Flag: Canada
Registered: June 17, 2023
Last post: June 20, 2023 at 2:55 AM
Posts: 40

Babe wake up the world's biggest cope just dropped

posted 11 months ago

Not really. SEN Reykjavik went undefeated without dropping a single map, to anybody. FNC did come close to taking maps though in GF. If we're speaking about ifs then if franchising was implemented earlier in Valorant then LOUD would've been an Americas team therefore bolstering our region. LOUD went 1st place with two 2nd places in the last 3 international events out of 4. OpTic in similar fashion went Top 3 in every single international event and won 1 of them, only really losing to LOUD, hence the now existing rivalry. Do you really believe that IF EMEA did not have any of those issues, that any of those teams you mentioned would have had that dominant of performances like LOUD and OpTic/NRG? I can agree that Gambit could have started an era but that's about it. FNC is your longest standing team that has been the most consistent and yet they couldn't produce as strong results as both LOUD and NRG, but maybe now they can. I don't think the narrative changes, issues aside

posted 11 months ago

LOCK/IN you should have lost and you know that as it was 11-3 for LOUD on the last map. If they didn't choke we would have 3 trophies whilst you would have 2. You had 4 teams in this event and half of them didn't make it past groups and all of them except FNC lost to NA. You can only justify your region being "better" due to higher count of trophies because you are a delusional coper whose region is simply behind Americas' right now and by far

posted 11 months ago

Not trolling? EG has done nothing for NA other than in this event and they haven't done anything as of yet except beat your shit team

posted 11 months ago

You cannot possibly believe EDG beats EG when they lost to TL in close fashion and TL got dominated by EG. It wasn't close, bro. I can agree that EDG can beat NRG though as they are good and NRG is inconsistent right now. What is the point of having 5 slots when it will still be a 1-team region? Half your teams will not make it past groups and Lulquid will lose again to better teams

posted 11 months ago

Bro calls it an argument when he avoided it entirely by telling me to cope 😭 you had 4 teams in this event and 2 of them didn't make it out of groups and now you will have one left whilst we have 2 but should have all 3. Who the fuck cares about CS? It's Valorant we are talking about lmao

posted 11 months ago

Yeah I wouldn't expect literacy to be within your field of knowledge when you can't even brush your teeth properly 😭

posted 11 months ago

Correct, but you wouldn't have thought them to do so because both LOUD and NRG are always heavy hitters, whilst 2/4 EMEA teams lost in groups and your region is a 2-team region at the most which is now a 1-team region after this map and everyone knew that before Masters Tokyo 😭😭😭

posted 11 months ago

My blud's region gets carried by one team and he's proud of it 😭😭😭

posted 11 months ago

Happens. NRG isn't good this event. Just like LOUD wasn't and LOUD have been contenders every major except Copenhagen and now this one. But this eco round really shows that TL isn't that much better either lol

posted 11 months ago

Yeah I know, Split should be theirs but you wouldn't think this matchup to even be close for Liquid to be honest... I think NRG is a better team overall, flair aside

posted 11 months ago

They literally get dominated the entire map and then out of nowhere they don't lose the next 7 rounds and take the map (Haven)


posted 11 months ago

Well isn't that the whole point behind baiting? To incite reactions? He's good at that since it's annoying to see his entire catalog of insults which is literally just "NA dogs"

posted 11 months ago

Elon_musk could be considered a baiter I guess since he does it for a living. And despite all of us being aware of it, we still can't help but hate him because he's just so annoyingly uncreative

posted 11 months ago

NRG is good on Ascent though? Like they can compete with LOUD which have only lost to like 3 or 4 teams as far as I can remember.

posted 11 months ago

EMEA always worried about our teams because theirs can't do shit if we're not talking Fnatic. My 3rd seed DOMINATED your 1st seed and our 1st seed whilst NAVI went 0-4 in groups

posted 11 months ago

You guys are fucking dogshit, can't close out a 5 round lead? Instead you lose 7 rounds in a row after that lol

posted 11 months ago

I was just kidding guys it's actually 13-7 for TL on Haven

So then 13-9 NRG on Split, ggs

posted 11 months ago

13-7 NRG
13-10 NRG

Come back to this when the script is real.

