Flag: Netherlands
Registered: February 23, 2023
Last post: November 4, 2024 at 10:15 AM
Posts: 43

yeah i do think that john wanted to play init himself because as an igl he wants to be with the team more

posted 4 months ago

i think that johnqt and n4rrate should swap roles because john ain't used to being a initiator and it's obvious because he plays it as if he's a senti and with n4rrate its the opposite.
they can try and stick with it and practice in the off season but I think it would be better and would save time if they just swapped

posted 4 months ago

Zellsis and johnqt have a contract until 2025 and it pretty obvious that johnqt is close to a 100% of staying and zellsis does a lot of the mid-rounding and is a kind of player that every team needs (someone who knows when to get hyped or serious) so yeah those are my thoughts

posted 6 months ago

sacy might retire so then they're forced to make a change

posted 6 months ago

i think sen will stick with the same roster if sacy doesn't retire but if he does i think they'll pick up someone like verno

posted 6 months ago

There is a chance that sen have prepared an ascent on the days off so if heretics float it i could see sen picking it but i can see the rest happening

posted 7 months ago

sen floated ascent and banned haven against fnatic cause haven is a way better map for fnatic than ascent and because heretics perma ban ascent i think sen will float it again cause heretics have maps where they are way better at that are worth banning more than ascent which heretics will probably ban

posted 7 months ago

sen still havent shown their abyss and they can still anti heretics abyss so I do think they will float abyss and ban bind cause heretics can anti them on bind while on abyss they have to adapt mid game which is harder

posted 7 months ago

lil yap session included without bias

SEN ban Bind
TH ban Ascent
SEN pick Haven
TH pick Sunset
SEN ban Icebox
TH ban Abyss
Decider Lotus

I think that this map veto is really hard to predict cause both teams are on a upswing in champs and sen their map pool has changed a little (icebox isnt their perma ban anymore for example) while heretics have changed some of their comps from neon to raze. I do think there is a chance sen dont ban bind first but it does look like a map where heretics is way better at. I could see sen ban sunset instead cause they cant win more than 4 defensive rounds to safe their life. but i do think that this is the map veto that would be the best for both teams and the map veto that is most likely to happen.
I do think the match can be close or be one sided but I think we will have a similar match like they had in masters madrid but i think that heretics will win this time with a 2-1.

posted 7 months ago

I could see DRX float icebox because termi could think that they can anti SEN easily mid-game because SEN doesn't have a deep playbook on icebox

posted 7 months ago

SEN ban Ascent
DRX ban Lotus
SEN pick Sunset
DRX pick Abyss
SEN ban Haven
DRX ban Bind
Decider Icebox

if sen's sunset is still good and they manage to correctly anti abyss and have a good abyss themselves i could see a sen 2-0 but it'll prob be a close 2-1 that can go either way

posted 7 months ago

yeah sen aint beating drx on haven and sen will probably pick sunset

posted 7 months ago

oxg is closing operations

posted 7 months ago

trace is amazing on ascent and are good on bind but kinda mid on the rest of the maps and sen will probably ban ascent so sen will probably win but biank is a thing so anything can happen

posted 7 months ago

Imagine fnatic win champs will they still go back to leo or stick with hiro?
I think they should stick with hiro if they win but im no coach.

posted 7 months ago

He did announce that champs 2025 will start in october so there could be lcq or stage 3 in between but I think he just did it for the esport world cup

posted 7 months ago

they fell off because meiy is the only one shooting back (he still is) but they did look good against rrq

posted 9 months ago

rrq looked shaky in the game against dfm thats why they put talon above them

posted 9 months ago

Since the americas start a week later will they still have split and breeze in the map pool just like pacific and emea or will they have haven in the map pool from week 1 already?

posted 9 months ago

i mean furia and mibr are ass and loud we dont know because of the roster change

posted 9 months ago

they should pull through otherwise everyone will be saying their kickoff+master run was an fluke (even more than people do now)

posted 9 months ago
  1. 100T (they didn't make it far in shanghai but they did beat g2 when they played against each other)
  2. G2 (made it the furthest in shanghai but are worse than 100t imo)
  3. SEN (i believe in kaplan and drewspark to come up with new strats with the time off that they had and kinda show the same form as in kickoff)
  4. LOUD (pancada is back and tuyz on duelist again)
  5. NRG (i think fns and som will help but the lack of fire power will hurt them)
  6. LEV (they didn't look good at madrid and i think that they will fold + aspas had visa problems)
  7. KRU (i don't think that they're bad the rest just got way better)
  8. EG (i think they'll look promising but will still be lack luster)
  9. C9 (its just oxy + friends and he can't carry them to a win every week)
  10. Furia (its furia.)
  11. MIBR (they don't even have a complete team or something like that)
posted 9 months ago

they say its because of "financial reasons"

posted 10 months ago
  1. LEV
  2. KRU
  3. 100T
  4. EG
  5. LOUD
  6. SEN
  7. C9
  8. NRG
  9. MIBR
  10. FURIA
posted 10 months ago

Zellsis or Sacy but i think zellsis because english isnt sacy's first language so i dont think he'll be that comfortable igling in english (this was also the reason why marved was igling in 2023 instead of sacy)

posted 11 months ago

tenz said that johnqt has visa issues and that they will either play with 0 practise or with curry. i think that they will play with curry but i dont know if they would beat 100t with curry

posted 11 months ago

i feel sad for bro

posted 11 months ago

i get your point but icebox is prx perm ban and they look good on split and lotus

posted 11 months ago

sen higher seed wil probably choose team a

SEN bans Breeze
PRX bans Icebox
SEN picks Split
PRX picks Ascent
SEN picks Lotus
PRX picks Sunset
Decider Bind

posted 11 months ago

its close but it depends a lot on the veto but i think sen 2-1 but it can go either way

posted about a year ago

he deff earns more on sen bench than c9 will offer so he will probably just stay

posted about a year ago

It's a swiss format so no groups

posted about a year ago

D1 hater bro

posted about a year ago

So eg gets a bye?

posted about a year ago

i legit said im leaning towards sen because of the igl and stuff

posted about a year ago



T1 (I don't think the roster changes will work out for drx and they will suffer in the beginning of the season)

Trace esports?

posted about a year ago

i think he meant zellsis or somthing

posted about a year ago

Okobotro 🗿

posted about a year ago

i am not hating on him but he is the only one switching roles and if it doesn't work out sen could have the same results as last year

posted about a year ago

i think that if tenz isn't good in his new role as flex the entire season can go downhill for sentinels

posted about a year ago


(Valyn can play smokes and pANcada can play sentinel or they can switch it)

posted about a year ago