Flag: Colombia
Registered: October 16, 2021
Last post: June 23, 2024 at 8:57 PM
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Actaully, cNed's yoru is cracked and his Neon was improving, but both Neon and Yoru need team adaptation which NaVi dont have cause they change comps every match.

But i am not defending neither cNed nor Wolfen to play in VCT, i am just saying, IF Keiko is a posibility then both cNed and Wolfen are there along with the other cracked duelist we have seen.

posted about a year ago

Him too, there is just way to many crack duelist

posted about a year ago

Both Keiko and cNed play Jett only, and cNed played a good year so if it comes to those 2, cNed has the upperhand.

Wolfen was a rookie and played the season poorly, but he redeemed himself on the LCQ so he also has the upperhand.

posted about a year ago

Not playing experience but diff kinds, Kamyk said in multiple time he learn everything about being in a team in fnatic, Boaster tought him to IGL and Kamyk was even present on the strategic side of the squad.

posted about a year ago

Kamyk is likely to leave

posted about a year ago

You dont have a son so you dont trust your son, so you dont trust Johnqt, what is worng with you?

posted about a year ago

He is young, that's it, i think another good performance in ascension and he will definitely be called to the big leagues, or he can even be a 6th man right now and get the experience he needs.

posted about a year ago

RunneR, sayf, cNed, Filu, Kamo, Tomaszy, Woot, Wolfen, Scream

Those are some names than can do the same as Keiko or more.

I am not saying Keiko doesnt deserve it, but he is the riskier option

posted about a year ago

murizz being a player is a crime

posted about a year ago

Mainly Jett and he kinda shat the bed on the final (Understandable tbh, his first final at 19) Plus, there is just so many duelists in the scene.

posted about a year ago

MomBoo as an assistant coach? I can see the timeout "Alright you two, start playing together or i will disconnect thw wi-fi, don't make me go down there"

posted about a year ago

If Boo and Miniboo are like my family, the it wont be easy hahaha.

But yeah, is great having them all like in the same synergy already, it certtainly would make things easier, either way TH should provide good mental support which they havent done in the past.

Yeah, Boo will have to prove himself on his own, we'll see what happens.

posted about a year ago

I really liked Boo's IGL in OG LDN, but in that time they had Salah as coach and not Neilzinho (Which i think is not good for coaching a t1 but we'll see) but i think the role change is 100% the way to go.

I do agree the young age will be a challenge, it can either go VERY good or VERY bad, because all of the players cracked but they need the confidence to keep having that same level.

posted about a year ago

I respect your choice but one Benriltom is literally "Scream" like wtf man

posted about a year ago

He was "tough" and Heretics player were bit too sentimental. It's like sacy to Less, he is tough but nothing personal you know?

posted about a year ago

That would depend to be honest, for example F0rsaken had an individual, chaotic playstyle, Ethan was an initiator prioritizing Info and obviuslky killing as well, then someone you didnt mention RB has a controlled, utility playstyle with the other DRX players.

But in the end, we havent even seen a lot of games from them tom even makle a top.

posted about a year ago
  1. Uno es iniciador y el otro centinela/strongholder mainly, las stats no seran siempre las mismas, pero el impacto que tuvo Runi como IGL y Player en la mayoria de partidas fue mucho mas que el de NZR.

  2. Claro, si es habla hispana obvio, pero si y solo si los rumores son ciertos Runi > NZR

  3. Actualmente basado en un Bo3 no creo, ambos C9 y Lev estan en un nivel muy similar en el cual diria que tradearian matches si jugaran constantemente.

  4. Lo de la experiencia, buen en todo caso Scream tiene más experiencia que Demon1, pero es mejor meter a Demon1 o a Scream? La experiencia es buena, pero la idea no es reciclar y reciclar gente, la idea siempre es crear talento que puedan y tengan potencial para crecer.

posted about a year ago

Dale bro, tu tienes tu opinion obviamente biased acerca de NZR y Lev entonces auqnue te diga porque no o porque si vas a seguir con lo mismo.

Esperomos que salga bien entocnes.

posted about a year ago

Pues segun leaks Leviatan tiene pensado en hacerse internacional y hablar inglés, asi que siguiendo ese plan Runi es probablemente la mejor opcion.

Y bueno nzr clasifico a Furia a 2 champions por LCQ ganandole a BR y LATAM, no es que sea el merito más grande del mundo.