posted 11 months ago

Why do you need the answer to that useless ass question lmao, who cares

posted 11 months ago

NaVi is full of world champions and ANGE1 completely fails to utilize them to the best of their ability. It is pretty sad actually

posted 11 months ago

About time someone puts Alfajer in this kind of conversation cause that guy is disgustingly good. Not only does he win most if not all his duels but he actually has a smart approach to the game. You can definitely feel his presence in the server

posted 11 months ago

NA and EU have a long-standing history of rivalry in any game you can think of that has or had a competitive scene. EG literally took a shit on TL yesterday and they're feeling on top of the world as they not only defeated heavy hitters (except FUT, but they are inexperienced on the international stage) but they 2-0'd all of them in dominant fashion, one of which was EMEA 1st seed. Keep in mind that the EG roster is full of players we never thought would perform domestically let alone internationally, so she's feeling real good right now. Let her ride that high bro

posted 11 months ago

EG arguably has the best Fracture in the world and if not in the world, then at this event 100%. With how NRG recently played Fracture vs FNC and how they straight up stole EG's comp and are relatively new to it, it kinda leads me to believe it's closer than not but ofc that's just my opinion. TL is decent on Haven, not to discredit NRG's Haven but they beat (albeit had to fight for it) EDG on it who can no longer be underestimated. And this is the same EDG that played Gekko OP on it against T1 and dominated them.

I simply don't want to discredit TL all the way. They are good despite yesterday's showing. I think it's closer than we think

posted 11 months ago

That's true but I actually believe TL to be decent despite their poor showing yesterday vs EG. I personally think they come back stronger today and actually fight for the maps. Hopefully NRG keeps their DRX form

posted 11 months ago

NRG 2-1 or 2-0 depending on map picks.

NRG takes Bind/Split/Pearl
TL takes Haven, Fracture is TL favored
Ascent/Lotus goes either way

EDG 2-1 or 2-0 depending on map picks as well.

EDG takes Lotus/Split and Fracture is EDG favored
PRX takes Bind/Pearl and Ascent is PRX favored
Haven goes either way

posted 11 months ago

I mean this is factually incorrect when NaVi failed to make it out of groups and went 0-4 whilst LOUD was good enough to make playoffs entirely right off the get-go

posted 11 months ago

The obvious difference between Potter and ANGE1 is that one of them CURRENTLY deserves their paycheck whilst the other executes a robbery in broad daylight for it. NaVi overcooked and trolled for this event and guess who the IGL is

posted 11 months ago

NRG 3-1'd EG pre-Tokyo and EG DESTROYED LULquid which confirms that NRG is as good or better than EG on any given day, and vice-versa. You are SMOKING if you think TL wins. I'll argue they take a map off NRG though depending on map picks.

2-1 NRG, to be nice

posted 11 months ago

They downvoted him cause he spoke the truth and they ain't like that

posted 11 months ago

Misleading TH flair, my bad bro. But in all seriousness I'm sure everyone can agree that EG is Americas' true #1 seed at this event right now since they are undefeated whilst LOUD has lost very badly to both EG and now EDG - this event is not theirs :(

posted 11 months ago

LOUD has one poor showing in playoffs at an international event and the EU frogs rooting for the worst teams in their region come out of the woodworks to waffle about a whole lot of nothing

posted 11 months ago

Objectively untrue when KC struggled in a region consisting of 2 teams which are FNC and TL. Everyone in Americas aside from MIBR and KRU were heavy hitters at some point whether at the beginning of the season (LEV is a good example of this) or at the end of it (EG) and that's without mentioning the fact that at some point, C9 was 8-1 and STILL didn't qualify for Masters Tokyo which furthermore proves the higher level of competition in Americas

posted 11 months ago

LOUD is 13-6 internationally whilst KC is 2-7 domestically and EU is down 2 teams at Masters Tokyo already. You are worried about the wrong region and the wrong team

posted 11 months ago