Flag: Canada
Registered: October 12, 2021
Last post: September 4, 2022 at 12:23 PM
Posts: 18


posted about a year ago

better wake up

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

actual game 3 demon, bros so fucking good how can m3c lose atp

posted about a year ago

“It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker” “It’s a really good opportunity to make it to all the Masters and Champions events because the teams here are weaker”

posted about a year ago

terrible EU based fraud of a team gets what they deserve, good riddance

: D

posted about a year ago

skill issue nt

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

thx for input i rly needed this

posted about a year ago

u j had a reyna that went 4/21 for sure lmfaoifoi

posted about a year ago

we care bro trust me we care

posted about a year ago

no im literally geniunely confused this isnt even satire lmfao sorry

posted about a year ago

i dont wanna come off as rude but im just a little confused, i watched this clip
this is for a "Game Changers" tourney, and isn't this supposed to be a womens league? bc in the clip i hear a couple men and im jus confused if its their coach talking or smth

posted about a year ago

holy fuck

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago

should TSM should be worried bc they jus lost a map to a t3 team... rofl that better be a warm up

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago