Flag: Canada
Registered: May 23, 2021
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 3:50 AM
Posts: 13

Americas: SEN

posted 9 months ago

I've already stated the context that SEN threw unlosable rounds which led to the outcome. Did I state the enemy team played bad when losing to SEN? No. That's because SEN SHOULD be winning on their strongest map and SHOULD NOT be making those uncharacteristic mistakes.

Because SEN throwing their best map and the enemy team playing well aren't mutually exclusive. Both can happen at the same time. Get that through your dense brain instead of being such an argumentative pos. Instead, you're just putting words in my mouth like a moron.

I'm done replying to you since you just spew bullshit and have been nothing but wrong. I can tell you lack human interaction IRL so you try to argue with people online to compensate.

I also don't want to argue with an idiot any longer since you'll just drag me down to your level and beat me with experience. As expected from a Europoor

cope. seethe. L + ratio. stay mad. skill issue. 0 team region

posted 11 months ago

i said "lol" because the results of split on the rematch in a grand final refuted your - let me use your own term - braindead statement itself LMFAOOOOO

30 seconds looking at your profile = stalking? blud youre not popular get your ego out of your ass

ironic that you call other people braindead bc when your shit take is wrong you say you're just "trolling"

cope. seethe. L + ratio. stay mad. skill issue. 0 team region

posted 11 months ago


also youre coping pretty hard arent you
"you got carried by EMEA IGL, sit the fuck down we don't care about this mickey mouse tourney, see you in shanghai and seoul"

it's so funny how you spend so much of your life on here just to be so upset and wrong. be a little humble

also when the fuck did I ever say if SEN wins a map the other team is dog shit? now you're just moving the goal posts because you realize your take is moronic

posted 11 months ago

They didnt throw round 16? 4v2 bomb not down and Zellsis gives a free kill to Monyet who soon aces? Sentinels play disciplined there they break PRX economy and it instantly becomes 10-7 and match flow changes entirely.

No wonder people say not to go on vlr holy shit some people like you are toxic and argue just to argue. Please find a better use of your time

posted 11 months ago

no you really couldnt. because other teams don't make top 4 and completely abandon their fundamentals on their best map

all you're doing is calling out the score and not taking into context how the score got that way.
not surprised from a vlr na hate watcher though

posted 11 months ago

13-5 on split when they made so many autopilot mistakes. lack of fundamentals throughout the entire game. they did throw. their constant mistakes allowed gen.g to snowball like crazy.

their breeze is shit im not saying they had a chance there, but it shouldn't have so easily gone to map 3.

posted 11 months ago

yes throw. the amount of rounds SEN lost on split because they were indecisive on defense, giving early 1's or walking out for info instead of jiggling/jump peeking, playing untradeable positions on retake, and not clearing site on attack (pistol round lol). They almost lost a round on lotus assuming site was clear too.

their complacency on split lost them the game.

posted 11 months ago

PRX - SEN was my grand finals :(
Wish SEN didn't throw so hard against Gen G but it is what it is

Don't want to watch another Pacific rematch so I'll be rooting for Sentinels this time around

posted 11 months ago

All publicity is good publicity. You're all getting farmed for engagement by Sentinels and don't even realize it

posted about a year ago

I will be live editing this throughout the event.

5/6 so far and I picked BLG over NRG 🤷‍♂️

posted about a year ago

These are the results from the script-writers at Riot. Not even joking

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago