Loud keep losing because they have no sentinel, so I propose they sign the brazilian champion sentinel player: Pancada.
With Pancada on cypher/kj and less on viper, loud will win everything
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Registered: | January 25, 2023 |
Last post: | February 11, 2025 at 2:06 PM |
Posts: | 4455 |
Loud keep losing because they have no sentinel, so I propose they sign the brazilian champion sentinel player: Pancada.
With Pancada on cypher/kj and less on viper, loud will win everything
bro I was right and wrong at the same time :(
He beat OPTIC (THE BEST TEAM IN 2022) diffing y0y when he was the greatetst player in esports history, and now he joins EG, and beat the best team itw Sen who just won Madrid.
i would pay money to see this
they should have built around him, if it took dropping everyone but him they shouldve done it, bro is that good
nah im ngl shroud and zellsis were the move for sen, they wernt gonna win no matter what, so they made the play to gaurantee fanchising. Plus they actually looked decent and almost beat both TGRD and 100T who were the finalists
loud pick up qck instead of dgzin mwzera artzin xand heat and litteraly anyone else would be better
NRG enter the regular season, go 1 and 1 first game, including 1 loss to Lev and a win against a shit team. Fans are mad however as players arent playing their best agents, and putting people on agents they arent good at when a top 5 player itw on their team is better than them on that agent. They come and face MIBR and lose 2-1. Never could happen right? Think again https://www.vlr.gg/183786/nrg-esports-vs-mibr-champions-tour-2023-americas-league-w3
bro changed his name from Qck to Qck1, emulating the man he thought was the goat, Demon1. Howver as we can see by NRGs last games, Demon1 is a fraud meaning that Qck1 idol is a fraud, making Qck1 also a fraud
idk i think this roster would be better
duelist-me (bronze 2 ranked demon)
I am a bronze 2 ranked demon, and can play jett and raze at a high level, higher than semen1 lmao. I com well, can igl, and can flex onto sentinel/viper if nesescary.
If intrested dm me fast, I have any prospects and many orgs are intrested in me.
Attack on Titan, greatest show every created
Forget y0y, demon0-9 gotta be the biggest fraud out there, remember this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrnWW5NOY-E lmaooooo
Lots of people have been comparing Qck and Monyet, as they both stepped into previous top tier teams tooo replace star duelists, but thats where the simllarities end. Monyet is an actual ery talented player, who was forced to fit into PRX without much prep, and got shafted with Jinggg (argubly the best player in the world) came back to replace him. Qck replaced Aspas, who well yes is argubly the best player in the world, but he just doesnt hold up on an indiviual level even when hes not compared to Aspas. Qck is an ass duelist, he was mid on Furia when he was playing Senti/Viper, and hes even worse now. If loud really want to succeed in Americas (the most competitive region) they need someone compotent playing duelist.
Would go crazy no? I know Aspas is the ideal, but Mw is also insane
If I had a nickel for every time where C9 signs a Vanity led roster with xeppaa, with a new coach, a new duelist player who looked like the best in his leauge the last year, look extremly good in the off season, even getting second at a major off season event, but then in the first event they play in the win the first game and then go out, drop 2 of their players, one that played on their roster last year, and the other that came on new this year, for role issues, become one of the most memed teams in the world, pick up Runi and a player thats never been in T1 before, have everyone doubt them calling them shit, but somehow C9 come out and look like the best team in Americas, Id have 2 nickels, which isnt a lot but its weird that its happend twice.
aspas please bro we just lost 11 rounds to clown9. we need you big bro
come back ill do anything bro. Ill suck it, you can put it up my ass please big bro we need you.
yeah idk why the casting recently in all regions have been shit. The only good ones are achillios/paperthin and pansy/hypoc. We need steel and brenshow back so my ears stop bleeding
1) Kinggg a heaven on haven vs xset - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek8ErxPkh0g
context (third map in the seres both maps before being 13-11, lev need this round win to go to OT, and continue to the next round in the elimnation bracket)
2) Aspas insane round in OT vs Optic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFEx5r1xxc4
Context (Grand final map 2 vs Optic in OT whoever won this would probably win the seres)
3) Demon1 takes out two to win split vs Nrg in OT- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExBFrOTlAn8
context (second map, eg had lost first map 11-13, this when eg was still viewed as not that good, having barley made into playoffs, massivley upsetting C9, and needing an OT win to push it to map
4) Alfajer 1v2 vs Loud on icebox- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss36UQefDhU
Context (Im sure everyone knows about this match but watching the comeback live was absolutley insane, especially since this round was when they took the lead)
5) Nobody stunned gets 3 vs Loud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5JSLcsrWWU
Context (EDG at the time were no where close to how people precive them now, they had a super close game vs Navi, and beat a mediocre T1, losing to TL, Loud at the time were looking like the best team ITW, and this round cemented the upset, I vividly remember falling out of my chair when this happend lmao)
Honrable mentions:
Tzoxin knife vs 100T which made EG win champs
Rb spraydown Haven vs optic
Aspas 1v4 on bind vs Optic
Jinggg takes down 4 vs Nrg to stop the plant on Bind
Ardiis 1v3 on ascent vs DRX
S0m Cove incedent vs PRX
Mindfreak 1v4 vs FNC on ascent
Davai 1v3 vs Optic on Haven
Suygetsu 1v4 on Breeze vs PRX
I could barely see through my tears as I was writing the ending :'(
could see this too, might write another fanfic with him joining them
its ok bro, we dont judge you for not getting past a third grade reading level
Prx sign Fns as a content creator, whatever doesnt really change much for his audience. PRX qual for Shanghai and battle all the way too top 2, where they lose (again), they battle through split 2, making champs easily. They surf through groups and most of playoffs, untill they get to the grand final. They are versing NRG and go down the first 2 maps. Alecks knows its over, Ethan looks like the best igl in the world, Demon1 is dropping 50 bombs, crashies clutches every 1v3, Marved has lurked spawn and gotten 10 round wins from it, victor has proven that hes the best cypher/raze player in the world. SIghing Alecks cant even bring himself too hit his desk. For the fourth time in PRX history, it looks they will be going out in 2nd place...
