Flag: India
Registered: June 15, 2022
Last post: May 11, 2024 at 10:32 PM
Posts: 1

Hey folks, let's talk G2 and their potential for a title win in 2025. The core of Leaf, Trent, and Valyn is just too good to ignore. But there's talk of dropping Icy and maybe JonahP. If they make some solid pickups, the chances skyrocket.

Imagine if G2 snagged Verno and Mada? That could potentially make them the greatest team of all time. One event win would almost be guaranteed.

From a strategy perspective, if they build that roster, success seems inevitable. They could easily win one event or secure multiple top 4 finishes. However, there's a twist. The org might have to exit franchising after such success. But here's the kicker - the value of the players would skyrocket, making them prime for selling.

As unlikely as it sounds, this success could pave the way for G2 to make a case to stay in franchising permanently. Thoughts?

posted 9 months ago