Flag: Indonesia
Registered: February 26, 2022
Last post: July 8, 2023 at 10:19 AM
Posts: 28

Ah yes the hypocrisy. So because singapore are "cheated" which i kinda agree that the results are f' up, they can for sure saying shit about banning indonesia teams just because of this one drama? How naive lol

Keep being the whiteknight bro

posted about a year ago

Yes you are right my guy indo peak viewership is 26k in split 1. But this seagames indo reach the new peak viewership which is 40k.

Well if we also look up the population, indonesia active casual user will also be high tho right? Don't know the exact number but valorant are really growing users here in indo. So all this bullshit about indonesia banned are such naive things.

Why you guys can say about indo being banned but i can't say shit about how stupid it is

posted about a year ago

I'm sorry if only this kind of banter make you sad:(

Not even saying anything about supporting the official results lol

Just wanted to comment on the thread topics which is really stupid. So i can't tell anything? Okay then

posted about a year ago

Wtf are you on bro? Not even saying anything harmful there. Its all the facts that riot won't care about this drama at all as long it' still profitable for them.

You think with indo active user they will dare to ban indo orgs from tournament? Why so naive lol

posted about a year ago

I'm not even hating on singapore tho?
I'm just telling facts

you think that riot will ban indonesia valorant scenes just because the higher up of indonesia f' up? When currently biggest viewership of SEA scenes are from thailand and indonesia.

posted about a year ago

Besides bleed & todak in my/sg scenes, your own country org does not even wanted to invest there and choose to participate in ML boys

posted about a year ago

Yea sure ban indo as a whole in valorant sea vct scene.

You think riot would hear your rant? Besides thailand, SEA viewership currently are non-existant. Even in this seagames indo peak viewerships are reaching 40k concurrent viewer, you think riot would care more about my/sg scene with its puny 1k viewership??

posted about a year ago

Nah any bug used in the game deserved punishment depending on the rule book. Reflecting on bleed vs boom game also even when the bug not really affecting the round but they still need to rollback all the round even when its already 7 vs 1.

posted about a year ago

Yea just like your idol with the pants excuse LOL

posted about a year ago

Cypher camera bug abuse. Seems like on round 9 from indo official ig story

posted about a year ago

Maybe they will throw it once more

posted about 2 years ago

Lets just rollback to bleed vs xerxia in lcq guys!!!

posted about 2 years ago

seems like from boom CEO tweets RRQ actually still not signed any buyouts contracts with boom HAHAHA. understandable with how bad their PR is

posted about 2 years ago

Ngl, i'd rather support GE with how commit they are to vlr scenes than this argh argh q

posted about 2 years ago

So sorry for the players, but in current situation thats the fact right? Like on the last seasons rrq ph cannot be competitive at all in apac scene

We won't dare to say it to ex secret or xerxia for example

posted about 2 years ago

Without disrespecting the ph players, i think the only possible reasons why this RRQ does not picking up other tier 1 players is because they need to pay the buyouts for those players and maybe much higher demand for salary too. Idk honestly

posted about 2 years ago

Yup btr is also a quite rich org by sea standards. There's also other indonesian org such as onic or boom with supposedly stable financial.

But by no means this rrq have such a big clouts from their mobile legends roster and also rrq owners is also the owners of 1up that broadcasting indonesia valorant scenes. maybe thats why riot choose them as franchise team.

posted about 2 years ago

Gatau, perasaan kebanyakan pada kesel sama management rrq nya yang sejauh ini sungguh whyyyy

without disrespecting ph player nya ya, kalo emang gamau kebakaran kayak gini kenapa ga player indo nya aja dulu di announce (itu juga kalau ada) biar ga kasian player ph nya di blame.

Stupid PR by this argh argh q

posted about 2 years ago

Imagine while other teams trying their best given the opportunity even GE with hiring ayrin. Meanwhile there's this argh argh q doing bare minimum and also try to give predatory contracts as reported. Indonesian vlr comm respond is justified

posted about 2 years ago

Its okay for argh argh q i think, at least they got franchising money to fund their mobile legends team. Thank you RIOT

posted about 2 years ago

Riot only care about those mobile clouts anyway. Dont think indonesian viewers will stick to support argh argh q

posted about 2 years ago

RRQ. Riot wanted those mobile clout but shame on this management KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

What you expect from stingy mobile orgs

posted about 2 years ago

delusional skrossi fans no wonder LUL

posted about 2 years ago

I'm in playoff bro!! 🤡

Cannot even beat his lil brother LUL

posted about 3 years ago