Then from behind Alecks a voice calls out, "hold up we can still win." Out from the shadows steps Pujan "FNS" Mehta. "Im subbing in coach, time to show these snakes whos the boss". Puchan subs into PRX for what would have been the final map. Puchan is going crazy, a life game never seen before in esports history. Third map he drops 20, fourth map 30 and for the fifth map he drops 50, breaking the kill record on stage and winning Champions Seuol. Everyone is going crazy, but Fenis just smiles to himself and points out to the crowd. The stadium of 100000 people go silent as Puchan speaks to the camera "y0y, s0mpai, its your turn now" Fenis turns around and heads off stage, retiring from esports and going to streaming, where he becomes the new Tarik, averaging 50k viewers a stream.
duelist: dawgemo
flex: s0m
initator: derrek
smokes: supaman
sentinel: puchan
ez champs win
My pred is he pulls a Russ (gets dual citzenship with India) and joins bleed
for pros:
Easiest: Sentinel
Hardest: Duelist
Lowest Skill Ceiling: Duelist
Highest Skill Ceiling: Initator
this may be the worst list ive ever seen, I can name 15 players in EMEA that are worse than these 5
Make NA its own region, Make SA and EMEA 5 team regions, with 1 slot for Masters and 2 for champs. The winner of the masters will get the extra slots for their region.
Make emea a 5 team. This will allow NA, who has the most t1 talent stuck in t2 to shine. EMEA and SA dont need more than 5 franchise spots because they dont have enough t1 talent to warrant more than 5 spots. As for the EMEA orgs who got shafted, they could come to NA if they want too.
So new franchise system
China: Same
Apac: Same
SA: Loud, Kru, MIBR, Furia, Levithan
EMEA: Fnatic, NaVi, Koi, Team Vitality, Fut (chose these because they are the biggest orgs, not cause their the best, needed 1 turkish org)
NA: Sen, 100T, G2 (replaces EG), C9, NRG, Team Liquid, M80, and 2 others that come from EMEA.
I think the best igls are the ones that frag the most. While FNS is probably the best igl and smartest player in the game, he can only really preform when he has a really good team behind him, in his own words "We need guys if we want to win". Take the igls of old, redgar, enzo, konan, etc. they all cant frag, and their teams look like shit as a result. Look at the best teams igls of the last year, all of them frag heavy, Johnqt, Boostio, Saadhak, Boo, Munchkin, Stax, ange1 etc. Boaster is the only exption and he needs 4 god players to even win, and weve seen what happens when they dont preform at their peek. In the future I think we will see more teams becoming like PRX getting rid of mid igls for hard fraggers, and having the entire team com together.
Everyone knows the classic tier ranking, S A B C D F, so here are the players that I think defines a tier the most.
S Tier- Loud Less, Less is an examplary player, almost never has an off game, always frags out of his mind no matter the agent hes playing, the definition of a S tier player.
A Tier-DRX Stax, Stax is very conisitent, he does not typically pop off, but once in a blue moon he will go crazy, his average stats are above average, and his igling is very good.
B Tier- Liquid Jammpi, Jammpi is the definition of a B tier player, he is great at any agent, but hes good enough at all of them. He rarely pops off, but he also rarely has an off game
C Tier-C9 Runi, Runi is not particularly great at anything he does, and often forgets to buy needed util (drone) but his mechanics are good enough that he isnt a complete shit player
D Tier-Furia Konan, holds his team back, rarely frags, but does make up for it with subpar igling, not the worst, but far from the best
F Tier-Depphh, Constantly holds his team back, always bottom frags, and offers nothing to the team in return. Makes any team hes on 10x worse.
Harry Potter-Tenz (main character, goated, child of prophecy)
Ron Weasly-Demon1 (thinks hes the goat extremly jealous and egotistical)
Hermione Granger-Jonhqt (genius helps main character a ton)
Neville Longbottom-Zekken (goated, helps mc a ton)
Ginny Weasly-Asuna (not very good at anything, overhyped af)
Snape-FNS (hates everything, extremly smart, good at everything, best character for best player)
Dumbledore-y0y (was the goat at one point but now is shit)
Voldemort-Aspas (most powerful in the world)
Dobby-Boaster (not very good at anything, holds his team back, crys alot, kinda looks like him idk)
Draco Malfoy-Marved (narcisistic, always talking bout his daddy (FNS) )
Hagrid-Ardiis (big AF, talks funny)
Luna Lovegood-Sick (is crazy)
Sirus Black-Dawgemo (Both have that dog in them)
Peter Petigrew-Shazam (ratzam)
Remus Lupin-Ange1 (Every once in a while turns into a beast, otherwise hes shit)
Nagini the snake-Chet (Insert snake emoji)
Filch-c0m (always lurikng)
Whod I miss?
bro im wondering why the fuck they would write biden x less
just found a cryo x stellar one wtf https://archiveofourown.org/works/51319057
I have just discovered valorant esports fanfiction..wtf.
Heres the link for anyone curious LINK
Just read through a ton of them, its mostly smut between chinese players, mostly from EDG, heres the link to one thats actually a masterpiece (no gay smut dont worry)
joe biden x loud less (might be the best thing ive ever read): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50897950