already happened so can happen again
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Registered: | December 2, 2021 |
Last post: | September 13, 2022 at 2:07 PM |
Posts: | 1753 |
already happened so can happen again
yea I support that. Gotta get da money when you can
I mean.. that's what happened lmao
will lose to Xerxia again LUL
sorry can't read more than 3 sentences
You guys already had so much luck in 2018
didn't deserve round of 16 but Germany sh1t on bed himself
The thing is no one carries either Qatar or Ecuador
Uruguay is even worse than Ecuador. Portual&Korea or Ghana
England's squad is the most expensive squad in the World bro
They will win
Poland and Mexico better than Argentina now
not just me but that's the general consensus in every val community
get over it
idk NA still 2nd best region imo
Victor had covid and x10 with patiphan buff
I'm praying for Brazil and Germany in the same group
This group is coming in 2 hours
I hope DRX and LOUD pop off as minor regions
yea but it's still BR so they need to prove
B: Leviathan DRX PRX
I know people will hate me for putting LOUD in C but I just can't put them high when BR and JP are the only two regions without ever getting out of groups
As for APAC, PRX always choked vs other regions (Both Masters and LCQ) and Xerxia (ex-x10) are just not the same without patiphan
really? you don't even watch the World Cup as a Brazilian?
Which one are you guys waiting for more?
World Cup 2022 Draw tomorrow vs NIP vs Leviathan LCQ tomorrow
yea i know but he's saying BR and LATAM are the same so I'm saying KR and JP are the same too
Even APAC did better than NA at Champs
but people still rate NA S tier
Do they still have to go through quarantine?
Time to spread scrimbux soon xD
oh then JP is better than whole SA region cuz Nuturn peaked at 3rd
JP and KR from the same Eastern Asian region
Derke is not confirmed so only 1 sub
They are from a region that never reached top 8. Same with JP
Just wait for them to prove. Until then, they deserve B tier
oh wow what an achievement ! I hope they get two maps this time then xD
unbothered I actually hope Zeta at least get a map they never did xD
who cares about SEN lol they are already rich
Talk if LOUD can beat TGRD or Optic. I can confidently say LOUD can only beat ZETA lol or maybe Leviathan too
BR never beat NA they only farmed Hentai lmao
Brazilian fans overhyped Team Vikings so much before the first Masters last year and the same thing is happening again xD
Even tho none of the BR teams last year ever reached top 8, they are already talking about top 4 or above..
Not because he's Russian but he sided with Russia(his country) on the current situation
Decision made not by Riot but Fnatic internally
yes but I support NA more
wtf people underrate KRU this much?
SEA teams didn't do well the first two Masters last year so teams didn't study nor pay much attention to SEA teams.
The proof is many top teams refused to scrim with SEA teams at Champs first but they found out they were quite decent after some scrim blocks
Now that teams know SEA teams are good enough to beat other regions, they will be studied more than ever
This masters will be the real test for them
In this case, Zeta can be a big underdog since nobody really studies them hard
Agree KRU from BR..
but Asian teams are better here
Still 4th in EMEA
easily top 1 in other regions including even NA
They were in top 4 at Champs
yea they were 4th in EMEA but 4th in EMEA literally means 4th in the world.
All 3 EMEA teams were in semis
TL will still 26-4 some teams like Xerxia,Leviathan,and Zeta