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Registered: February 7, 2024
Last post: September 10, 2024 at 11:07 PM
Posts: 12

He edited it

posted 1 month ago

Untill play offs they were then mazino decided to learn how to shoot straight

posted 2 months ago

Think about it, if the color of an org is blue than they are more likely to be carried by one player. Think of cloud9 with both tenz then oxy think of lev with aspas think of the current iteration of drx with buzz think of kc this season with n4rrate think of dfm with meiy. But that’s not all, if the colors of an org are red white and blue then they probably have some god tier scouts because on global esports in 2023 they had t3xture and monyet plus gild esports in 2022 had Leo the 2x world champion, says the best duelist of last year, and trexx one of the most slept on ini players rn. But there’s more, of your teams color is red they are more likely to win an international event, sentinels won twice, gambit, and fpx. Red still hasn’t won a champions though sooooooo let’s go sentinels

posted 2 months ago

If crashies leaves or gets kicked Vic is going with him they’re homies. Also crashies is clutch as hell, really good utility usage and can frag a lot. I mean he has pretty much the exact same stats and play style as sacy.

posted 2 months ago

Ok hear me out, let’s just ramake optic but with demon 1. Ethan is an amazing player but I feel like it would be better to keep victor as primary duelist then just have demon as a secondary. I mean it’s the exact same system that demon1 had on Eg and the exact same system as optic. Or just bring back yay and pray for a redemption arc

posted 2 months ago

This is cope as shit because of nrg vs c9 but fuck riot for not giving optic a spot in franchising. I mean why did they pick EG over optic? I don’t think Eg even had a Valorant team before 2023 and the only other game they are in (to my knowledge) was cs. I mean optic was the second most popular org in 2022 behind only zeta. They won an event got third then got second all in one year. Optic as an org has been around for over a decade and has roots in halo, apex, and are the biggest org in cod history. I mean optic had everything that 100t had but better. Anyways I’m salty about nrg choking harder against c9 than Istanbul grand finals. Fuck riot. Thank you for coming to my TED talk have a good day

posted 2 months ago

Icy had worse stats than both of them

posted 3 months ago

Ive watched every g2 game live since they picked up icy and I admit he has improved greatly as a player but when he isn’t being setup by his team he doesn’t do anything he is like a little kid with training wheels when he entries he does make space but he hardly ever does anything with that space like get a kill or setup in a crossfire with his team a great example of someone who does this wel is jinggg (when he’s playing well) and wo0t. That’s why I think a diamond one could do his job because it’s mainly his team that is doing very thing for him and he’s just shooting his gun and even then he can’t aim or frag for shit

posted 3 months ago

He already is

posted 3 months ago

Icy is fucking terrible. G2 is not a good team and the only reason they are doing remotely good is because of leaf and valyn fragging and Jonahp clutch but icy is the worst duelist in tier one Valorant he has gone positive in like two series. Could someone please try to convince me that he has even an ounce of skill. I think that I could pull a diamond 1 out of ranked and they would do ten times better

posted 3 months ago

Icy is fucking terrible. G2 is not a good team and the only reason they are doing remotely good is because of leaf and valyn fragging and Jonahp clutch but icy is the worst duelist in tier one Valorant he has gone positive in like two series. Could someone please try to convince me that he has even an ounce of skill. I think that I could pull a diamond 1 out of ranked and they would do ten times better

posted 3 months ago