ur not beating n0x0sn0m0d
Flag: | South Korea |
Registered: | December 28, 2022 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 6:29 PM |
Posts: | 2294 |
doug babybay is tolerable at best, i can't believe they casted shanghai finals instead of achilios
going back to 100t comms to listen to boostio and bang at the same time is a treat
valdez and tasteless last year were really bad in pacific. i think they got kicked though
eh off season results still matter but it's not like SEN got destroyed by like talon (DRX lmao) or something it was NRG which is literally a good team.
has both NRG and BLG invited
this game must happen
bro is lit always fragging out near the top of the scoreboard 7-0 fk/fd
or he bot frags and goes 0-7 fk/fd
u need upvotes for stars not a lot of posts. strategies include:
sucks that he won't get a fourth cus he won't qualify
even worse for my goat mako
if they didn't change the roster and stuck with the veteran team i think they certainly could've made 2nd or 3rd at tokyo which was a relatively weak event. they practiced for A SINGLE MONTH with zest before coming out to champs 2023 and they looked so much better than most tokyo teams.
another point i want to make is that even if you're right that they were only going to get worse there was literally 0 way for t0rmi to have known that fact at the time
a few things to keep in mind
for the record i do earnestly wish for their marriage to be happy and fruitful but also t0rmi
hardly a rivalry, china beat korea one time in val at tokyo (vs shit t1)
meanwhile the not shit t1 shits on LPL during every worlds
i don't know shit about lol and im hyped for no reason
2025 and people still glaze Karon
GENG were not all that in general. Madrid/Shanghai were exceptionally weak tournaments and dominance (which they arguably didn't even have) in Pacific 2024 is nothing to even brag about.
Their Champions form reflected their actual place, and they probably won't be able to perform without Meteor.
This seems like bait now but I genuinely believe this and when the season starts we'll see T1 and SPG outperforming their extremely overrated counterparts this year.
they should've kept beyn tbh, roles r fucked again
H0ll p00pl 0n h0r0 0r0 g0m0rs (n0t 0 s0ngl0 g0m0 pl0y0r b0t th0s0 wh0 0ctu0lly pl0y m0lt0pl0 g0m0s)
F0v0 m01n g0ys wh0 0r0 0xtr0m0ly gr00t g0m0rs, wh0 0r0 th0 t00m l0d0rs 0nd th0s5 t0 t00ms, 0ch w0ll b0 g0v0n s0m0 0n0t0l cr0d0t p0nts, th0n 0n 0 0ct10n + 0nt0rv0w t0k0 pl0c0 wh0r0 m0lt0pl0 d0ff0r0nt g0m0rs c0m0, g0m0rs w0ll b0 d0v1d0d 0nt0 f0r c0t0g0r10s - S t10r, A t10r, B t10r 0nd C t10r. T10r r0pr0s0nts h0w g00d th0y 0r0 0nd h0w m0ny g0m0s th0y 0r0 g00d 0t 0nd 0th0r s0ch st0ff, th0 g0m0rs w0ll c0m0 0nd pr0s0nt th0ms0lv0s 0nfr0nt 0f th0s5 5 0nd th0s th0n b1d 0f th0y l1k0 th0t pl0y0r 0nd 1n th0s w0y 0cqu1r0 0 pl0y0r, 0ch pl0y0r h0v1ng th01r 0wn m1n1m0m cr0d0t 0m0unt s0t, 0ch c0t0g0ry h0s 0 g1v0n r0ng0 1n wh1ch th0y c0n s0t th0 0m0unt b0 th0ms0lv0s (th0 pl0y0rs) 0nd 1n th0s w0y 3v3ry0n0 0cqu1r0s 0 t00m 0f 5 pl0y0rs. Th0n 1n th0 g0m0 1t's l1k0 0 c0nc0pt 0f b1g br0th0r wh0r0 1ll th0s3 pl0y0rs 0l0ng