Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 28, 2024
Last post: October 14, 2024 at 9:04 AM
Posts: 106
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The entire Navi roster, including Suygetsu.

posted 5 months ago

Where is this topic? I can't find

posted 5 months ago

His performance in stage 2 didn't convince me. Yes, it was a much better performance than in stage 1, masters and Kick Off, but the stupid moves were still there, the Sova lurker, instead of helping Aspas in the entry, was still there. As a Lev fan, you don't know how angry I was with him.

Anyway, I could be biased, and be wrong. I hope so, since C0m will continue at Lev.

posted 5 months ago

Everyone at Vlr thinks C0m is underrated. I completely disagree, he is very overrated, largely because of the great Champions he had, but people ignore the horrible year he did.

posted 5 months ago

Cauanzin diffed Leo twice in a row, at the height of the FNC. These aforementioned initiators would never do this.

I agree that it is not better than those from EMEA, but it has the potential to be. (Cauanzin 2023 was better than Trexx, and on the same level as Riens)

posted 5 months ago

I saw people saying that C0m is better than him. This is complete nonsense. Even in the Champions that C0m won, Cauanzin had stats and impact that were light years ahead.

posted 5 months ago

Haaland and Yamal will dominate this generation

posted 5 months ago

LOUD had a better year than NRG, EG and C9, they are the sixth best team in the Americas.

posted 5 months ago

Será que é o Zap ou a comissão técnica que fazem o time performar desse jeito, nesse nível de disciplina e tática? Sinto que é exatamente esse tipo de jogo que faltou pro Brasil esse ano, tirando a LOUD no kickoff.

posted 5 months ago

How he wasn't in the franchises yet?

posted 5 months ago

They are much more experienced than the rest of the teams, in addition to having trained against all tier 1 teams, so they are used to playing against all types of teams. They are not better mechanically.

posted 5 months ago

Kingg >> Tex

Tex had absurd peaks, but it was very irregular. You can see this in the stats.

posted 5 months ago

Eu acho eles realmente muito bons, porém apenas antes de chegar a hora de fechar o mapa. Depois disso eles esquecem como jogar. Tanto que eles fizeram 12x4, 8x4 e 9x3 contra M80 e AK apenas nesses playoffs, sem contar a fase de pontos.

posted 5 months ago

A Galorys é um time muito bom, mas tem um dos piores mentais que eu já vi. Bem, eu já esperava que eles perdessem.

posted 5 months ago

He's like the Brazilian Aspas

posted 5 months ago

-Zekken +Ardiss


posted 5 months ago

Save my bro Pancada this team 😭

posted 5 months ago

M80 in 2 days lost to 2 Brazilian teams in 2 different games. Could this be a sign for the result of today's game?

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Best agent is Omen

posted 5 months ago

You refute yourself. In the same Vct Americas where EG lost 13x0, they lost to the same LOUD in the Playoffs by 3x1, and then were crushed by NRG.

In short, 13x0 was fair.

posted 5 months ago

Como caralhos as nossas orgs foram tão incompetentes, a ponto de serem os 3 piores times da América, mesmo com tantos jogadores insanos no tier 2?

posted 5 months ago

Taking into account the best case scenario:
-Saadhak +Zap

Taking into account the worst case scenario:
-Less, -Cauanzin, -Saadhak
+Sillentz, +Lukxo +Zap


posted 5 months ago

It’s funny how some things in Valorant never change. Whenever someone brings up the issue of instalocking duelists, the same excuses always come up.

“If you were a better player, you wouldn’t care about that.”

“Well, instalocking is the only way to make sure the team has someone who can get kills.”

“Just chill, it’s just a game"

“I have a friend who installs all the games and we still win. Maybe the problem is with you, not him.”

And the cycle continues. The community pretends not to see the problem, Riot does nothing to balance the meta, and the instalockers continue without ever thinking about playing with a controller or a sentinel. The mess only grows and the game continues to suffer from the same toxic mentality.

posted 5 months ago

O que acharam da cadeirada do Datena em cima do Maçal?

posted 5 months ago

Sacy just opened a live stream explaining several things about his retirement, saying that it was a decision taken even before Champions, and that Aspas was the first to know.

In short, Aspas already knew that Sacy was going to retire before the Champions.

posted 5 months ago

Sacy put Brazil on the Valorant map, being crucial in the rise of LOUD and winning a Champions League. He is an example for Brazilian players, showing the potential of the region.

