfed, doesnt get double tap refresh. From my understanding sen playing safe and doesnt take unnecessary fights this year. So I doubt they will go for iso and neon which requires aggressive playstyle.
They wont coz raze way better u get nade , boombot, rocket. Zekken doing numbers with raze. Sen playstyle is slow and coordinated which goes well with raze.
I think sen has the best strats compared to all other teams. They haven't still bought the neon/iso trend. Jett and Raze still better for coordinated pro play and sen knows it.
The coach of current talon gibs clown vibes. Didnt he also say his old team was better than current talon players.
the lower u get the more consistent ur shots become ig. but low sens means more arms movements and more work
Dep aint leaving zeta I think. He is the best zeta got right now.
With zeta bad performance they will surely rebuild next year. So get laz and some other decent japanese player in DFM (maybe tenn).
FR? I didnt watch todays match. But I remember garnets and forsaken neon being good from last year.
And we thought NRG was the super team that will destroy everyone at start of the year.
The current GE would lose to that new geng just aim wise.
GE roster should disband and get true rippers roster that got a map against geng.
coz tenz playing for fun and he rich af. while boo's livelihood depends on it. tenz already has two trophys under his belt
Is it just me or all the cs go players that came to valo kinda sucks. Tenz insta crouches for every shot he takes.