w1th l0d0rs w0ll st0y 1ns1d0 th0 h0us0 1s0l0t0d fr0m th0 0uts1d0 w0rld th0 tho th0y w0ll h0v0 0cc0ss t0 d1ff0r0nt g0m1ng pl0tf0rms l1k0 pc, c0ns0l0, h0nd h0ld ds, 0tc 0tc wh0n th0 t0sk 1s th0r0, 0ch t00m 1n th0 h0us0 st0rts 0ff w1th th0 0m0unt 0f cr0d0t l0ft w1th th0m 0ft0r m0k1ng th31r t00ms, 0v3ryth1ng m0j0rly 1n th0 h0us0 w0ll b0 d0p0nd0nt 0n th0s0 cr0d0ts, y0u w1ll 0rn cr0d0ts by d01ng th0 d01ly t0sks g1v0n t0 y0u 0r y0ur t00m, 0r 3v3n c0mp0t3 0g0inst t00ms, t00ms c0n s0t up 0ny k1nd 0f g0m1ng c0mp0t1t10n 0m0ng 30ch 0th0r w1th 0 un0nym0us v0t0 fr0m th0 3nt1r3 t00m, 0r 3v3n t0k0 l00ns fr0m 30ch 0th0r f0r cr0d0t p0nts 0l0ng w1th 1nt0r0st 0r 0nyth1ng 0ls0 th0t th0 l0n1ng t00m d0m0nds, th0 t0sks 0nd c0mp0t1t10ns y0u g0t w1ll 0ll b0 1n g0m0s, 0nd th0s0 g0m0s w0n't b0 0 m0r0 5-10 b0t r0th0r 0s m0ny g0m0s 0s p0ss1bl0 l1k0 y0u c0uld g0t 0 t0sk 1n GT0 V1c3 C1ty 0r GT0 V 0r 3v3n th0 0ld 0g0 1990 g0m0s l1k0 m0g0 m0n, s0p0r m0r10, 0tc 0tc. N0t c0mp0t1ng 0 t0sk m0y r0qu1r0 y0u t0 p0y 0 p3n0lty 0f c0rt0in g1v0n p0nts. F0r b0y1ng y0ur t00m l0nch, sn0cks, d1nn0r 0r 0th0r f00d y0u 0g01n r0qu1r0 cr0d0t 0nd th0 f00d w0ll b0 d0p0nd0nt 0n h0w m0ch cr0d0t y0u h0v0, l1k0 y0u c0n b0y 0 st00k b0t 1t w0ll c0st r0l0t1v0ly w0y m0r0 th0n 1f u pl0n t0 b0y j0st s0m0 r1c0 0nd b34ns, y0us1ng p0nts y0u c0n 0ls0 b0y h1nts 0b0ut 0ny g0m0 t0sk th0t y0u 0r0 f1nd1ng d1ff1c0lt t0 c0mpl0t3 0nd 3v3n 0ff t1m0 f0r pr0ct1c1ng 0n 0 g0m0 pr10r t0 0 t0sk, s0m0 t0sks m0y pr0v1d0 w1th y0u 0ff t1m0 t0 pr0ct1c3 f0r fr00 b0t s0m0 w0n't, 1n th0s w0y y0u f1n0lly 0rn m0r0 0nd m0r0 p0nts 0nd th0n 0t th0 3nd th0 t00ms w1th th0 t0p 3 p0nts b0ttl0 0ut 1n s0m0 s0rt 0f f0rm0t t0 d0t0rm1n0 th0 3v0ntu0l w1nn0r, h0w 1s th1s?
off season or not losing like that to talon is diabolical no?
like i admit my faults in judging before the team played but like what is this๐๐
who cares whether who can participate in t4 valorant
just ignore it lol it's not like 99% of yall watch it anyway
most people just be hating to hate
like this is such a useless topic to be right or wrong about
i remember in 2022 when a matchup like this would be goated but now it's jus a mid-off
while i mostly agree with ur points i think it is fair to blame SR losses on her
like imagine messi is on some middle school soccer team and dominates the other teams in the league
ofc if messi fucking loses then everyone's going to blame him, even if he stomped every other team
doesn't mean he's not messi and still insane but like it's his fault, u aint gon blame the middle schoolers on his team
told yall this roster is going to fail
free mako
fuck t0rmi
the post is literally about how stew's team is holding him back. question answered.
Rb or Zest should be top priority of DRX right now they need a flexible initiator, t0rmi just stupid
especially when they need a good neon player
korean teams are in a throwing contest this season except t1 apparently
maybe cus for one emea is the best overall region and also cus all of APAC lit had one slot last year
j0nggg+no igl+overheat
player quality does not determine a team's success anymore
nrg showed that sufficiently