TenZ, with his personality and dedication, became the face of the game, winning the first Masters with Sentinels and consolidating his legacy.

In 2024, the union of Sacy and TenZ at Sentinels marked a historic moment, taking the team back to the top with victory in a Masters.

In my opinion, they are easily in the top 4 biggest players in Valorant history.

posted 5 months ago

Take Cauanzin. He is the biggest Brazilian promise, if we don't consider Aspas and Menos. And I heard he knows English.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

It is very likely that he will leave LOUD. Here in Brazil there are a lot of rumors about this.

posted 5 months ago

With Sacy likely joining Lev, and Saadhak likely joining KRU, what would be the ideal team for Less?

Honestly, he would be an upgrade for any team in the world. I don't think there's a reason to refuse him, and I heard he knows English.

posted 5 months ago

Do you agree that it is shameful that Tier 2 NA teams, which have much more investment and train every day with Tier 1 teams, have so much difficulty beating Latam/Brazil teams?

posted 5 months ago

Loud 2022 losing to FNC 2023 is crazy. LOUD 2023, which was a worse version of 2022, beat FNC regularly.

posted 5 months ago

Nobody really important is saying this. Only VLR users, platchat casters and TrembolonaRage.

posted 5 months ago

Isn't this contradictory?

"He plays for stats"
"He was never in the top 3 in stats"

posted 5 months ago

Platchat was just the trigger, it's much more complex than that. I've noticed that when people mention C0m, it's always said as if his year was good, whereas the reality is far from that. C0m has always performed very poorly in the Lev, with the Champions being the exception.

Ask any Lev fan who was the worst Leviatan player this year. If he's not crazy like some in NA, he'll definitely say C0m.

posted 5 months ago

No, it wasn't. I watched all of Lev's matches, the number of silly mistakes he made was absurd.

posted 5 months ago

an NA caster said that C0m is a hostage to Leviatan, and that he should look for a better team.

Many from VLR also suggested an exchange between Sacy and C0m, as if it were a fair exchange (it's not!)

posted 5 months ago

0.97 Kick Off
0.86 Stage 1
5th worst player at the Shanghai Masters
1.04 Stage 2 (with Leviatan losing only 1 match)

Guys, C0m had a dark year, perhaps the worst player of all the tier S teams, but I saw people saying that he is a hostage of Leviatan. It's exactly the opposite! As a Leviatan sympathizer, I was held hostage by C0m the entire year. You have no idea how much anger I went through.
Yes, his 2023 was very good, but stop denying reality! He was considered Leviatan's worst player this year, even though he played a decent Champions.

posted 5 months ago

EUA 🇺🇸 exige que o TikTok tenha capital americano sob pena de banimento: 🤩😻😍 democracia linda civilizada 🤩😻😍

Brasil 🇧🇷 exige que Twitter tenha apenas um representante legal - conforme previsto em lei - sob pena de suspensão temporária: 😡🤬😵 ditadura subdesenvolvida😡🤬😵

Inclusive, Musk cumpriu centenas de ordens de remoção de conteúdo do Twitter fora do Brasil sem acusar censura. Ordens essas que vieram de países como a Índia, China, etc.

posted 6 months ago

EDG. Reason? KangKang

posted 6 months ago

-Crashies + Less
-Victor + Derke
I'm not sure if I would go with Ethan or Crashies. Regarding the function problems, FNS would definitely make it work. And about the communication problem, Less knows English.

posted 6 months ago

Why are people using Champions statistics to say that Aspas is a baiter, when the year's statistics deny that? Yes, Aspas played like a baiter in the Champions, having a very low FK, largely due to teams avoiding him. HOWEVER, in the year 2024 itself, his FK rate is the average of most duelists, perhaps even a little above average.

posted 6 months ago

Less would be a good signing for any team in the world, as he is the most consistent Sentinel in history. People greatly underestimate Less' 2024, but if we just consider the stats, then he had a better 2024 than players like Alfajer, KangKang, Riens, etc.

posted 6 months ago

I remember when QCK humiliated KangKang, getting 11/4 in duels. Following your logic, Qck >>> KangKang?

posted 6 months ago

Less was much better than Alfajer in Champions 2023. You should also put Less on the Lock In podium.

posted 6 months ago
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