Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: July 25, 2020
Last post: November 12, 2024 at 1:00 AM
Posts: 23

What happened to Dazed?

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

I thought I saw a while ago they/he was non binary in they're/his bio, is this true or am I thinking of a different player?

posted 3 months ago

Of course, there will be exceptions of people who enjoy it, but it's incredibly boring to watch when you don't know anything about the players. None of them stream, and they all have personalities as dull as erasers.

posted 7 months ago

T2 Valorant is incredibly boring for fans. The players have no personality and tweet as if they're prime Kobe, with messages like '2-0 @EsportsTeam' with 0 spice in their tweets. Only 2-3 players have any personality. Additionally, almost all the players copy each other, copying a nonchalant persona with anime pictures and a 'too cool for school' attitude."

posted 7 months ago

I bring up the risk factor because, aside from being skilled players, it seems they aren't taking on substantial risks that would justify such high salaries.

posted 11 months ago

Do you think the salaries are too high, considering they're playing a game for a living and not really risking any injuries? Do you believe that if they cut down on salaries, esports would be more sustainable?

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

If you had no information about the current salaries of professional players, what would you expect the pay to be like? I brought this up because I heard about some of the salaries of some pro players and wondered if teams would've stayed around if the salaries were a bit lower.

posted 11 months ago

It seems that every team in GC NA is competing for second place, I'm curious to know your opinion on which team you consider to be the second-best.

posted 11 months ago

How are you having tech issues at home when you've playing on the same setup for the past month+ and tech issues are just now coming up

posted 11 months ago

If Dephh could shoot like JohnQT, do you believe the team could have achieved greater success with additional time?

posted 11 months ago

NRG fans cope here

posted 11 months ago

Do you believe that Zeta would experience more success through adding more of a consistently dominant star player in the duelist role? I don't believe that Dep is consistent enough to be in the T1 scene and not that much of a star player that zeta needs?

posted 11 months ago

I've seen a couple of their ads in Valorant YouTube videos and decided to take a look. Apparently, you can only buy it if you spend around four figures ($1000-$9999). I doubt you have to pay near the $9,999 mark, but isn't this a little too much just for reaching Immortal 1? What are yall's opinion, and if anyone has actually purchased it, could you tell us how much you spent?

posted about a year ago

What's the most in-demand role that not a lot of people play?

posted about a year ago

Considering the fact that no one on this forum could give me an actual answer and just insulted me instead of actually trying to have a discussion, I'd think y'all are the "dumb ones" for the main reason you can't come to an actual answer without insulting someone

posted about a year ago

"EG might value her the most because they think she can put together another team of 'cheap' players and still perform well." That's a good point, but with how the org is right now, do you think she herself would want to stay, not knowing if the org would even be able to stay afloat throughout the year, considering the fact that they only have a Valorant team and have released every other team they had?

posted about a year ago

So, 12 out of 14 players/coaches could find a way out of Evil Geniuses, yet Potter couldn't. Do you think that EG, in their current state, would put Potter in a contract jail? And if she did have a big buyout, close to Demon1's or anyone else on the starting EG roster, wouldn't you think a team would want to pick up a coach who was claimed as the #1 coach during 2023 and who coached a team to winning champs?

posted about a year ago

I would consider that possibility if her contract was recently updated. However, if it hasn't been updated prior her acquisition of Demon1, I highly doubt her contract would be egregious due to the lack of results prior to adding Demon1.

posted about a year ago

I've heard from 2-3 players or coaches who are friends with pros. Can you explain why you think Potter isn't getting picked up, instead of saying im doing it by attributing it to sexism? The post doesn't show any sexism just because I involved a girl.

posted about a year ago

How so, Im just wanting to know why any teams aren't picking her up? I'm not denying her of the award she won and not denying she wasn't a good coach, Im going off what I was told by people.

posted about a year ago

If Potter was the #1 coach last year, why haven't any teams picked her up, and why are there no leaks suggesting that she's potentially joining a new team? I highly doubt she'd want to stay with the organization, and her buyout can't be that high, considering Zikz went to 100T as the Head coach. I heard the main reason for EG's success was due to Zikz and Zeck, and that Potter was there for publicity. (I'm not denying Potter her award she won, and saying she is a bad coach, Im going off from what I heard by people who were close friends with "pro's", and asking for y'all's opinions on why she isn't joining a new org as head coach)

posted about a year ago