Flag: United States
Registered: August 4, 2022
Last post: August 9, 2023 at 10:50 PM
Posts: 46

Bro Boostio had a demon map on lotus in Masters Tokyo. I think he dropped like 20+ kills.

posted about a year ago

Yoru about to become Chamber 2.0

posted about a year ago

No, EG can win if DEMON1 can put on a master class on jett then they have like a 30-40% chance if winning

posted about a year ago

🤨you are a one team region all I have to know. Stop with your delusional mind.

posted about a year ago

Then they will 100% be the best team in history to win a international trophy because all the teams in this Masters are either in their peak performance (PRX, NRG, LIQUID, FANATIC) or have a lot of momentum to beat anyone (EG, EDG, DRX, LOUD)!

posted about a year ago

HUH!?!!? Demon1 is NA what you talking about EU?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

What do you mean he is cracked he dropped over 1 KD on a dead agent

posted about a year ago

You can’t put three players in one rank

posted about a year ago

Why do Russian people have the best duelists

posted about a year ago

VICTOR HAS BEEN BOTTOM FRAGGING or not doing good since YAY has left the core, yay was misrounding calls during OPTIC and that led to Victors success right now NRG need yay, get yay on NRG, drop that fruadiss.

posted about a year ago

Prime Yay had everyone on their toes everyone was scared of him!

posted about a year ago

EG beat them in a more important match so it’s not 1-1 it’s 1.5 EG - 1 NRG

posted about a year ago

SAD by xxxtentacion is the best song made.
Put your favorites down below on this comment, I want to know so I can add songs to my playlists.

posted about a year ago

Oh now I get it thanks

posted about a year ago

But if 100T win EG qualifies since they have the h2h against leviatan and Sen?

posted about a year ago

How? If leviatan loses to loud eg qualifies and they have the h2h and if 100T does win against mibr they would be 5-4 and qualified to playoffs, Eg won’t be affect because they have the h2h against leviatan and will qualify as 6th seed…?

posted about a year ago

Ye I just saw that I messed up it’s sad though so close

posted about a year ago

We can see SENTINELS in playoffs if 100T beat mibr, Loud beats Leviatan, EG beats NRG, and Sentinels beat Furia in which 100T would be 5-4 guaranteeing playoffs, EG being 5-4 guaranteeing playoffs, sentinels being 4-5 and going to playoffs because they have h2h against leviatan and furia if they beat let’s go we see 5 NA teams and 1 be team

posted about a year ago
  1. NRG
  2. C9
  3. SEN
  4. EG
  5. The Guard
posted about 2 years ago

Na slots = 5
Eu slots = 10
You dick rided Roit to give you 5 extra slots, eu is a fraud region

posted about 2 years ago

You can’t even type properly, stop studering when typing dude you now yay is number for a reason.

posted about 2 years ago

Goddam they only got to beat one EMEA team before they disbanded, Sadge , never will forget the OPTIC ERA 2022 that happened and will never be repeated ever in valorant history.

posted about 2 years ago

You also can’t put crashies because victor and crashies are both duo so you gotta by both of them Tia vitally have them on the team

posted about 2 years ago

Don’t matter optic is consistent loud is unbeatable sometimes they both are really good team and I would say their both the same even after champs win

posted about 2 years ago

Do you not know what preparations are OPTIC just tried their best in the tourney and were the most prepared one, you crazy if you think it’s luck, if you got a problem talk to riot if the Masters 1 was scripted or fluked. Delusional Fan who doesn’t touch grass and is probability depressed.

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly ngl if OPTIC gets transferred to TSM, TSM should just pick up yay and Chet and than nats, chronicle, and redger as an igl and that would litterly be a super team, their would be NA diff and EMEA diff since all these players have LCQ and LAN experiance.

Forgot one more player umm let’s see maybe pick up marved ig or zekkan

posted about 2 years ago

Where though the source don’t know where to find.

posted about 2 years ago

But they brought 2 maps to OT and pushed the shit out of LOUD to win

posted about 2 years ago

No not really I guess you get a better trophy and also the prize pool is bigger
600k to 1 mill

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


  1. Ace on Ropes by Crashies
  2. Losing twice in losers bracket
    These two things ain’t never happening ever in Lan events unless teams are brain dead.
posted about 2 years ago

Wait their disbanding?

posted about 2 years ago

Just now that all your EASILY UPSET teams are in lower bracket and all our NA teams are in upper bracket.

posted about 2 years ago

In Copenhagen it was basically everyone battle yay and forget their whole team because FPX and PRX bested everyone on their team except yay and that’s how they won ig…..??!

posted about 2 years ago

Optic cause they can’t beat a emea team and this event is the one time they do :))))(:::(

posted about 2 years ago

Yesterday i went to the supermarket and met this woman while buying meat, she said she was 47 but looked like 30 at most.
She was asking if i knew how to cook etc, i said yes and we started talking until we both left the market and she asked for my number, today she picked me up at my house and it happened.
Im in love with a milf
She also play games on switch like animal crossing and stardew valley

posted about 2 years ago

Only if Tarik streams which he hasn’t in two days. Sadge

posted about 2 years ago

What if FPX lose to KRU and all Fnatic lose 100T doesn’t that mean that all emea teams won’t even have a chance in the champions
That’s sad though really wanted to see an emea team take home a trophy especially Fnatic

posted about 2 years ago

Cause he’s a former csgo pro and theirs a lot of csgo pros and he also plays for Cloud9

posted about 2 years ago

Dont believe in 100T beating Cloud9 watch it happen fucking 1000% sure 100T beats Cloud9

posted about 2 years ago

I think it’s safe to say APAC is a far superior region. There is just such a mentality difference between the two regions. Teams from APAC want to win, while teams from EU(FLUKEFUN ESPORTS, TEAM LQUID) just don’t want it as much. it really shows in the way they perform. APAC is far more disciplined, practicing long hours of the day while EU would rather stream. Next lan, I’m not sure EU should get any spots tbf.

posted about 2 years ago

Don’t talk about that super whiff on breeze by Niveras kekw

posted about 2 years ago

Watch the guard go back to their prime time and destroy emea and apac and win champions and become the best team ever than cokes sentinels.

posted about 2 years ago

Lol only 3 fans

posted about 2 years ago