They honestly have never failed in picking up good players every time
Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | February 13, 2024 |
Last post: | March 12, 2025 at 1:05 PM |
Posts: | 3014 |
They honestly have never failed in picking up good players every time
Nah boaster might redeem himself with how he's shooting recently if he keeps up the form he had vs vitality he's worth keeping
They attempted to rebuild around nAts and jamppi already there's a good chance they'll get benched in my opinion even though they don't deserve it
nAts and friends aren't going to do much unfortunately even if they make playoffs
Must win for both of them tbh whoever wins is most likely to make playoffs out of the 2 and the other relies on other stats who do you guys have winning
(This assumes they beat bbl/liquid respectively)
Usually I think it would be cool but after map 1 I'm not so sure
He needed the nerfs and the only reason people disagreed was because iso mains are so shit at the game they can't make the broken character actually look good it's crazy
Seems to be him due to performance and the Premier team they're on
What are your favourites Iike prelude araxys and champs personally
All the others are so shit you might as well play omen all the time
No need to predict EDG they are already in
Yeah but not fragging much is far better than being ass and when one of the better fraggers had a bad day he would often frag out in their place so it was fine
I honestly think yay on viper wasn't that bad of an idea it just needs more work
Leave him to play a role he has never played and you get this (it was usually stax's main role so he had no reason to)
Please never call them cp again and it's either sen or 100t
They have played so well this year they are by default qualified to champs due to having way more points than everyone else and I think that's crazy
For some reason if you win the last round of a half light shields carry over onto the pistol round at the start of the next half it's so funny
They have to be a good igl unfortunately
Nah they're making it off points in my opinion anyway can everyone throw in playoffs so navi doesn't fall apart for no reason :)
I just watched my brother spectate his team 3 people were alive and no one defused despite everyone being dead it's ridiculous
I agree mechanics aren't there and everyone runs it down with triple duelists
I kinda don't get it I thought benkai was a sentinel why did he swap with Blaze king?
Put him back on sentinel/viper and maybe he will (he's literally throwing his chances to play if he keeps being persistent on duelists)
How to keep it at head level I feel like it's always around the neck when I shoot so it's hard to get kills
Yeah but I was like the 2nd game so i thought it might have been removed or something because of a bug like split did for a bit before it came back
I played for 10 hours yesterday and only played haven once am I just ridiculously unlucky
Anyone in EU willing to play in a 5 stack (I'm ass at the game though but can fill)
What in the wacky ascent comp is this and which is it working for them
Yeah that would make sense I thought since regular smokes weren't that great in a lot of places viper would be alright on her own but I think 2 controllers would be better
Do you think it's doable or am I onto nothing?
Hot take of mine but the only map that's truly bad is breeze everything else is kind of a skill issue to an extent
Yeah it is but I had my period of excitement a while ago now I'm more used to it than excited because I've expected for him to be on loud for so long
literally who was surprised by this it's almost as obvious as fns and s0m 💀
It's val though so it's different
Yeah but hopefully it'll still get nerfed like clove did since there's no way he doesn't have a high win rate with a literal shield that tanks an infinite amount of dmg
For the people talking about how lock in was easy to win the top 8 was actually pretty good and the top 4 were all good teams too
Isn't it like 3am for u so no one is online or are people usually on this late in na
Why yoru I don't see what everyone else sees in using him over raze/neon especially on his own
If u watch footage from all the content creators who got access to the console beta you can see they are on the new patch and raze's movement was barely nerfed so I think raze is staying in the meta
It's the na brain it can't comprehend anything
It's fun to play but it feels like randoms are incredibly awful it's crazy so try at your own risk
No shit you ain't winning shit if u don't have a good coach/chemistry I thought that was obvious
People are talking about how people wouldn't want to watch a bo7 but imagine playing in one