Ah, 0% de WR en champions con Furia.

posted about a year ago

I'm satarting to think this guys has some dirt about any Riot higher up, because i cannot think of a reason about why would Riot hasnt kicked this guy, he literally has said the most HORRIBLE takes i have ever seen and he hasnt had the job for 1 year.

posted about a year ago

Ambos tienen roles diferentes, pero sacar a Nzr para tener un buen IGL es un upgrade, no todo se basta en stats.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No he is not, there is probably 5 better players than mizu

posted about a year ago

Mazino, but because mazino used to be a flex, so has Daaveys, he is even flexin now in diff agents and in my opinion Duelist player are better flex then other roles.

So i would choose Daveeys to flex and Feniz to sentinel/viper if needed

posted about a year ago

I mean, i knew Less was by Onur and i didnt know who recommended Aspas, i said Loud to make a point, but thank you to point that out.

But yeah, the point is they need to take the risk on other less experienced players, dont keep reusing the same shit expecting something else.

posted about a year ago

Creeme que no hablo del trashtalk de partidas, yo amo el trashtalk, hablo de darker no como player.

posted about a year ago

Feniz this year agents: KJ, Cypher and Gekko.

I dont hate Feniz, for me he is suitable for the role, but he doesnt have a bigger pool than daveeys

posted about a year ago

Cry me a river

posted about a year ago

What do you guys think about the Furia pick ups being based on contact and not talent?

In my opinion, Murizz is probs the worst IGL to ever touch the game, my guys hasnt done anything besides that stint on VK in 2021.

I think BR needs good scouters, Look at Loud, they literally scouted Aspas and Less (They were on teams already) but Loud saw that potential and it worked, so BR just need more potential talents instead of washed talent and recycling the same shit over and over again.

posted about a year ago

I dunno about Dcop, but Dcop has praised Darker a lot so.

One funny Speek clip is one of those new patches where streamers get to try, there was Mixwell, Zok3er, black, etc and speekth from NYC and they were playing on latam servers, so spaniars had like 150 ping and speekth like 20.

Speekth goes and says "OMG I was firstt again (acting as if he was so good)" and Zoker call him out

posted about a year ago

at this point Flynn is saying everything haha

posted about a year ago

You know speekth? Latam's most toxic player? he is Darker's best friend and literally they are both equally toxic

posted about a year ago

Both have HUGE sentinel stats, but Daaveys has played all duelista, more Kayo, more smokers than him, the only agents feniz has played consistently more than daaveys are Gekko, Sova and viper.

posted about a year ago

Feniz doesnt have a bigger pool than daveeys

posted about a year ago

Oh please not darker, nothing against his gameplay, but i dont want a spoiled kid with a god complex and toxic in Franchise.,

posted about a year ago

He overlaps with Daveeys with the KAYO, but Kinggg can be the Raze in double duelist maps and Daveeys can be full time sentinel.

posted about a year ago

he mentioned he might take NagZ role, so he didnt hint Keznit leaving, but keznit having another role

which also sounds drunk, but less drunk than Kez leaving

posted about a year ago

But KRU roles at this moment are so good, and they need a good viper player, hence Kinggg.

Other pick up will mess roles up

posted about a year ago

Kingg should be the answer, i mean i dont think Lev will sell him, but we can just imagine the kind of roster we can have with Kingg

posted about a year ago

He is not fine, he needs to get the hell out of that hellhole.

posted about a year ago

Yeah man he is so fucking bad, his igl sucks, he grow hands 1 out of 5 matches and he has like a big ego i heard.

posted about a year ago

BR trying not to recycle the worst IGL to ever touch the game (Difficult: Impossible)

posted about a year ago

Considering OpTic was denied and they have a bad rep with riot, not likely

posted about a year ago

can i join? I'll birng the empanadas

posted about a year ago

Furia wants to sign Panccc but California Law states that an under 18 years old cannot consent to sexual activity and thus anyone having sexual activities with a minor can be charged.

Neymar is now in talks with California's governor to see what they can do so Panccc can be as comfortable as he wants to. I'll keep you updated

posted about a year ago

Top 4 teams as in NaVi, Giants, Fut and Fnatic?

If that's the case, i would argue Rhyme CAN be changed, not that it should, but i think it would be an IGL upgrade, dont know about vibes and that.

posted about a year ago

I never said it wasnt, what i said doesnt change with your statement.

Also, the orginal 10 orgs have a 4 year slot, after that riot can decide wheter they are ot not worth it

posted about a year ago

Riot can AWARD the slot, Riot will always own the slot, there is no such thing as selling or buying the slot

posted about a year ago

Dereyon and Sscary are not Rookies

posted about a year ago

Jay's legal procces was longer that his valorant era

posted about a year ago
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