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Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: September 27, 2024 at 12:09 PM
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its espically funny when you play it map 5 of the grand finals of masters

posted 3 months ago

hes not Rb

posted 3 months ago

Rb clears

posted 3 months ago

Rbs aura is so strong it still remains around DRX which will cause them to win

posted 3 months ago

if i speak...

posted 3 months ago

my flex king is so flexible he can be the best player itw and happy as hell making tons of money on any team in any region.

posted 3 months ago

they had the nerve to drop the Greatest Handsomest Best, Supreme, Top, Finest, Leading, Preeminent, Foremost, Premier, Topmost, Peak, Ultimate, Paramount, Superior, Maximum, Top-notch, Unmatched, Unsurpassed, Excellent, Outstanding, Exceptional, Prime, Eminent, Superior, Renowned, Celebrated, Distinguished, Majestic, Magnificent, Grand, Superb, Stellar, Top-tier, Chief, Apex, A1, First-rate, Blue-ribbon, First-class, Elite, Lakia player to ever touch this game: Rb

posted 3 months ago

I can already see it now, MIBR upset Lev and Shahzam has a decent game. Sen lose to NRG in a close fashion and all the sen fans take to vlr/twitter to complain about sacy and state they want him gone from the org in favor of Shahzam
Will come back to this thread when it happens and Sen fans are saying:
"At least shazham is getting kills what is sacy doing"
"Sacy is shit Shahzam will bring SEN back to their prime"

posted 3 months ago

Rb could carry the entire TEC to first place in any region

posted 3 months ago

Rb clears this listw

posted 3 months ago
  1. One
  2. Trident Gum
  3. EG Jawgemo
  4. Ryan Ngo
  5. Stubbing your toe
  6. Chili cheese fries
  7. Paris, France
  8. Michelle Obama
  9. Its All Coming Back to Me Now by Celine Dion

Honroable Mentions
The Texas State Fair
Jupiters 43rd Moon
SEN Tenz

posted 3 months ago

Rb clears this list

posted 3 months ago

Sen will dominate mid to lower teams but have some crazy upset happen to them
NRG will solidify as the 3rd best team behind 100t and sen but wont end top 3
100t will end first but will still lose to sen
EG will qual to champs in a crazy upset (potter masterclass incoming)
Lev will implode
Loud will look really good but will fail to qual
C9 will not win more than 2 games
MIBR will 1 game (furia) furia will win 0 games
G2 will not qual for playoffs
Kru will qual to champs through points

100T first seed
Sen second seed
EG third seed
Kru qual by points

posted 3 months ago

Frod will jett diff aspas so hard hell go join zeta in 2025

posted 3 months ago

Surely this org doesnt get another year right? Surely

posted 3 months ago

Nah they heard Rb is taking the split seriously and dont want to face him at champs

posted 3 months ago

I was just thinking about this but..who is better? Fns is gone, tarik is boring, sliggy runs ads for his subs, is Shanks really the best?

posted 3 months ago

erm..mitchman/tomb? whoevers partnered with vansili? ender/mimi? wyatt?

posted 3 months ago

Working as a cashier for a bit really helped me out of my shell-talking to random people all the time just ameks you more cinfident since youve seen all the stupedness that has occured

posted 3 months ago

China-TEC (they have Rb)
Korea-DRX (they had Rb)

posted 3 months ago

Everyone is saying Tenz rekavijik doesnt count or is overrated has clearly either not seen it or just a sen/tenz hater. Im not a big fan of him but he CLEARLY he had the best indivual performance oat there.

posted 3 months ago


On EG its to devolp talent, make strats, comps and antistrat
On most good teams its to just make strats and be in control of the team
On NRG its to blame your players for you not being good
On TEC its to sign the best player itw who will carry you to a champs win

posted 3 months ago


Except my glorius king Rb. Other than that RAAAAAAAAAAAA

posted 3 months ago

Where is Rb> he clears all these frauds

posted 3 months ago

on the last 2 maps. Fuck it cut him bring in logan, natanks a better duelist anyway and koldvara can play flex

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

please no- i cant take it again just put him on duelist and let him drop 50

posted 3 months ago

also imagine nivera comes back-bro would be an upgrade on any role

posted 3 months ago

Logan/Wailer (depending who performs better)-sentinel

posted 3 months ago

they have 1 good player (cloud) and 1 decent player (purpo)

this team is ass

posted 3 months ago

Rb is the Greatest Handsomest Best, Supreme, Top, Finest, Leading, Preeminent, Foremost, Premier, Topmost, Peak, Ultimate, Paramount, Superior, Maximum, Top-notch, Unmatched, Unsurpassed, Excellent, Outstanding, Exceptional, Prime, Eminent, Superior, Renowned, Celebrated, Distinguished, Majestic, Magnificent, Grand, Superb, Stellar, Top-tier, Chief, Apex, A1, First-rate, Blue-ribbon, First-class, Elite, Lakia player-no human that ive ever seen

posted 3 months ago

the goat has returned

posted 3 months ago

Rb will 26-0 them blindfoleded with both hands tied behind his back

posted 3 months ago


close second is DeyahAlAjarma but he needs more prac on the intl stage

posted 3 months ago

Where is Rb? My flex goat is the best in every region regardless of whether or not hes played in them. Hes just that good

posted 3 months ago

if mwzera treats this like a dm they will win easily

posted 3 months ago

frod will jett diff aspas and send lev back to t3

posted 3 months ago

I have the first one as the biggest as boostio said on tariks stream that he was planning to leave EG in 24 since before tokyo

posted 3 months ago

feel free to add any I missed-bound to be a lot

  1. When asked if EG will become a dynasty after their champs win Boostio responded "100%" (they did not in fact create a dynasty)
  2. In response to Tenz having 1 mediocre game at the start of Americas 2023 Sykko stated "Hes back" (he was not in fact back untill the next season where he played on a different role)
  3. Demon1 after his champs win stated "Fuck the haters, respect my fucking name, im the best player in this game" (he is in fact no where near the best player and is current;y benched as his name is disrespected)
  4. C9 came out with a video before Americas season stating that yay and vanity were dropped from the roster due to "Role issues" (this was in fact not true)
  5. When asked how NRG would handle Aspas in their game vs Lev in the 24 split 1 Demon1 responded "I will handle him" (he did not in fact handle him)

Great ones I forgot but comments got me

  1. Jinggg leaving for 2 years for the military but he never does
  2. Ardiis calls out BLG saying they will never beat them twice
posted 3 months ago

nah that was the best game are you kidding me? Watching tarik watch s0m watch fns watch shanks tweak out was top tier content

also it had bosotio show the pool video and create poolchan

posted 3 months ago

did bro get banned again? lmao

posted 3 months ago

DRX vs Optic Lower final champs 22
DRX vs FNC lowers champs 23

posted 3 months ago

you forgot these
TEC 26-0 EDG
TEC 26-0 FPX
TEC 26-0 GenG
TEC 26-0 PRX
TEC 26-0 DRX

your welcome

posted 3 months ago

demon1 is such an ass name without the aura

posted 3 months ago

saadhak raze is actually crazy
#put saadhak on raze

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Get this guy on a good team. Hes the only one shooting back

posted 3 months ago

Im convinced if everyone else on TH left and it was just Woot vs Navi he would still win 13 rounds

posted 3 months ago
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