Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 10, 2022
Last post: June 27, 2023 at 7:20 PM
Posts: 68
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We could have an event like this in the off season. We must have this event actually.

posted about a year ago

Seeing Giants in Champions instead of SEN is not good buddy

posted about a year ago

Extremely long off season, too little slots for Americas (before it was 7, 3 NA 4 SA, now only 4), too much slots for EMEA (before 3, now 5), too much slots for China (before 1, now 3). Japan, a region with the second most fans, doesn’t even get a team playing in international events. The tier 2 is almost fucking dead, orgs leaving valorant… Soon or later these mistakes are going to hurt Valorant Esports very seriously. If they don’t at least get these Champions and Masters slot straight next year, I have serious concerns about the longevity of Valorant. What do you think? Maybe I’m exaggerating?

posted about a year ago

Those secret labs certainly are into teleport and Iron Man-like suits.

posted about a year ago

Oh, thank you for clarification. Happen to know if it is possible to see how many spectators? Could not find it on the screen.

posted about a year ago

The chinese stream on bilibili in the DRX vs FUT says 70.6万 (700k). That cant be, right? Am I seeing something wrong? This is ridiculous. Chinese people, please correct me. I MUST be wrong.

posted about a year ago

You can’t expect love from others if you don’t love yourself. Be better. You can and you must. Don’t let your past imprison you.

posted about a year ago

My boy BR and SEA are in playoffs already.

posted about a year ago

No Japanese team, no Brazil, no Latam, 2 chinese teams no one cares (maybe just edg but they’ll likely lose), no SEA teams, bad timezone for NA, BR and EU… also 2 korean 2 NA 2 CN teams feels like LoL and its kinda repetitive
Playoffs NEED to be VERY good, idk it just feels strange this first Masters in franchising… I hope the tournament goes well tho…

posted about a year ago

wrong, havan liberty took a map from Loud in 2022

posted about a year ago

Certainly commendable. I confess I'm impressed.

posted about a year ago

Tokyo ok because they won Lock/In, but 2022 Champs had 7 slots for Americas and 6 for Pacific and 3 for EMEA. Now its 4/4/4 with 2 or 3 for China. I mean NA can have only NRG in Champions or LATAM and JP have no teams at all while EMEA gets 4 or even 5 slots for Champs 🤡

posted about a year ago

Can say the same for MIBR… MIBR played only 1 game, unlike 100T that played 3 games, and 3 bad games. I don’t trust 100T but who knows.

posted about a year ago

But MEMEA gets at least 4 slots each event 🤡🤡🤡

posted about a year ago

wake up early and do the hardest/less stimulating things first in the day. Force yourself. If you are not forcing, you are not trying

posted about a year ago

Dude yes its likely they qualify. But they need only lose to Loud and then Lev/Furia in playoffs and its gg. I mean the game is played, everything could happen. If they get seed 2 its hard not to qualify, but if they go seed 3 there is a chance.

posted about a year ago

No NA team in tokyo 💀

posted about a year ago

Bad. All his skills are worst than every other initiator except he “can” use them multiple times. Problem is that it’s too hard to recover the globs so actually he is horrible. Would you rather a breach stun flash and sova spot or a fuckin flying sonic and an useless pikachu to help your entry????

posted about 2 years ago

Not BR I guess

posted about 2 years ago

Onde? Muito meme isso ai, duvido muito

posted about 2 years ago

Quem vcs acham q vão pro time do frttt no Showmatch?
Minhas apostas:

  • Frttt
  • Xarola
  • Otsuka
  • Coreano
  • Paula nobre/Daiki
posted about 2 years ago

Oh yes, FUT esports is definetly a top 16 team

posted about 2 years ago

change in the schedule. people bought tickets to watch LOUD and LOUD is not playing day 1 anymore

posted about 2 years ago

Western superregion except Gambit and FPX are not western… sorry but the russians and eastern europeans carry you westerns 🤷🏻‍♂️

posted about 2 years ago

Both didn’t have a crowd yet. Berlin hosts now just because of the good structure because of the past events and easier visa issues and laws than Paris or London.

posted about 2 years ago

No fucking way they doing Champions in a country that doesn't even have a single player in franchising (Italy and Netherlands lol).

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Would Singapore have a good and full crowd tho? Genuine question. I think riot wants good crowd too

posted about 2 years ago

Korea would be cool but it already hosts the league. Wonder if Riot one day would host an International event there

posted about 2 years ago

Any guess?? Me: London, Madrid or São Paulo again

posted about 2 years ago

Gonna be good on Fracture, Split and Pearl. Not meta but a good pick, just wait.

posted about 2 years ago

But flanking is really bad in attack, as he now cannot infiltrate in B site haven without his trip in A site or C site deactivating for example. Nor can he hold some positions safely now as he doesn’t have a tp in CT. Recalling trap is good but 30s is too much. With killjoy it works because she has 2 robots and one shoots at long range.

posted about 2 years ago

Actually the opposite, he got way weaker on attack and his defending side is also heavily affected but not as bad. Still usable, don't think he is BAD but might be outclassed by cypher now. Jett and Yoru might see more use now. Yoru now only agent that can flank and tp far away now. Jett might be more used since chamber will be replaced for cypher, and Jett gets to be the Opereator.

