SEN says hello
Flag: | Turkey |
Registered: | December 2, 2021 |
Last post: | September 13, 2022 at 2:07 PM |
Posts: | 1753 |
China has been having their own tourneys from 2 years ago bro
NA was gonna win anyways
EU kids now have excuses after their loss
for NA to take the crown back
G2 Fnatic Liquid
They don't seem so scary
FPX M3C are the real deals imo
Russians are built diff
PRX players said China is the worst scrim partners in Asia since they play like a ranked squad
Fnatic has a Russian player too
Will Fnatic be able to come with a full roster or with a sub like Version 1 last year?
It's been 20 years since they won
I have a feeling Brazil will win Qatar 2022
one of them will be seeded as 1st and get a free pass
Xerxia vs Optic (revenge match)
DRX vs Fnatic (revenge match 2)
LOUD vs ZETA (El-clasico of valorant BR vs JP xD)
G2 vs Leviathan (The left overs)
TGRD FPX PRX KRU 1st seeds go deeper in the bracket
yea but CR beat HL so JP 1-1 BR so far
I support LOUD but don't jinx them
no ranking just my top 8 without order
I support my Asian brothers and Brazilian last hope
I have a Japanese e-wifu and she translated Japanese interviews to me
CR beat the sh*t outta PRX in multiple scrim blocks but lost to Zeta today
CR players said JP is now stronger than SEA at least in scrims (They got rekt even in scrims last year apparently)
The interview is still on Valorant_jp channel so go check it out
They disappointed in champs but in Masters 3, they beat both PRX and Acend by 2-0 and lost 1-2 to gambit. Gambit then 13-0ed G2 and demolished Envy 3-0 in finals. They are not EMEA level but still best in Asia. Full Sense also got rekt hard by them too
EMEA and NA just better
then whoever comes from LATAM
already happened and will happen again yes
They are a 3rd seed from EMEA
I have a feeling that they will play vs KRU again and get rekt early
Their main goal should be winning against a JP team first
stop talking about top 4 LUL
When will you guys learn?
It's confirmed Russians can still come
just a long travel tho
Not really a hot take tho
It happened at Champs lol
they are just bad
I ain't lying bro
well I exaggerated a bit but he said what buys his mom a house is streaming not pro valorant xD
BR will be unbeatable "IF" all their players are in peak
they will out aim everyone
that's what shazam said bro
well he didn't say it's only for fun but what buys him houses is streaming
SEN players said pro valorant is for fun and don't make them money
streaming buys them houses and buildings
they are the true winners irl
After all this, It's Optic again
They will get sh1t on by x10 (Xerxia) again xD
After all this, 2 SGMY teams will represent APAC xD
The whole rest of APAC can't beat SGMY :O
Some legit think they are better than NA
I agree Turkey or Brazil with audience
Will they be able to compete through online or just disqualified?
very unfair
racism is so sad
idk I watched all regions other than BR and Latin America but M3C looked at least 2 steps ahead
I have a feeling that this match up is gonna be the EMEA finals and also Masters 1 finals
Hope other regions give them some challenge
PRX Xerxia from APAC
DRX from kr
Zeta or CR from jp
same sh*t as last year after all this LUL
cheer up bro
they are just playing vs a really good team