posted about 2 years ago

Question for the japanese. After Japan 2-1 Germany victory, many japanese fans started singing NIPPON NIPPON VAMO NIPPON. Did I get something wrong or that actually is a “VAMO” inside the chant? I speak some japanese but I still couldn’t figure out what was between the “NIPPON”. It was something with two syllables tho

posted about 2 years ago

Harbor also chamber counter. In pearl he is very effective at blocking his LOS

posted about 2 years ago

Cara, tem um corte do mch falando com o heat e o mais um pro sobre esse assunto, tenta procurar ai. Falar que o cara nao influencia nada com os leak é um argumento simplesmente errado cara. Fora que ninguém sabe que posição esse cara tem pra saber se realmente ele divulga as informações quando realmente ta td bem divulgá-las. Vc acha errado os cara q foram prejudicados ou constrangidos por causa dele simplesmente não acreditarem no Noyn? Eu pessoalmente acho q o Noyn age sim de boa fé, mas entendo COMPLETAMENTE os pros que não pensam assim.

posted about 2 years ago

Cara entendo seu ponto mas ai não considero nem desmerecer, acho q foi até burrice do Heat msm ao achar que o cara só chutava, mas independentemente disso o noyn foi irresponsável e agr o Heat ta sofre do um hate que ele não merece cara

posted about 2 years ago

O cara pode vazar informação do seu time e comprometer seu trampo, relações e negociações e vc não pode criticá-lo no twitter? Me poupe, que raciocínio barato o seu.

posted about 2 years ago

A questão eh q o trampo do noyn afeta os outros amigão. Quem se ferra são os outros que tiveram suas info vazadas. O trampo do HEAT eh jogar, e se for mal, problema pra ele e pro time dele. Ele não afeta ninguém além do próprio time se fizer merda, já um leaker quando faz merda... não é ele que vai se ferrar

posted about 2 years ago

Óbvio cara, o cara vaza coisa que NÃO É PRA VAZAR e vc quer oq? Que quem teve a informação vazada fique feliz? Só pq o cara falou pra apoiar os jogadores? Porra mano, não força. Para COMUNIDADE, noyn eh mt foda e movimenta mt a discussão. Para os players e e orgs pode ser um incômodo o caralho, que nem foi pro episódio do v1xen ou até atrapalhando negociações quando ele leaka possíveis lineups... Gosto mt do noyn, mas foi um irresponsável, ele tem que tender que o trampo dele pode não ser tão legal assim pros players...

posted about 2 years ago

O noyn é foda, mas ainda sim o trabalho dele é VAZAR informações confidenciais. O cara já vazou um monte de line e até vazou o kick do vixen antes do próprio saber, os Heat e outros pros tem total direito de não gostar de um cara que fica VAZANDO a porra toda. Como comunidade eh bom pkrl os leak, mas para os jogadores e orgs pode ser bem babaca esse negócio de vazar. Acho q ele tem que continuar sim a vazar, mas entendo completamente o ponto do Heat, Mch e outros pros.

posted about 2 years ago

é mais pelo noyn vazar os ngc mesmo, heat nunca gostou do noyn ficar vazando as coisa, deu rolo com V1xen por egoísmo do noyn em querer vazar algo q era delicado

posted about 2 years ago

n foi nada demais oq o heat falou, n precisava daquele textao do Noyn não. Exagerou

posted about 2 years ago

Boring team, also no roster changes, which is a big let down. Many possible new superteams with BR players could be made (Heat, Mwzera, Frz, Rgl, etc) in different orgs such as GL and Fluxo… + NiP is not even brazilian org and not even their social media is good. VK, LOUD, Furia and even GL have really good social media which is the MINIMUM. Also bad roster overall with little room to further evolution.

posted about 2 years ago

Not if Champions is held in Brazil. Even if that doesn’t happen, the first year would be quite fair because of the kickoff tournament being held in BR

posted about 2 years ago

Say one good MENA team

posted about 2 years ago

Se o Masters ou Champions forem feitos com frequência no Brasil, ainda vai dar pra manter a competitividade. Não duvido que isso possa acontecer; deve transitar entre São Paulo e Berlin ou outra cidade europeia os eventos mundiais. Se o megatorneio de SP der bom, tem boa chance de isso acontecer.

posted about 2 years ago

Time sem criatividade. So o Nzr pensa alguma coisa. Dgzin e Qck sao PURA mira e 0 criatividade. Qck pelo menos tem movimentação inteligente pra compensar; resto do time eh apenas OK

posted about 2 years ago

Que jogador horroroso. Não adianta nada ter a mira q ele tem e entregar 3 rounds. 5x4 e o fdp vai la e da free kill no CT. Compra operator no OT de ATAQUE. Sem condições, ainda pinou tudo de OP

posted about 2 years ago

By “EMEA teams play the same” you are assuming that just because they continue to play the same EMEA play style even after scrimming a team with different play style they don’t benefit that much, but you are completely wrong. Having better training partners more regularly is indisputably a huge advantage. If you are a NA team and you don’t qualify to masters, you don’t have the chance to scrim against the best like LOUD, FPX, PRX. The experience against a team with PRX style, for example, is simply nonexistent. However, EMEA teams like M3C and Acend who didn’t qualify to any event at least had a chance to know how’s playing against a different playstyle, besides just having more good training partners. Imagine being Crazy Raccon in Japan and the BEST partner you have to scrim is Zeta Division. Oh there’s northeption too and… yeah that’s it.

posted about 2 years ago
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